View Full Version : Some times my PID show that their not supported?

November 30th, 2005, 03:07 PM
I had just installed the new current stable release of 7.3.0 and I’m having problems with the PID’s showing that their not supported even though I connected my computer to the car and manually ran through the CHECK SUPPORTED PID's button, sometimes the PID's show that their supported and some times and only when after I read an old logged file they show that their supported again. WTF? First of all, prior to installing the new version of flashscan, I went to the extreme and deleted all the old files from the previous release of flashscan including all the files in my computers registry of C:\Program Files\EFILive\V7. then I installed the current release of 7.3.0. what am I doing wrong? Thanx in advance.

November 30th, 2005, 03:34 PM
The PIDs are validated against the current VIN in the Scan Tool.
The current VIN changes in the following circumstances:

1. When you first start EFILive for the very first time, you wil be asked to supply a dummy VIN - that VIN is used until you perform any of steps 2,3 or 4.
2. When you connect to a car the VIN is set to the car's VIN.
3. When you load a log file, the VIN is set to the VIN of the car that was logged.
4. You can enter *any* VINyou like on the File->Enter VIN menu option.

EFILive remembers the current VIN and uses that same VIN the next time EFILive is started.

You can see the VIN in the status bar at the bottom of the EFILive Scan Tool window.
Note: Also displayed in the status bar is the vehicle's operating system number - it is important because it controls which _DMA PIDs are flagged as valid and which are not.

When you connect to your car and validate all the PIDs, the validated PID list is stored in a file with the (first 10 digits of the) VIN as the file name and an extension of *.vpl.

If you load in a log file containing a VIN for which there is no mathcing *.vpl file, then 95% of the PIDs will display as invalid - except for the PIDs in the log file - they will be flagged as valid. (and possibly some calculated and external PIDs will be valid as well).

The quickest way to get the correct validated pid lists to show up (when you're not connected to your vehicle), is to re-load a log file from your own car. That will set the current VIN to your VIN and load your matching *.vpl file which will flag (as valid) all the PIDs that should be valid.


November 30th, 2005, 03:50 PM
Thanks blacky, I'm still learning.