View Full Version : Is THIS required equired to edit files?

January 15th, 2005, 01:28 AM
I received the flashscan package Thursday and have only had a chance
to load it and play around with it, not yet on the vehicle.

I also downloaded some .tun files to practice etc. a bit. I noticed that
after the software recognizes the flashscan interface, editing or even viewing all file parameters is only possible if the cable remains connected.
Is this required? This would be a bit awkward since I expect to donwload
my PCM file and, then edit it off-line. But do I need to drag the interface cable along?



Steve Bryant
January 15th, 2005, 04:29 AM
The answer to your question is no, you don't need to leave the FlashScan interface connected to view and edit files. As I recall, once you have hooked the laptop up to a vehicle, entered and saved the registration information on the Scan Tool software under Help/Register EFILive where you enter the FlashScan serial number and your key sequence you will be good to go for the Scan Tool and the Tune Tool thereafter. You may also need to log some scanned data and saved it once, but I'm not sure about that.

Give it a try and let me know if that works. I vaguely remember having this same issue a while back during the beta test.

All my best,


January 15th, 2005, 08:13 AM

thanks for the reply. I tried your suggestion, entered the registration
info etc., hooked it all up to the car, logged a bit and saved that file.
As long as the flashscan cable is plugged into the PC (does not need to
be in the car) I can read all data of the .tun files. If I start up
the software (either via scan or tune) I can only see a few
parameters. When I click on the others a message window opens
saying that I need to purchase the flashscan interface ad that I am using the demo version of flashscan.


January 15th, 2005, 09:00 AM
Steve is correct, you MUST register your FlashScan cable if you want to use the software without the cable plugged in.

Enter your V7 license details using the Scan Tool menu option Help->Register EFILive.

The serial number MUST have 12 digits and MUST match the serial number reported in the Scan Tool's Help->About window after you have connected .
The issue date MUST be correct.
The Name and Contact fields MUST be left blank if they are not specified on your blue License Registration Card.
The key MUST be correct.
After you enter the license details, for security reasons EFILive does not display any success or fail messages.

Once you have entered the information, close the window, then close the Scan Tool. Then re-open the Tuning Tool without the cable connected and you should be able to see all calibrations.

The only way you can tell if your registration has been entered correctly is to open the Tuning Tool software to see if it is in "demo mode" or not.

The part about connecting to a vehicle is for validating PIDs which is not required for the Tuning Tool.


January 15th, 2005, 10:20 AM

thanks for the clarification. I had added my name in the
registration field assuming that this was a common registration.
It works now after leaving it blank.

