View Full Version : Blackbox validating help needed

January 16th, 2005, 07:50 PM
What are the procedures for validating pids for BlackBox logging? Here is what I tried.
After loading the pids from my PC. I go to:
Flashscan\Program selected pids into Flashscan
click on Validate
click on Setup
a Warning "This option will erase erasing previously recorded log files in the Flashscan" I select "yes" to continue
Then, this comes up "Flashsan is now ready for validating pids on target PCM"
I select "OK"
I then remove Flashscan from the PC
Go to my car and plug Flashscan into the ALDL connector
Turn the key to "ON"
Flashscan cycles all the lights once, then the yellow and green lights flash continuosly.
I then press the Start/Stop data Logging button on the Flashscan.
But, nothing happens.....no other LED's light up other than the yellow and green lights blinking. The blinking does not stop.... even after several minutes.
Is there somethig else I should be doing?
Everything else works fine, ie; scanning, logging , reading from PCM, loading a tune to the PCM.

January 16th, 2005, 08:15 PM
I had the same problem Green Log Light and Yellow Memory light would not stay on. This was after I tried to validate a new Vin#. Paul came to rescue and gave me the following instructions.

If for some reason, the FlashScan memory gets a "glitch" and the information in the memory is no
longer reliable you can/should clear it completely like this:

1. Start the Scan Tool.
2. Connect to your FlashScan cable (no need for a vehicle connection).
3. Select menu FlashScan->Progam selected PIDs into FlashScan.
4. Select the Validate PIDs option and click on [Setup] - as well as configuring the FlashScan cable
to validate PIDs (which we don't really want to do anyway) that will also reset FlashScan's memory
(which is why we are using this option).
5. Next select one of the two scanning modes: Fast 10fps or Dynamic and clcik on [Setup] - that will
reconfigure your FlashScan cable for black box logging (instead of validating PIDs).

Then try logging data from your vehicle and uploading it back to EFILive.

Went thru this procedure and now everything is fine. BTW I also received two popups (Error 33 and Memory may be corrupt) glad Paul was aware of the fix.[/u]


January 16th, 2005, 09:45 PM
I just went out and tried that.
After I chose the fast option, It even says" Flashscan is ready for Blackbox logging".
But it still doesn't log. Only have the yellow and green lights flashing. It seems as if the Stop/Start button doesnt do anything. Shouldnt a LED light up once I press Start/Stop logging button?


January 16th, 2005, 09:54 PM
With the FlashScan interface connected *only* to your laptop, if you press the logging button on FlashScan you should see one three responses:

1. If the FlashScan cable is configured to validate PIDs, you will see the green LOG illuminate and the yellow OBD flash about 10 times per second for a long time - remove and restore power from FlashScan to stop it.
FlashScan is attempting to validate each PID - but with no PCM to talk to, it just goes into a retry loop.

2. If the FlashScan cable is configured to log data, then the green LOG will illuminate for about 1/10th of a second and the yellow OBD will illuminate for about 1/10th of a second. It is very noticable, you can't miss it.
FlashSCan is basically attempting to start logging but when it can't talk to the PCM it quits immediately.

3. If the FlashScan memory is full then the yellow MEM will be flashing and the button will be disabled.

Let me know what you do or do not see when you press the button.


January 16th, 2005, 10:39 PM
With flashscan connected to the PC only:
1. Flashscan configured for validation: No lights, before during or after pushing Start\Stop.

2. Flashscan configured for logging: No lights, before during or after pushing Start\Stop.

3. Memory has never been full. Not able to log yet. In the retrieve "Black box log file"

Log page: empty

Status page: have data such as # of pids, scan mode, etc...

Pids page: shows the selection of pids I selected

When I select "retrieve" at the bootom of these pages. I get a message there are no logged data.


January 17th, 2005, 06:30 AM
Sounds like the button has failed on the FlashScan unit.
Please return the FlashScan unit to EFILive and we will repair or replace the defective unit under warranty.

Please contact me at paul@efilive.com


September 7th, 2007, 07:29 AM
2. If the FlashScan cable is configured to log data, then the green LOG will illuminate for about 1/10th of a second and the yellow OBD will illuminate for about 1/10th of a second. It is very noticable, you can't miss it.
FlashSCan is basically attempting to start logging but when it can't talk to the PCM it quits immediately.

Sorry to bring up an old topic but I just bought a used EFILive FlashScan v1.2 and have started tinkering with it a bit. I set it up as described in the user manual. I was intending to do some black box logging and my FlashScan is behaving as described above. Is there anything I can do to correct this? I've created an error report if it helps. Thanks!

September 7th, 2007, 09:31 AM
Waveoff, welcome... :cheers:

I pm'd Paul regarding your problem.

Please email the error report to support@efilive.com

September 7th, 2007, 10:21 AM
Thanks a bunch! I'm e-mailing the error report now.

September 7th, 2007, 04:29 PM

September 7th, 2007, 06:43 PM
Email is received and being forwarded to Paul as I type :)

September 7th, 2007, 11:58 PM
Thanks a bunch everyone...you're awesome! :)

September 8th, 2007, 08:13 AM
After you have pressed the button of the FlashScan unit, can you please disconnect FlashScan from the Vehicle and reconnect it to the PC/laptop.

Then connect to the FlashScan unit and open the black box logging upload window. Click on the [Dump] button to save the contents of the BB log memory to a file on your hard disk. Please send that file to me at paul@efilive.com
