View Full Version : 02 sensor voltage difference bank to bank...new sensors installed on both sides????

June 16th, 2010, 04:58 AM
First of all I have not crossed the sensors from side to side. I also bought 2 brand new ac delco sensors and installed them. I have the rear 02s turned off. What I am trying to figure out is in the scanner one of the sensors on the passenger side always seems to be high and the other bank low. I have checked with starting fluid and found no intake leaks. I also just replaced all of the plugs and wires gapped correctly. Here is a log....any ideas of what is going on?

June 16th, 2010, 07:35 AM
Check for leaks in the exhaust headers.

Some things that can be tried:
- swapping O2 sensors across banks,
- swapping injectors across banks.

Do you have two widebands...? If so then you could see measured lambda on each bank.

If you enable CL/LTFT you could see how different the banks are.

June 16th, 2010, 09:11 AM
I swapped bank to bank and it stays the same with the same side being lean and the other rich. I looked around and found some stuff about the heaters not working will cause an issue like this. I am going to check grounds and a ground splice connector as well as pins that may be bent. Hopefully I will find something.

June 16th, 2010, 09:40 AM
+1 on the exhaust leaks or swapping banks between injectors.
Also I have seen o2 sensors not switching properly if the tune is out.