View Full Version : Look at this maf table

June 24th, 2010, 11:41 PM
LABELS MAF Sensor Calibration (Grams/Second)
Hz {link: GM.MAFFREQ} Value
1500 2.704595
1625 3.142482
1750 3.614713
1875 4.138460
2000 4.722309
2125 5.374846
2250 6.087486
2375 6.868813
2500 7.718829
2625 8.646118
2750 9.642096
2875 10.689590
3000 11.797185
3125 12.982056
3250 14.261373
3375 15.626548
3500 17.103343
3625 18.674585
3750 20.348857
3875 22.143335
4000 24.066602
4125 26.127246
4250 28.333852
4375 30.660662
4500 33.081919
4625 35.571863
4750 38.147668
4875 40.843677
5000 43.651303
5125 46.579135
5250 49.661514
5375 52.889856
5500 56.264161
5625 59.870288
5750 63.768339
5875 67.889626
6000 72.216978
6125 76.767566
6250 81.438359
6375 86.298044
6500 91.329449
6625 96.489644
6750 101.890248
6875 107.496916
7000 113.369750
7125 119.543096
7250 125.913920
7375 132.507980
7500 139.308104
7625 146.322878
7750 153.535131
7875 160.884761
8000 168.449041
8125 176.124939
8250 184.101347
8375 192.266648
8500 200.732460
8625 209.455852
8750 218.445410
8875 227.709721
9000 237.265956
9125 247.122702
9250 257.288544
9375 267.763483
9500 278.581863
9625 289.726511
9750 301.231772
9875 313.097646
10000 325.341304
10125 337.962747
10250 350.987733
10375 364.424847
10500 378.274091
10625 392.561221
10750 407.294824
10875 422.492071
11000 438.152964
11125 454.294673
11250 470.942957

I've never seen anyone tune maf before. I just thought it was interesting. I pulled this tune from a 98 c5 last night.

June 25th, 2010, 02:58 AM
Good eye to see that it was modified...:cheers:

Could be tuned (hopefully used a wideband)... looks like it could be copied from another file.

MAF can be tuned using AutoMAF (same as AutoVE but with MAF enabled and B0120 set to zero), requires filtering/smoothing.

June 25th, 2010, 05:25 AM
Looks like it's scaled 10% over stock.

June 25th, 2010, 12:38 PM
Man, whats scary about that is that it looks almost exactly like mine...I guess since mine ~12.5% above stock it is close. Of course I went through every frequency, especially in PE Mode land.


June 26th, 2010, 08:04 AM
Is this telling us that the GM MAF calibration is under, or that the MAF's start flowing more with age...?

June 26th, 2010, 09:41 AM
It's questions like:
I ran the auto VE per the tutorial on an 02 Camaro. I hit alot of cells and the A/F Gauge looked good, I was satisfied and wanted to switch the tune back to MAF so I reversed the procedure. When I was done the car ran very lean (17's) Anyone know what happened?

And answers like:
after changing the VE table from stock you
will need to add to the MAF table X% across the board to be safe.

June 26th, 2010, 10:03 AM
Is this telling us that the GM MAF calibration is under, or that the MAF's start flowing more with age...?

It's questions like:
I ran the auto VE per the tutorial on an 02 Camaro. I hit alot of cells and the A/F Gauge looked good, I was satisfied and wanted to switch the tune back to MAF so I reversed the procedure. When I was done the car ran very lean (17's) Anyone know what happened?

And answers like:
after changing the VE table from stock you
will need to add to the MAF table X% across the board to be safe.

Edit to my post: or that the MAF table needs correcting.

June 26th, 2010, 11:02 PM
Edit: Mike - Is this from Dan's C5 I tuned? I looked at the most recent tune I did for him and those values don't match.

June 28th, 2010, 11:58 AM
Yes that's what i pulled out of it. I still think his pcm has a bug wierd. It wouldn't connect several times and did some weird stuff to the bcm once.

June 28th, 2010, 12:01 PM
LABELS MAF Sensor Calibration (Grams/Second)
Hz {link: GM.MAFFREQ} Value
1500 2.320313
1625 2.695313
1750 3.148438
1875 3.648438
2000 4.164063
2125 4.726563
2250 5.359375
2375 6.054688
2500 6.804688
2625 7.640625
2750 8.531250
2875 9.468750
3000 10.429688
3125 11.445313
3250 12.562500
3375 13.781250
3500 15.085938
3625 16.492188
3750 17.984375
3875 19.578125
4000 21.257813
4125 23.031250
4250 24.906250
4375 26.882813
4500 28.953125
4625 31.132813
4750 33.398438
4875 35.781250
5000 38.281250
5125 40.929688
5250 43.726563
5375 46.687500
5500 49.796875
5625 53.070313
5750 56.507813
5875 60.109375
6000 63.875000
6125 67.804688
6250 71.898438
6375 76.156250
6500 80.578125
6625 85.156250
6750 89.906250
6875 94.828125
7000 99.929688
7125 105.195313
7250 110.648438
7375 116.281250
7500 122.117188
7625 128.148438
7750 134.382813
7875 140.867188
8000 147.585938
8125 154.531250
8250 161.718750
8375 169.148438
8500 176.820313
8625 184.734375
8750 192.820313
8875 201.148438
9000 209.742188
9125 218.609375
9250 227.773438
9375 237.257813
9500 247.078125
9625 257.273438
9750 267.859375
9875 278.875000
10000 290.343750
10125 302.312500
10250 314.812500
10375 327.882813
10500 341.562500
10625 355.906250
10750 370.953125
10875 386.757813
11000 403.359375
11125 420.828125
11250 439.203125
This is the last table I had in his car what did you pull out?

One of us has to tune this car not both of us it doesn't matter to me which one of us does.

July 5th, 2010, 05:48 AM
this is about my car, I guess I found the easy road after I did the ported fast 92 w 36 lb fast injectors it was just easier at the time to have Gino do it and when I did corn it was easier to have Mike do it since I got the injectors form Mike and has experience tuning corn. I was happy with both you guys lol cant I have 2 girl friends? lol jk

July 6th, 2010, 12:32 PM
LABELS MAF Sensor Calibration (Grams/Second)
Hz {link: GM.MAFFREQ} Value
1500 2.320313
1625 2.695313
1750 3.148438
1875 3.648438
2000 4.164063
2125 4.726563
2250 5.359375
2375 6.054688
2500 6.804688
2625 7.640625
2750 8.531250
2875 9.468750
3000 10.429688
3125 11.445313
3250 12.562500
3375 13.781250
3500 15.085938
3625 16.492188
3750 17.984375
3875 19.578125
4000 21.257813
4125 23.031250
4250 24.906250
4375 26.882813
4500 28.953125
4625 31.132813
4750 33.398438
4875 35.781250
5000 38.281250
5125 40.929688
5250 43.726563
5375 46.687500
5500 49.796875
5625 53.070313
5750 56.507813
5875 60.109375
6000 63.875000
6125 67.804688
6250 71.898438
6375 76.156250
6500 80.578125
6625 85.156250
6750 89.906250
6875 94.828125
7000 99.929688
7125 105.195313
7250 110.648438
7375 116.281250
7500 122.117188
7625 128.148438
7750 134.382813
7875 140.867188
8000 147.585938
8125 154.531250
8250 161.718750
8375 169.148438
8500 176.820313
8625 184.734375
8750 192.820313
8875 201.148438
9000 209.742188
9125 218.609375
9250 227.773438
9375 237.257813
9500 247.078125
9625 257.273438
9750 267.859375
9875 278.875000
10000 290.343750
10125 302.312500
10250 314.812500
10375 327.882813
10500 341.562500
10625 355.906250
10750 370.953125
10875 386.757813
11000 403.359375
11125 420.828125
11250 439.203125
This is the last table I had in his car what did you pull out?

One of us has to tune this car not both of us it doesn't matter to me which one of us does.

Here is what I pulled out last November. It's the same as his original TPI tune I pulled in Jul-06.

E85 is your specialty; I've only experimented with E85 tuning and certainly don't feel comfortable enough to tune someone else's car yet. Maybe in the future, but not now so he's all yours. :cheers:

Hz Value
1500 2.460938
1625 2.859375
1750 3.289063
1875 3.765625
2000 4.296875
2125 4.890625
2250 5.539063
2375 6.250000
2500 7.023438
2625 7.867188
2750 8.773438
2875 9.726563
3000 10.734375
3125 11.812500
3250 12.976563
3375 14.218750
3500 15.562500
3625 16.992188
3750 18.515625
3875 20.148438
4000 21.898438
4125 23.773438
4250 25.781250
4375 27.898438
4500 30.101563
4625 32.367188
4750 34.710938
4875 37.164063
5000 39.718750
5125 42.382813
5250 45.187500
5375 48.125000
5500 51.195313
5625 54.476563
5750 58.023438
5875 61.773438
6000 65.710938
6125 69.851563
6250 74.101563
6375 78.523438
6500 83.101563
6625 87.796875
6750 92.710938
6875 97.812500
7000 103.156250
7125 108.773438
7250 114.570313
7375 120.570313
7500 126.757813
7625 133.140625
7750 139.703125
7875 146.390625
8000 153.273438
8125 160.257813
8250 167.515625
8375 174.945313
8500 182.648438
8625 190.585938
8750 198.765625
8875 207.195313
9000 215.890625
9125 224.859375
9250 234.109375
9375 243.640625
9500 253.484375
9625 263.625000
9750 274.093750
9875 284.890625
10000 296.031250
10125 307.515625
10250 319.367188
10375 331.593750
10500 344.195313
10625 357.195313
10750 370.601563
10875 384.429688
11000 398.679688
11125 413.367188
11250 428.515625