View Full Version : Why has my spark not increased?

June 27th, 2010, 02:40 PM
Car is stock tune. VE SS.

In my tune the high octane spark table at 600rpm and 0.16 g/cyl is set to 24.

I went for a drive and logged Total Spark Advance (MAF)
and Ive got 3000 counts for that cell, and the average is only 12.4
I have also logged the spark retard, and there was no retard in that cell, so why is the average for that cell not 24?

When tuning for spark, how do you know the car will even run that timing and not something closer to the low spark table?
Do you normally make the low and high table the same? isn't this bad practice as now the car can't pull timing in case of knock?

odd boy
June 27th, 2010, 06:52 PM
looks like your car is reading from low octane spark table..... Post the file if you need further help.

June 27th, 2010, 07:12 PM
my bad, just figured out why it happens here :hihi:
Found a base idle spark map.... matches up perfect.

But I don't get the other bits...
My log is attached.

If you look at say Spark advance (MAF) 4000rpm and 0.76g/cyl it showed an average of 18.9 and a MAX of 19.
If you look at the knock retard, there was none in this cell.

But my tune calls for 23.5 on my high octane table.

So there is nothing being pulled, but its still not on the high table.

Looking through the tune I can see there are a bunch of other multipliers, but how do I see what is actively correcting the spark down. Because if I want to increase the timing in this area, increasing the high octane table wont do a thing.

Another good example is starts at 13880, speed is steady, few frames later TP changes from 26% to 20%, MAP drop froms 47 to 27, But spark goes from 29 down to 8, even though throughout this range the tune calls for high 20's the whole time, no knock retard is present.

Throughout the whole log the spark advance logged on cyl#1 is not what is in the tune, and there is hardly ever any knock retard.
Ive taken some other logs and logged
EST - Coolant temp spark
EST - EQ ratio spark
EST - Intake temp spark

and none of those are multiplying the timing out either.