View Full Version : As seen in GMHTP Magazine - Another CSI class opened up

June 15th, 2010, 02:11 PM
Some of you may have seen the recent article in GM High Tech about my classes. To say that my day job's schedule has been hectic is a complete understatement. I'm working on an exceptionally high profile project with just a little emphasis on my particular area of calibration responsibility, so it's been difficult to stay on top of putting together a lot of class dates.

The good news is that I've set another date for my "Basic" course (Secrets of EFI Calibration (http://www.calibratedsuccess.com/Basic.htm)) at Redline Motorsports in Schenectady, NY (http://www.redline-motorsports.net/#). It will be on September 25-26, running my usual weekend schedule. Howard has a great facility and the demo vehicles are always top notch. You won't be disappointed. To register, just email me directly with your contact info and I'll get you added to the list. As usual, I'm limiting the class size on this one to make sure everyone gets their money's worth.

I also have some openings available for the Advanced GM class (http://www.calibratedsuccess.com/GM%20Advanced.htm) in Detroit (July 17-18) and Orlando (Sept 18-19) for those of you looking to cash in on the $250 credit from the DVD purchase.

September 12th, 2010, 11:20 AM
Hey guys, just a quick reminder that these two classes are coming up. I still have slots available in both the Advanced (Orlando) and Basic (Albany) courses.