View Full Version : Request for Tool, EFI-LIVE owners.

July 8th, 2010, 01:17 AM
I would like to request a tool to be released and the utility would basically open an EFI-LIVE file in the .tun or .ctd extension and then simply dump the calibration information into a flat file format (comma delim) or .xls.

I highly suspect that the owners of EFI-LIVE probably have such a tool already and would like to request that they release a public version.

My rational for why we need this tool is so that we can quickly compare differences within files without having to look through each table in EFI-LIVE. It would take me 5 minutes to write a compare tool for two flat files or .xls's with C# or Python. On the other hand, when a friend makes changes to one of my files it takes me forever to go through it in the program.

Thank you.

July 8th, 2010, 02:23 AM
Load alternate calibration for comparison is already there. e.g have your recent file open, then press ctrl + F11 to open up a file you want to compare with. Then press ctrl + F12. Icon's are on the Tune software toolbar.

July 8th, 2010, 02:39 AM
Load alternate calibration for comparison is already there. e.g have your recent file open, then press ctrl + F11 to open up a file you want to compare with. Then press ctrl + F12. Icon's are on the Tune software toolbar.

Does it create a flat file that I can use in an external program?

It would be even cooler if you could import data into a .tun with the same utility. Export. Run regressions to smooth select tables with external program. Modify flat file. Import.

July 8th, 2010, 03:42 AM
The tunetool has a compare function as vxchev8 said, this compares in the tunetool your current file to modifed versions of your file.

If you want to do smoothing, the tunetool has smoothing functions.

If you want to externally do regression, smoothing, curve fitting, interpolation/extrapolation, you can copy a table to/from a spreadsheet program for manipulation.

I passed your request for exporting the calibration file to .xls file (this would make a HUGE .xls file).

July 8th, 2010, 04:00 AM
Ok. I give up. People don't get it.

July 8th, 2010, 05:13 AM
I get it, but Id much rather have HPT do this instead. Im not willing to pony up $500 just to look at some values in a tune when I can export [edit: read values from] all day from EFILive for free.

Although if all you're trying to do is compare, the built-in comparison works pretty dang well. Downfall of its implementation in V7 is it is not cross-OS compatible, I know V8 hopes to address this issue.

July 8th, 2010, 08:30 AM
Ok. I give up. People don't get it.
I get it :) I think its a great idea. Implementation is now in the works...

July 8th, 2010, 08:38 AM
Downfall of its implementation in V7 is it is not cross-OS compatible, I know V8 hopes to address this issue.
V8 will address it and more...

July 8th, 2010, 04:08 PM
V8 will address it and more...

Ive heard it forever in the beta forums, was crossing my fingers BIG time it would be implemented!

Rakas, looks like you got your wish!

July 8th, 2010, 04:16 PM
Yes in response to your PM, Blacky.
I am not able to reply for some reason. Probably not enough posts, yet.

Hi Rakas, (sorry not sure if that's your real name or not)
No. It is a Finnish word a girl taught me. :)

I was thinking a *.csv file that can be easily imported into Excel, though I'd have to be careful not to exceed Excel's row limit (65535 I think).
Right, .CSV has no row limit itself but users of Office 2003 and earlier would run into an issue. .XLS itself does have that 65535 limit as well. .XLSX (Office 2007+) doesn't. The only good thing about .xls or .xlsx is that you would be able to markup the text with colors and other formatting. Not needed and just a thought. Anyone running Office 2003 or an earlier version of Excel would be out of luck unless you just added a worksheet if it went over the row limit or told them to get Open Office if they don't want to pony up the bucks for a better version of Office.

I have noticed that if you copy tables in Tune or Scan that they are pasted in a space delimited format. You could just make a .txt with a listing of all of these tables in that format and something that identifies what table it should be copied into.

Another option that could be looked into is XML. If you are creating EFI-LIVE in .net it should be easy to export data into the XML format and then we could use XML editors to edit the import files or just look at them.

There are definitely multiple ways to approach this!

The whole idea for me was that sometimes I end up pushing the same 10 or 20 tables into tune files for my friends' cars because they want the tranny to shift different or I remove torque control. That involves many copies and pastes but I don't want to verbatim stick my tune in their car. Also, for us people on the forums we could make these import files instead of explaining what tables to copy or picking through entire tun files.

I do agree that to some people on the forum that only tune their own car, that the copy and paste method of every individual table is the best way. There should be a lot of benefit to shops if this feature is implemented. They would be able to keep a customer's tune while only overwriting their tables. I am guessing right now that most shops either stick their tune file in overwriting the customers entire tune or they copy and paste every table they need to modify. Let me know if I am crazy here.

I probably should of researched the macro features and comparison summary before opening my mouth more but I just wanted to get any ideas I had about this out there before I got too busy and forgot about this stuff.

I was also thinking of having the ability to select only certain calibrations (obviously with an option to easily "Select all")
Yes. 100% :) That would be awesome and probably ever avoid having too big of import files.

Any other thoughts, comments?
I can't find my FS right now to check the firmware version but I did notice one issue. This may be fixed already because the last time I updated was a month or two ago!

I used the FS to read a tune via BBR and then save it to the SD card. The SD card ended up being corrupted but the FS went through the trouble of grabbing the tune off the car anyways, then when it went to go write the tune to the SD card it saw that the appropriate directory structure wasn't there and then threw an exception.

It might be a good idea for the FS to check to make sure that the SD card has the correct directory structure and is readable before reading the tune on a vehicle. I didn't try it with logging to see if it did the same thing though.

The only other info I have on this occurrence is that most of the files on the SD card were corrupted and had file names with random characters.

July 8th, 2010, 04:47 PM
Rakas. Have you looked at the script function for when you are making common changes to select tables?

July 9th, 2010, 12:50 AM
If you are creating EFI-LIVE in .net
The day Paul writes code in .net will be the same day he signs up a deal on a new FORD :grin:

July 9th, 2010, 11:47 AM
The day Paul writes code in .net will be the same day he signs up a deal on a new FORD :grin:


July 9th, 2010, 12:18 PM
Rakas. Have you looked at the script function for when you are making common changes to select tables?
That's a very good point. The scripting option allows you to set up common repetitive tasks to edit calibrations. Saves a heap of time when applying similar changes to multiple tunes. Its what most tuners use when applying basic functionality to their customers' tunes.

July 9th, 2010, 01:23 PM
I have used the script to import tunes into excel just for the purpose of comparing various tables. I have also copied and pasted into excel for the same purpose.
The comparison feature in EFI is great for comparing the same tables in 2 tunes but doesn't work for comparing similar tables in the same tune.

July 10th, 2010, 10:10 AM
I have used the script to import tunes into excel just for the purpose of comparing various tables. I have also copied and pasted into excel for the same purpose.
The comparison feature in EFI is great for comparing the same tables in 2 tunes but doesn't work for comparing similar tables in the same tune.For example, the transmission part throttle shift tables.

July 10th, 2010, 11:51 AM
The comparison feature in EFI is great for comparing the same tables in 2 tunes but doesn't work for comparing similar tables in the same tune.

The "plus more" comment I made earlier about the V8 comparison option(s) includes the option to compare similar tables in the same cal.

July 10th, 2010, 01:28 PM
The "plus more" comment I made earlier about the V8 comparison option(s) includes the option to compare similar tables in the same cal.

I am looking forward to it:cucumber:

July 11th, 2010, 06:37 PM
The "plus more" comment I made earlier about the V8 comparison option(s) includes the option to compare similar tables in the same cal.

That will be great, trans shift tables are a PITA sometimes.