View Full Version : Volt Fraud At Government Motors (yeah right)

October 21st, 2010, 09:22 AM
Volt Fraud At Government Motors (http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/Article/550957/201010191855/Volt-Fraud-At-Government-Motors.htm)

Hard to believe these guys would lie to us (again) after they got our money. :hihi:

October 21st, 2010, 09:57 AM
Here's the thing though.....

It seems that the entire article is based around this comment.

Volt engineers are now admitting that when the vehicle's lithium-ion battery pack runs down and at speeds near or above 70 mph, the Volt's gasoline engine will directly drive the front wheels along with the electric motors.

This is a quote from technical engineers given to journo's..... a dangerous mix. When they say "directly drives the front wheels", are they implying there is some sort of gear box arrangement to apply mechanical torque from the petrol motor to the wheels, or are they saying that due the the way the electrical circuit is made, electrical power from the petrol motor will be fed directly to the "drive motors"? If the current draw from the motors at 70mph matches or exceeds the current output from the petrol motor, then it's understandable that the petrol motor will not actually charge the batteries. You might find that a lower speeds, where current draw from the drive motors is less, that the petrol motor will charge the batteries. The "engineers" are giving a literal and factual quote, which can only be fully understood if it's given with the question that was asked and any other comments made at the time.

Sure, the Volt may not be all it's been made out to be, but it makes you wonder about the accuracy of the reporting when only snippets od information are given out.


October 21st, 2010, 10:40 AM
Yep, to me that article seems to have bent the original context of the snippet that Simon quotes.

October 21st, 2010, 12:23 PM
I think there are 2 points here :
1. Not true total electric .
2. Doesn't get 100 miles a gallon .

"Government Motors' all-electric car isn't all-electric and doesn't get near the touted hundreds of miles per gallon. Like "shovel-ready" jobs, maybe there's no such thing as "plug-ready" cars either."

I think you are right mr.prick , just more Obama Motors lies and deceit , they say now the Cruze is GMs (Government Motors) savor , first it was the redesigned Silverado/GMC trucks (didn't help) , then the Volt (still no help) , now the Cruze , where is our 56 billion they still owe us ?? Hmm !
Just a few days left , how do you like your tea ?

October 26th, 2010, 07:55 AM
It still runs 101 mph on all electric, so what if there is a way for the engine to run the wheels directly. It does not take a rocket scientist to know that converting mechanical energy to electrical back to mechanical is not as effective as a direct connection.

the mpg claim is misleading, but that is what the test at the time resulted for the fuel economy calculation. Personally plug in hybrids should have 2 mpg claims, first is miles on electric only, and second is "sustainable" fuel economy, run the FTP test with batteries right as the ICE starts.


October 26th, 2010, 09:10 AM
Wasn't the Volt supposed to be all electric? :nixweiss:
It won't be profitable but I don't think anyone claimed that. :hihi:
Some news from Ford.

October 26th, 2010, 10:29 AM
Ford is doing great, my stock is up 570% from when I purchased it. ;)


October 27th, 2010, 06:51 AM
It still runs 101 mph on all electric, so what if there is a way for the engine to run the wheels directly. It does not take a rocket scientist to know that converting mechanical energy to electrical back to mechanical is not as effective as a direct connection.

the mpg claim is misleading, but that is what the test at the time resulted for the fuel economy calculation. Personally plug in hybrids should have 2 mpg claims, first is miles on electric only, and second is "sustainable" fuel economy, run the FTP test with batteries right as the ICE starts.

I see the old "well the wheels are all powered by electricity , but never mind the Gas engine used to generate that electricity" so all electric by gas power , my house is all electric , but during a storm the power goes out and the gas generator kicks in aren't I then gas powered ?
Ah how the snakes crawl under the foliage .
Yeah Ford stock is doing well seeing they took the most of the Clean Air Incentive money $22 billion , call it what you will it is still a bailout .
My stock in "Impeach Obama" shirts has soared 1600% . :grin:

January 6th, 2014, 07:47 AM
Well, I was down to <25% SOC (8 miles), and 85mph did not fire up the gas motor running in standard mode yesterday.

The gas engine has only come on when I've requested it to come on so far (Mountain/Hold).