View Full Version : Version is OK

July 12th, 2010, 12:25 PM
When I look at the HAPI control panel, firmware,... It tells me the bootBlock version is OK, and the Firmware version is OK.

What does "OK" mean?
No err's were found in the file,..... The version is the latest and greatest,.... This bootblock ver is ok to work with that version of firmware?

July 13th, 2010, 01:34 PM
Sorry, I have no idea what this in relation to? Is there actually a problem you're trying to resolve?

OK basically indicates that the bootblock and/or firmware are the latest version available in the software version you have installed on your system.

July 14th, 2010, 03:13 AM
No problem. I just wasn't sure what "OK" ment. I might suggest that "Firmware version is the latest" would be more descriptive.

The Ver8 ScanAndTune, main page, Display Updates button is just a weblink. But the HAPI main page actually tells you if you have the latest. i.e. The HAPI version check is a whole lot easier.