View Full Version : Ok Here is my first Log, what do you see and any recommendations?

June 24th, 2010, 02:05 PM
First off, thank you for every ones help. I have come to realize there is nothing wrong with asking for help when trying to learn something. I apologize for my "newness" the the tuning world, but we all have to start at some point. I just received my EFI Live a few days ago, and I have been browsing the tutorials and what have you. So I decided to follow the scan tool tutorial and Log for the first time.

So this is a WOT pull with my 2004 Z06. Only mods are CAI, Mufflers and TB bypass.


For someone who is just getting their feet wet, please make some recommendations. I appreciate it.

June 24th, 2010, 02:38 PM
I'm glad you posted... no need to apologize (everyone is new at one time or other)... :)

I'm running late at the moment, but I linked this in my todo's so I'll look alter tonite... in the meantime I'm sure others will take a look and give you comments/hints.

June 24th, 2010, 03:28 PM

Generally looks good. You have a pretty fast car, judging by your VSS's (mph).

A few notes:
1. Looks like you are running Closed-Loop, MAF-enabled?
2. No KR noted.
3. Your LTFT Trims are high. Thats normal with a cold air intake, but will need adjusting.
4. Your Narrowband O2 mv look good.
5. Spark Advance looks good.
6. You are getting close to maxing out your injectors. That may get 'better' as you get rid of those +LTFT's, disable COTP fueling, lean out PE etc..
7. Whats your Rev limiter set at? I like the 6801 Rpm's !

Overall, not getting KR and having good acceleration is a plus. You are a good candidate for WeathermanShawn's Tuning Tutorial ( I don't get paid for this..:grin:..)...http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/PDF/Calc.VE Tuning Tutorial.pdf (http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/PDF/Calc.VE%20Tuning%20Tutorial.pdf)

You have a nice ride. A wideband, some fueling adjustments..you are on your way..

June 24th, 2010, 05:50 PM
Hey thanks! I have a wideband, I just haven't installed it. Actually I am a bit confused on the wideband, my goal is to tune other peoples/customers cars as well, so I was wondering if I could just use the primary 02 sensor location for the WB and just remove the WB when I am done?

It is running CL with MAF enabled because I haven't touched anything yet. I just wanted to attempt to Log and be successful at that. Woot! Step one is done. Ha

No knock retard noted, is that good?

LTFT being high, what is the norm? What are some ways to adjust and what is safe?

Any idea what size the stock injectors are? Would there be any reason to replace them?

Rev Limit on the Z06 is 7k I believe.

Lookin forward to WeathermanShawn's Tutorial. I'm done with the scan tool tutorial, but I'm not sure if I am ready to make any adjustments yet. I think I will go through the tune tool tutorial next.

Thanks for your reply!

June 24th, 2010, 06:15 PM
Hey thanks! I have a wideband, I just haven't installed it. Actually I am a bit confused on the wideband, my goal is to tune other peoples/customers cars as well, so I was wondering if I could just use the primary 02 sensor location for the WB and just remove the WB when I am done?

I think others have done that. On my car I use both banks for tuning, but my wideband bung (header location) is very close to the narrowband.

It is running CL with MAF enabled because I haven't touched anything yet. I just wanted to attempt to Log and be successful at that. Woot! Step one is done. Ha

Good job!

No knock retard noted, is that good?

YES!!! Keep it that way..:)

LTFT being high, what is the norm? What are some ways to adjust and what is safe?

Normally, you want them close to zero or slightly negative. In my Tutorial I cover a lot of that. If you are keeping MAF, he easiest way is to 'calibrate' the MAF Calibration Table in your tune. Positive Fuel Trims add excess fuel at WOT or when engaging PE.

Any idea what size the stock injectors are? Would there be any reason to replace them?

I think the ZO6 were ~30lb'ers. Probably no need to replace. You hit 6800 Rpm, and still had room. With some additional tuning, you should be fine.

Rev Limit on the Z06 is 7k I believe.


Lookin forward to WeathermanShawn's Tutorial. I'm done with the scan tool tutorial, but I'm not sure if I am ready to make any adjustments yet. I think I will go through the tune tool tutorial next.

Thats a good step. When you are ready to do some adjusting, just post your tune and another log. I like to think you can do the above Tutorial in an afternoon.

Thanks for your reply!

Your welcome..

Good luck..

June 24th, 2010, 07:27 PM
Good log.

Log these pids:
DYNCYLAIR_DMA <-- From VE, lets you index into spark tables.
CYLAIR_DMA <-- From MAF, lets you index into spark tables.
DYNAIRTMP_DMA <-- lets you see what IAT/ECT blend the PCM used, allows computing VE.

Keeping the pid channel count no greater than 24 yields the fastest sample rate.

June 24th, 2010, 07:36 PM
Further reading:


June 24th, 2010, 07:36 PM
Which wideband do you have...?

Do you have FlashScan V1 or V2...?

June 25th, 2010, 01:22 AM
Good log.

Log these pids:
DYNCYLAIR_DMA <-- From VE, lets you index into spark tables.
CYLAIR_DMA <-- From MAF, lets you index into spark tables.
DYNAIRTMP_DMA <-- lets you see what IAT/ECT blend the PCM used, allows computing VE.

Keeping the pid channel count no greater than 24 yields the fastest sample rate.
Thanks, I couldn't find a good guideline of PIDs to Log for Tables.

Further reading:


I'm at work now, I will surely check all of these out either on lunch or when I get home.

Which wideband do you have...?

Do you have FlashScan V1 or V2...?

I just got it, so I believe it is V2 and the wideband is the LC-1. Is it necessary to use the wideband on a fairly stock car for making just minor adjustments?

June 25th, 2010, 04:17 AM
Wideband will reveal how close the factory tune is... and for making any fueling changes a wideband is a very big advantage.

If your FlashScan has the LCD then it's a V2.

See these links:
showthread.php?8858-Tutorial-FlashScan-V2-Serial-Wideband-Logging (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?8858-Tutorial-FlashScan-V2-Serial-Wideband-Logging) <-- see his sig.
showthread.php?9340-serial-port-cable-that-goes-to-v2 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?9340-serial-port-cable-that-goes-to-v2) <-- see post #3.


June 25th, 2010, 04:46 AM
Wideband will reveal how close the factory tune is... and for making any fueling changes a wideband is a very big advantage.

If your FlashScan has the LCD then it's a V2.

See these links:
showthread.php?8858-Tutorial-FlashScan-V2-Serial-Wideband-Logging (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?8858-Tutorial-FlashScan-V2-Serial-Wideband-Logging) <-- see his sig.
showthread.php?9340-serial-port-cable-that-goes-to-v2 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?9340-serial-port-cable-that-goes-to-v2) <-- see post #3.


I will check these out as well when I get home.

Question, what are the things I can adjust using the narrow bands. Is it OK to advance timing a bit? Can I get the LTFT down a bit? At this point I only wish to do a few minor things and familiarize myself a bit before getting too deep. I haven't attempted to make any changes or adjustments as I haven't read through the tuning tutorial yet.

Also if I were to use a wide band in place of one of the primary narrow bands, wont that screw up my LTFT readings? I was really hoping I didn't have to weld in the bung as I plan to do headers in the near future. If at all possible, like I said, I would rather do some minor things now, and worry about really fine tuning my fueling after my header install.

June 25th, 2010, 04:57 AM
If you log MAF Frequency (Hz) vs LTFT (Bank 1 or 2) or CALCLTFTBENS (See Tutorial) you can apply the MAF correction to eliminate those positive Trims.

Personally, on your ZO6, I would leave Spark alone (for now). Those are high-compression heads. You don't need more than 22-25 degrees of Total Spark Advance on those heads to make power (I run 22 degrees WOT-Summer).

You can safely do the Non-PE (see Tutorial) with just your Narrowbands and strict adherence to the Tutorial. I'll leave the bung decision to you and others. Technically, you probably can get away with just one bank for logging. The PCM may want both banks?

Get a wideband ASAP. WOT is where the fun is at. Tuning a nice AFR at WOT will probably do more for your performance than anything. Its probably really rich right now. There is probably 10-20 more HP just in nailing down that 12.7 AFR at WOT.


June 25th, 2010, 05:05 AM
Try WeathermansShawn's Calc VE tutorial (included in you EFILive V7.5 software install, see this file: C:\Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\Doc\Tutorials\Calc VE Tuning Tutorial.pdf).

Use this calc_pids.txt file, copy it to this folder: My Documents/EFILive/V7.5/User Configuration.


June 25th, 2010, 11:01 AM
If you log MAF Frequency (Hz) vs LTFT (Bank 1 or 2) or CALCLTFTBENS (See Tutorial) you can apply the MAF correction to eliminate those positive Trims.

Personally, on your ZO6, I would leave Spark alone (for now). Those are high-compression heads. You don't need more than 22-25 degrees of Total Spark Advance on those heads to make power (I run 22 degrees WOT-Summer).

You can safely do the Non-PE (see Tutorial) with just your Narrowbands and strict adherence to the Tutorial. I'll leave the bung decision to you and others. Technically, you probably can get away with just one bank for logging. The PCM may want both banks?

Get a wideband ASAP. WOT is where the fun is at. Tuning a nice AFR at WOT will probably do more for your performance than anything. Its probably really rich right now. There is probably 10-20 more HP just in nailing down that 12.7 AFR at WOT.


I'd love to see the 10-20 HP gain. I'm going to start reading trough the tuning tutorials and take notes. I'll most likely be back with some questions.