View Full Version : RAFIG Process

June 13th, 2010, 12:32 PM
About to work on RAFIG process. The only thread or tutorial appears to be back from 2007. Since there have been many software updates since that thread do you need to use certain PIDS in conjunction to allow the RAFIG PID to work? Is there a specific list of PIDS, or can you log a default PID list and just add RAFIG by itself?

June 13th, 2010, 01:19 PM
I guess you could go 'crazy' and just log all the IDLE IAC Airflow PIDS you want..but what was sound advice back in 2007 (RAFIG) is still good advice to this date.

If you look back at some of SSpdDmon's threads, he did his RAFIG right at the same temperatures as noted in Table B4307. I.E., he does not average the entire ECT range, but gets the actual RAFIG for each ECT Temp.

The only thing to remember about RAFIG is that it all relates to your actual fueling (closed-loop) at Idle. So, if you have +/- 0 Trims at Idle, your RAFIG should be perfect. As long as you remember that relationship, RAFIG works best when your MAF and VE airflow modeling are in perfect unison (hence fueling).

Look through some of SSpdDmon's threads. He was (is) the best on Idle Tuning. I followed his Tutorial to the letter. No need to re-write all his points. If you really get stuck, let us know.

Good luck..

June 13th, 2010, 01:54 PM
http://forum.efilive.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by FreddyG
Thank You SSpdDmon! I'll try that! :cheers:

What pid's should I log for the RAFIG and RAFPN besides these:


The more I thought about your question, the more I realized that selecting other IAC Pids would serve no purpose. Your car in at IDLE, so only these are needed.

Obviously, ECT is need (see entire RAFIG thread). For educational purposes I usually log CYLAIR.DMA and DYNCYLAIR.DMA, and SAE MAF (g/s). It is very interesting to see how they all interact with Idle Trims..

June 15th, 2010, 03:26 AM
Hey thanks, I knew the the thread was still good from 07, was mainly concerned about correct PIDs, but it seemed with the older software you had to open certain PIDS first, where it seems with the current software you can just select. I have followed SSpdDmons idle thread to a "T" and the car has improved a lot, but still needs work. I'll unfortunately be out of town this weekend, but hopefully will get into this process in the next two weeks. Once this is done I bet it will be worked out.

In the meantime, one question maybe someone can answer, a few thrieads I've read up on DAF, people have stated that warm DAF should be around 7-7.4, how can that be? With everyone having different combinations, T/B's, hole or no hole, I'm assuming this can't be a constant # for every combo? I would think the only thing you could target was warm IAC counts, but in no way could you achieve a specific # in a DAF table at a certain temp...that would defeat the whole purpose of determining the DAF for your own setup wouldn't it?

June 15th, 2010, 03:58 AM
As far as warn DAF and the 7-7.4 g/s 'rule'. That is more of an anecdotal observation from tuners. It will be different for various vehicles, etc. Also, with camming it is not always easy to dial in a perfect RAFIG. Usually it is easier to have a little extra DAF than not enough. Otherwise a cammed car just stalls.

I have not used the IAC Counts that much. It could be a good way to go, but I lack the experience on that technique. Perhaps someone else can comment if they have had success going that route.

Good luck..

June 15th, 2010, 05:51 AM
Thanks again. Just to clarify I don't plan on tuning DAF by IAC counts either...Once I get the chance to due the RAFIG I'll report back. In poking around I think I just learned about about timing on decel which I'll also have to play with.

I appreciate all you guys on this site, without it the tool and software would useless. Anytime I find something of use it's printed and put in a 3 ring binder with a tab for future reference.