View Full Version : Yikes! I've been elected to give a 'Tuning' presentation...

October 21st, 2010, 11:08 AM
Our local Corvette Club has elected me to do a 'Tuning' presentation at the next meeting (Monday!). This all started due to my inquiry on providing basic tuning as a service to other Corvette Club members. :shock:

Oh well, I'll suck it up and come up with something. Most of these guys and gals have only heard about tuning, so I don't have to get too technical about it.

What are some points or suggestions that you think I should bring up in my presentation. Thanks for the ideas guys!

October 21st, 2010, 12:56 PM

You are welcome to utilize any of the material I have helped prepare (just make sure you credit EFILive). That includes CALC.VE Table, which includes calibrating the MAF.

I would just concentrate on making things simple. How to get fueling correct (VE Table & MAF), AFR for WOT, Spark (no KR).

I have only been doing this for two years, so there is a lot more to learn!

I would also ask Joecar for permission to utilize some of his Tutorial material and Links.

Good luck!!!

October 21st, 2010, 03:21 PM
Yes, you have permission to use material here, just give credit to the EFILive forum, and if material on this forum comes from elsewhere, give credit to the elsewhere also.

Follow the What to Tune link in my sig, namely this one: showthread.php?7867-gt-gt-gt-General-Tuning-Information-lt-lt-lt (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?7867-gt-gt-gt-General-Tuning-Information-lt-lt-lt)

Print color pictures of a log chart and of VE, MAF, OLFA, PE, spark tables to hold up while you talk.

Wave your hand(s) around in the shape of VE and spark tables as you talk, it helps. :hihi:

October 21st, 2010, 03:31 PM
Mention AFR, and it's relevance to making torque/power, and the way it interacts with spark timing, bringing you around to knock/detonation.

October 22nd, 2010, 05:56 AM
I have given many presentations over years many were while in the military and even one on tuning in college. Just go over the very basics and explain what tuning is and how it works. You dont have to go into how you adjust the VE table or how you adjust timing but just go into the basics of how optimizing your timing your and fuel will give you more hp and better fuel economy. You have to remember the average person will have not know what a ve table is or pe mode so try to limit tech terms and use basics when you can. IMO you want the presentation to be as simple as you can make it or most wont understand it all the terms. Show some screen shots showing some of the differnt tables idle, rev limter, etc you get the idea. Once you get going you will find that you have plenty of information the hard part will be limiting your presentations time.

October 22nd, 2010, 11:14 AM
Thanks guys! I'll be typing up my presentation this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.

October 23rd, 2010, 01:04 AM
Wave your hand(s) around in the shape of VE and spark tables as you talk, it helps. :hihi:

Dr Farnsworth?