View Full Version : SEMI open Loop Auto VE Problems!

June 22nd, 2010, 07:54 AM
OK I have COS5 instaleed, but this is not a COS problem as it did it before I went to COS5. I have done my auto VE and the car runs at 14.68 all through the throttle range until WOT. I want to enable the O2's and STFT to correct for when it gets hot here. So after running the AUTo ve and the AFR being near perfect I enable the o2's and STFT and the car imeadiatly runs all over the MAP at 14.4. I mean perfect 14.4!! Where the heck is it getting this number? I dont even have a 14.4 in my OL Commanded fuel table. So for kicks I changes the Commanded fuel to 14.98 since I was .3 off and started it up again. Same thing, showed the correction on the Auto VE map and everything still at 14.4 Anyone have any thoughts? why the heck would the STFT run 14.4 when turned on??

June 22nd, 2010, 10:19 AM
Post your files.

I hope you are commanding richer than that at load/WOT... :shock:

June 22nd, 2010, 11:25 PM
Yes I am, I am set to 12.9