View Full Version : Where's the love? My cable is not pleased...

November 29th, 2005, 10:10 AM
I received the package and I drove the car and observed my LTFTs. I decided to do a baby step. (Chicken is more the word). As I've downloaded my base (that's a laugh) tune, I decided to fatten up the fuel as my LTFTs were -.8 and +1.5. So I tweaked my tune and wanted to download the "tweak".

Course of events:

Logged, saw readings.
Disconnected cable started to get out of car then...
Decided to give the tune a try
Edited the tune file.
Replugged cord back to PCM connection
Turned on ignition (waited 10 seconds)
Clicked on Download to PCM
Received error: Cannot find flashscan cable.

Ooooookay. Cancel, disconnect cord, close program, take laptop and go in house to ask "Why?"

Do I need to "connect" to the PCM via scan tool and then go into EFILive Tune get the "tune" I want and THEN click download to PCM?


Dirk Diggler
November 29th, 2005, 10:16 AM
The scanner needs to be disconnected while trying to upload or download tunes.

1. Close all programs
2. Plug cable in
3 Open the editor
4. Upload new tune
5 wait 40 for flash shut down for 15 seconds
6 Fire her up

November 29th, 2005, 11:37 AM
The scanner needs to be disconnected while trying to upload or download tunes

"Disconnected" means you need to click on the red toolbar icon in the top left of the toolbar of the Scan Tool. It does not mean to physically disconnect the cable. And the ignition needs to be on.

Basically only one application can have the USB port open at a time. If the Scan Tool has it, then the Tuning Tool cannot see the cable. And vice versa.

The next major release of EFILive will "share" the USB port between both applications.


November 29th, 2005, 11:51 AM
Excuse me...

I don't seem to have that particular device in my possession. Does that mean that I need to buy something else in order to tune my car? I just paid $350 to upgrade to scan and tune and I received a cable to use to hook up to my USB port. Please don't tell me there's more to buy.

I have a cardboard folded card that says EFILive Flashscan V2 that is shaped like the picture and I doubt the cardboard cheatsheet will suffice.

I'm becoming rather disenchanted with this whole process.


November 29th, 2005, 12:07 PM
If you scanned you can flash as long as you have personal or commercial license.
Just make sure your scanner is NOT open when you load the tuner software. Then turn ign on, the select flash either the whole OS or the cals depending on what you want.
Im guessing you just want to update your small changes to the current OS. In which case chose to update the calibrations. 40 sec later its done. Ign off wait 15sec then away you go.
Forget the scanner altogether for this process it will lock out the tuner and prevent you flashing the tune as Ross mentioned.

November 29th, 2005, 12:09 PM
You have everything you need :)

When I say Scan tool - I mean the Scan Tool software program.
When I say Tuning Tool, I mean the Tuning Tool software program.
When I say FlashScan I mean the black interface box.

The card shaped like FlashScan V2 just explains some of the features of the EFILive software and FlashScan cable. It is shaped like V2 to remind people that V2 will be available in March next year.


November 29th, 2005, 12:12 PM
OK, so I can upload with what I have but I cannot have the scanning software open while I have the tuning software AND TUNE the PCM. I simply need to:

Open the EFILIve tuning program ONLY
Connect the cord to the PCM and USB port on the laptop
Turn on the ignition (wait 15 seconds)
Click on the download to PCM icon
The tuning will then happen.
When done, turn off the ignition (wait 15 seconds)

Is that correct?


November 29th, 2005, 12:25 PM
You can have both programs open simultaneously, just not both connected to the vehicle simultaneously.

The two toolbar icons at the top left of the Scan Tool window, control whether or not the Scan Tool is connected to the vehicle or not. Click the green one to connect, click the red one to disconnect.

Note: The Tuning Tool connects and disconnects automatically each time you open/close a window that requires a connection tothe vehicle.

It is necessary to have both programs open at the same time when you are analyzing data logs. As you move the cursor left-right across the charted data int he Scan Tool, the current cell in the Tuning Tool calibrations will change to indicate which calibration cell the engine was using at that frame in the log file.


November 29th, 2005, 02:03 PM
Got it. I thought I only had the tuning open. I'll give it another look.
