View Full Version : 02 5.3l tune help

September 25th, 2010, 10:54 AM
Hello, i'm just getting into the world of tuning. And so far, I've backed up my stock tune, i've changed my speedometer and shift points to match my 33" tires. And i've went into the catalytic converter tab and disabled the catalytic converter protection system as i don't have cats anymore.

Am i along the right track?

I'm wanting to tune my truck to get as much performance out of my modifications I've made to my truck right now. I know that long tube headers will give a lean situation as the o2 sensors are farther down. And also since i do not have catalytic converters the rear o2 sensors will read a totally wrong reading.

If you could give me some advice, that would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.


I do not have wide band o2 sensors, so i do not know where i should start.

September 25th, 2010, 12:00 PM
Hello ippielb,

I have stated this before in the Forum, and it is worth repeating - in a basically stock engine, there is very little performance to be gained by removing the catalytic convertors. There are many high flow cats on the market today that work well – even with modified engines. Cat technology has progressed a great deal in the last decade – removing the cats “just because” is an outdated and irresponsible approach - not to mention illegal. Unless this is a dedicated competition vehicle (permanently off road) - running cats is a sensible and responsible course of action.

You will find the people who use this forum are both knowledgeable, and genuinely try to help each other.

You will also find, many people won’t comment in a thread where there is an illegal (ie. no cats) vehicle being used on public roads.


September 25th, 2010, 12:19 PM
Hi there. Welcome to the forum.

I went with High-Flow Cats, but emissions are pretty tight in this state (Colorado).

Having said that you probably just need to concentrate on maximizing your Fuel and Spark, depending on your goals.

There are codes you can configure to negate any DTC's from removal of your cats and rear O2 sensors, but performance wise its probably not worth chasing.

I would just read up (search) and figure out what type of tune you want (Open, Closed, SD, MAF, Hybrid). Do a lot of logging and ask questions when necessary. You could probably condense some of your signature. Its no big deal, but in the future it might make it easier for someone reading it.

Good luck..

September 25th, 2010, 12:39 PM
i would say get a wideband so you can get your ve table nailed down. Once i got my ve table laid out the throttle response was incredible!

September 25th, 2010, 12:51 PM
Taz, I understand that removing the cats is illegal in the US in most states if not all, but where i am from it is not illegal. I removed my catalytic converters because they were damaged, and i didn't want to replace them. So i just didn't put them on when i got my exhaust hooked up from my headers back. And by no means am i expecting a 100% change in power and torque, but I'm expecting my truck to run a lot smoother, and get as much as i can. I am planning on changing the cam, and valve-train in my engine later on, but i would like to get familiarized with tuning so i can do it myself. Thank you for replying Taz, i appreciate the help.

WeathermanShawn, my father went with high flow cats on his 2000 silverado and hasn't had any complaints about them yet, so it is a possibility i might have to get high flows. And for tunes types, i've done a search but i'm coming with not so good results. I can explain what i'm looking to get out of my tune, right now, i had a few check engine light codes, two for o2 sensors, and then knock sensors(i have the new knock sensors and gasket just need time to install), also i had a random misfire code, what i would like to do, is to smooth out my idle, optimize the power i am getting out of my bolt on modifications. I've been reading on the site for a while now, but haven't had any hands on experience. And i can tell you it's a lot different then expected.

Gregs, now that i have EFI Live, i'm going to invest in getting wideband o2 sensors, it's a shame especially since i didn't know what they were before i started researching EFI live, and i bought new stock sensors just before i found out about EFI live. Is there a specific type of wideband sensor i should look at? What should i try and avoid? Thank you

Thank you for the quick reply's.



I fixed my signature, sorry for it being so long, just thought someone might be interested in it. Simplified it. Thanks

September 25th, 2010, 01:00 PM

Feel free to post up a Tune & Log at some point. We can assist you in deleting those codes. The misfire may take a little investigative work.

With no cats, perhaps perhaps a SD tune will work for you. That will require a wideband and modifying your VE Table. That would be under the AUTOVE process. It is a little more challenging than closed-loop tuning. I take it you have a MAF?

Edit: Don't take it personally on the signature. We are all interested. It looks good..

September 25th, 2010, 01:10 PM
Hello ippielb,

Tried to send you a PM (personal message) ... you are not set up to receive any ... you may want to turn that feature on in your profile ... FYI


September 25th, 2010, 03:20 PM
Gregs, now that i have EFI Live, i'm going to invest in getting wideband o2 sensors, it's a shame especially since i didn't know what they were before i started researching EFI live, and i bought new stock sensors just before i found out about EFI live. Is there a specific type of wideband sensor i should look at? What should i try and avoid? Thank you

all i can give for advice is what i've done. I bought an innovate lc-1 and i find it really simple to use. it pretty much plugs right into the v2 utilizing the serial input. works like a charm.

i also am catless, mine were damaged and i didn't want to pay for new ones. I didn't feel so bad after i did some research and found out about the strip mines and other environmental impacts it takes to make a cat.

September 25th, 2010, 06:54 PM
Weatherman Shawn, here is what i think you were talking about, attached to my post here.

Taz, i got it, and i replied. Sorry for the confusion.

Gregs, thank you for that reference, i will look into it.


Just realized with these files i might have cleared the codes all together to see what ones will come back up. Which they did just tonight. So i will upload a new one tomorrow.

September 26th, 2010, 01:22 AM
I will scan your Tune & Log a little more in depth when I have some additional time.

But, I did a quick glance. What is odd is that you picked up a lot of Knock (KR) at a relatively low Throttle and RPM. It looks like the engine might not have been fully warmed up? What type of gas are you running?

What is the overall mechanical condition of your vehicle?

Tune-wise, it looks like you have closed-loop with MAF enabled. Do you still have the front O2 sensors in?

To turn off lights (MIL) and codes..to turn off a check engine light, read the appropriate code from the Scan Tool. Then look under C6002 and you can change MIL to NO MIL where applicable.

Then under C6001, you can change any code to X, not reported if you do not want the DTC. Some people change them to Non-Emissions, but that may not apply in your case.

I am not the 5.3L expert, but those are a few things I noticed.

Let us know how it goes.

September 26th, 2010, 07:37 AM
WeathermanShawn, don't try to make time for it, just if you got spare time it would be appreciated, my knock sensors need to be replaced, i had codes for it for a while now. The engine was not fully warmed up, but not cold either. My vehicle has been my baby, i would not say it's in bad shape at all. And i have a MAF, and i do have the front two o2 sensors in, and the rear o2 sensors. And i will try turning those codes off right away here.

Thank you for the help! I appreciate it.

September 26th, 2010, 09:31 AM
i just took a quick look at your tune and it looks like you have stock torque management and transmission settings. I think there is a 4l60e tuning guide sticky around here somewhere, i would check that out. There is a lot of slack in these tranny's and just firming them up will make the truck drive a lot better than factory. I would also throw in a corvette servo or better, it will help make it shift like its supposed to.

September 26th, 2010, 09:42 AM
Pointed another member toward the trans tuning tutorials earlier today ...



September 27th, 2010, 11:07 AM
Gregs, Thanks for pointing that out, i will give it a go tuning the transmission tonight after supper here. I'm going to order a corvette servo right away. I was planning on getting one before. Thanks for the suggestions.

Taz, thank you for that link, it will help me alot.

I'll let you guys know how it goes, with a new tune/log attached when i get it done.

Thank you again.

September 27th, 2010, 01:05 PM
Don't i just feel like the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, i can't program the calibrations i've made to my truck. I've taken the stock tune out, and made modifications to it, i thought when i "saved" the tune, it would program it to my truck. Turns out, it doesn't duhh. So, i've done what i thought i was suppose to do with registering my scan and tune tool. Opened the scan tool, and did "File -> Enter VIN" and put my truck's VIN in, the Operating system, transmission type, displacment, weight, and pressed OK. Then went to the EFILive Tune v7.5, and clicked the "Read calibration data from PCM" and i took that data and started making changes to it and then i saved it. And oops, it didn't program my truck, just saved the tune on my computer. I look beside the "read calibration data from PCM" and both two buttons beside it are gray, and same with in the "Flash" drop down menu. Why can't i program my ECU? I thought by entering the VIN number in the scan tool that will license my VIN to be programmed. And when i go "Help FlashScan V2 / AutoCal V2 VIN Licensing" it says, "The attached device is a Scan Only device and cannot be used for reflashing. So no licenses are displayed here."

Anyone help? I feel pretty stupid right about now. Sorry about this.

September 27th, 2010, 01:22 PM
No worries, it's not necessarily obvious...

From scantool or tunetool go Help->Register EFILive, and enter in the exact information from the blue card that came with your V2.

Then from tunetool, go Flash->Program PCM Calibrations (notice the icon has a narrow red down arrow), this brings up the Flash window, follow what it says (you will have to do this twice: the 1st time to license the PCM, the 2nd time to flash the PCM).

Also, have a quick look in the tunetool user manual pdf.


September 27th, 2010, 01:32 PM
I did do the "help->Register EFILive" and put it all in exactly as it says, on my blue piece of paper, it says FlashScan Interface: Scanner Only.... Does that mean i only got the scanning tool, and not the scan and tune tool??? Because i paid for a Scan and Tool tune, it cost me $1000. And i go to Help->About and it says my license is a Demo...

I also have a Hypertech Power Programmer III, I took it off before i hooked my truck up to the EFI Live program, could i re install the program, and take a look at how it changed my settings?


September 27th, 2010, 02:27 PM
yes you could...not saying you should. Its Hypertech's program and i'm sure its protected by copyrights... to be honest i don't think you'll find anything magical in their program, probably just bumped up wot timing and small trans changes. You can easily do WAY better than they can. If your lost or need direction just post up.

September 27th, 2010, 03:31 PM
Here's the problem, it the button you guys want me to press can't be pressed.

September 27th, 2010, 04:21 PM
I pm'd Tech Support, they will set your registration/license straight.

September 27th, 2010, 05:59 PM
Hi 'ippielb',

I can see that it was not purchased directly from the EFILive store, so you will ultimately need to get resolution from the place you purchased it. Which reseller did you purchase from?

It may be that the reseller needs to contact us to work out what might have happened. Have the contact me directly (support@efilive.com). Out of interest on the barcode on the box does it have FS2-S or FS2-T. And, does the serial number shown (per this guide (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=2143-YUOG-8049) match the barcode?

Sorry for the inconvenience.


September 28th, 2010, 09:58 AM
Hello, i purchased my EFI Live from the only Canadian distributor on your website, Walls Rod & Custom. MY box has FS2-S on the box, so i'm assuming that the S means scan tool, and not the tune. And there is no serial number in the box that the guide tells me to look at.

I erased my serial number in the upper part so that no one tries to scam me out. But my serial number is up there.

September 28th, 2010, 10:02 AM
Thanks for the info. You definitely need to contact Walls Road and Custom for resolution. If you purchased the FlashScan V2 Scan and Tune product they have sent you the incorrect product (box). Unfortunately it is not as simple as us issuing the upgrade code to you because there is a purchase cost difference for the supplier in the product you purchased and what they shipped. Basically if I issued the code directly EFILive would be out of pocket for the difference on the resellers apparent error.

Please let us know how you go and if we can help further.

September 28th, 2010, 10:07 AM
Well ain't that a kick in the head, well that's a bummer. I contacted them, hopefully this will go smoothly, but nothing else for my purchases has so this ain't much different.

September 28th, 2010, 10:12 AM
Rather than them shipping a different unit just get him to order the Scan to Tune upgrade product for your SN and we can then send you the required code.

September 28th, 2010, 10:17 AM
Contacted them, and suggested that option, thank you for the support, let you know how it goes.

September 28th, 2010, 12:53 PM
They requested a new code from you guys i guess, so i'm just playing the waiting game between you two now! Hopefully everything goes smoothly! Because i can't wait to be able to hit the "program" button!

September 28th, 2010, 01:06 PM
They requested a new code from you guys i guess, so i'm just playing the waiting game between you two now! Hopefully everything goes smoothly! Because i can't wait to be able to hit the "program" button!Did they already contact EFILive directly...?

September 28th, 2010, 01:10 PM
I have just emailed the upgrade code to them a couple of minutes ago :)

September 28th, 2010, 01:16 PM
Deadly! Got everything worked out now, i can now hit the "program" button! Thanks guys, great customer support. Both at your end, and the distributors end! now i just hope i can get the hang of this tuning!

Thanks everyone.

September 28th, 2010, 01:17 PM
Could have got it to you an hour earlier, but I was out for lunch LOL. Glad you're all sorted not and can get into the fun stuff!

September 28th, 2010, 01:27 PM
Before hitting the program button do this;
- make sure vehicle battery has full charge;
- make sure laptop battery has full charge;
- turn off all vehicle accessories (including DRL, headlamps, stereo, dome lamp, close doors).

September 28th, 2010, 01:44 PM
No worries about lunch, everyone's gotta have it! I would've done the same too!

Thanks Joecar, will keep that in the back of my mind every time i program!

Thanks again!

September 28th, 2010, 02:24 PM
So, what i'm doing right now, is trying to tune my transmission, for the transmission shift pressure, what will i need to edit? "Base Pressure 1->2 Shift" and then select all of the cells in that tab, and increase the amount by 5%? would i need to do that for every gear, and every cell in the table? What else would i need to change in my transmission to make it a nicer ride, and give better performance? I do not fully understand the torque reduction, will i need to do the same thing for the "Torque Reduction 1->2 Shift" and the rest of them, select all the cells and then lower the amounts by 5% in all of the cells? Or just select cells?

Thank you for all the patients, and i appreciate the help i've gotten so far.

September 28th, 2010, 02:32 PM
Post #13 in this thread has links to trans tuning tutorials by Joecar, and others ...

Here are some other very general tips I posted the other day ... post #5 specifically ..



September 28th, 2010, 03:08 PM
zero out all torque limiting tables, i usually copy over the tow/haul pressures over to the regular shift pressures then take away like 10 percent or whatever. set shift speeds to something like .2-.3ish

September 28th, 2010, 03:57 PM
How does this look for a transmission tune?9091

September 28th, 2010, 10:54 PM
Set D0961, D0962 to all 100% (to avoid conflicting with the part throttle up/down shift tables).

Have you taken it for a test drive, describe each of the shifts...?