View Full Version : Way to change VCM serial number?

September 11th, 2010, 12:18 AM
I had my VCM flashed with a Tec2 and it looks like it left some memory in a random state. Using EFILive, my tuner made some changes and remembers EFILive doing something around memory settings. We tracked it down yesterday and it looks like EFI changed the VCM Serial Number to EF107C657411. That is actually a problem for me and I was wondering how I can change that back to the stock value. (have the value I need in an old configuration file)

Is there a way with EFI (or some other tool) to change the VCM Serial number? Thanks.

September 11th, 2010, 02:28 AM
Hello Fred007,

I read your other post in the Forum - ”Help with locked calibration” to get a more complete understanding of the problem.

You had an LS1-B style PCM from a 2002 Corvette.

You then had a local tuner:

flash a “stock” tune into the PCM using a Tech 2
modify this stock tune using EFILive software

You now want to use HPTuners software to make further tuning changes ?

Had you previously licensed the PCM with HPTuners (prior to the work by your local tuner) ?

If so, is the current problem that HPTuners won’t communicate with the PCM, or that HPTuners requires you to licence the PCM again ?


September 11th, 2010, 06:42 AM
The TechII must have set the controllers serial number to all 0's. Subsequently when the EFILive tuner flashed your controller the EFILive software created a new serial number and wrote this over the invalid entry of all 0's.

There is no way for the controller serial number to be changed using the EFILive software. Doesn't the "other" software just license on the VIN anyway, or is that not actually the problem? The other thing I'm thinking could cause you an issue is; if the EFILive tuner used an EFILive Custom Operating System (COS) then the "other" software will not recognize the calibration (we have the same limitation with their COS).

September 11th, 2010, 08:21 AM
I think the "other" is linked to the VIN & OS.
I've read threads from P.Oed customers (suckers :hihi:) that have simply changed OS and
then needed the use or purchase "credits" to be able to tune the PCM again.

September 11th, 2010, 11:12 PM
the other software uses the serial along with the vin/os to licence....

September 12th, 2010, 12:35 AM
It is not a licensing thing at this point, should be able to read all unlocked calibrations. Problem seems to be the software matching values against some kind of internal algorithm and not being willing to proceed. At this point I have the original VIN, OS combinations, just the PCM serial number appears to be different.

I read in another thread about a "recovery" function in EFILive that would recover just the vehicle identity information from a previous calibration. Would that function replace the PCM Serial Number? Or, what exact values does that function replace?


September 12th, 2010, 04:14 AM
Hello Fred007,

I resource my local GM dealer for tune updates - so that I’m working with the latest software version - as the OEM often addresses drivability issues - making this a better “base tune” for future tuning.

I have experienced the situation Tordne described (and other anomalies) - after a Tech 2 flash of software updates. A well trained technician, with a solid understanding of the Tech 2 and flashing process, helps to mitigate issues.

It would seem that the way the Tech 2 flash loaded from your local tuner, the first aftermarket tuning software used would probably make changes in an attempt to “validate” parameters.

I would either:

have your local tuner reflash again with the Tech 2 - then use HPTuners to make tuning changes
load a base tune with EFILive or HPTuners - this should then be readable by either EFILive or HPTuners
Good luck ....


September 12th, 2010, 08:54 AM
Fred, it unfortunately happens with TechII the PCM serial number gets erased, this will cause a problem for all tuning products as the PCM serial number is usually what is used to license a controller.
EFILive has in this case attempted to put a new serial number in the PCM so it can license to 'something' other than the 00000000's TechII would have caused. I don't know why HPT won't allow you to license to those numbers.
(rant on) BTW, the term VCM is pretty silly (I know it's a term coined by HPT), but FYI:
ECM = Engine Control Module.
PCM = Powertrain Control Module.
TCM = Transmission Control Module.
VCM = Vehicle Control Module. << Never seen one of those.


September 12th, 2010, 08:59 AM
VCM = Vehicle Control Module. << Never seen one of those.

Remember The Flintstones, where Fred used to have to power the car with his feet, well he was the VCM LOL.

November 19th, 2010, 01:00 PM

Actually GM uses the term VCM in the Service Programming System TIS 2000
Attached is a pdf screen shot for a 2002 Corvette.