View Full Version : 98 411 swap now tranny acting up!

November 15th, 2010, 03:49 AM
I did the 411 swap last night, now the tranny will shift from park to reverse and to drive. It will shift once then goes to third and holds third and wont shift out of it, or lock the TC. It is shifting really hard. I'm getting a shift solenoid error cant remember the error number. It was late and I was tired so I gave up! I will post the tune up later when off work, does anybody have any ideas?

November 15th, 2010, 04:16 AM
Sounds like the transmission harness has no power, or the connector is not mating, or some wires are pinned wrong.

3rd gear = both shift solenoids OFF.
hard shifts = high line pressure = pressure control solenoid zero current.

November 15th, 2010, 04:24 AM
Hello haulinit,

+1 on Joecar’s comments. Check you’re wiring diagram (pin by pin) and connections. Someone to help, and a digital voltmeter set to “continuity”, will make checking the wiring harness a little more expedient.

Post your tune if want that checked - but this sounds like a wiring issue.


November 15th, 2010, 04:58 AM
Thank you will do. I spliced the 4 wires down at the park/neutral sensor.

November 15th, 2010, 11:31 AM
I just checked my wiring and found the miss placed wire hopefully this fixes it!

November 15th, 2010, 11:55 AM
In your 1998 wiring harness the 2-3 (or 3-2) shift solenoid control was probably a yellow / black wire - originally at pin 4 in the C2 (red) connector of the black box Vortec PCM.

In a 1999 - 2002 wiring harness it would be a white wire. When you locate the above mentioned yellow / black wire - it connects to pin 79 in the C1 (blue) connector of the 0411 PCM.


November 16th, 2010, 02:04 AM
In your 1998 wiring harness the 2-3 (or 3-2) shift solenoid control was probably a yellow / black wire - originally at pin 4 in the C2 (red) connector of the black box Vortec PCM.

In a 1999 - 2002 wiring harness it would be a white wire. When you locate the above mentioned yellow / black wire - it connects to pin 79 in the C1 (blue) connector of the 0411 PCM.


Correct my eyes must have wandered when putting this wire in.

November 16th, 2010, 02:48 AM
You got things working correctly, I take it ?


November 16th, 2010, 06:14 AM
Yeah, I need to figure out how to get it start and idle correctly now. I think the cam is messing with it. When it starts it blubbers really bad and is rich from the smell. If you poke the throttle a couple of times and hold it above 1500 rpms for a bit it will idle fine after that.

November 16th, 2010, 07:58 AM
Once everything is working correctly, it is good idea to undertake a crank learn, idle learn, and BCM link (if you are using one).

If memory serves the ZZ4 cam you’re using is a 208 / 221 grind on a 114 lobe separation angle. These generally produce a “flat” torque curve, and usually idle fairly well.


November 16th, 2010, 10:15 AM
Once everything is working correctly, it is good idea to undertake a crank learn, idle learn, and BCM link (if you are using one).

If memory serves the ZZ4 cam you’re using is a 208 / 221 grind on a 114 lobe separation angle. These generally produce a “flat” torque curve, and usually idle fairly well.


Mr. Taz what is a BCM link? The cam specs sound right and it does produce a flat torque curve, it is a pretty smooth idle just a little chop. The previous PCM was a black box with a Wheatley 93 oct tune.

November 16th, 2010, 02:06 PM
If the vehicle the “0411” PCM was transplanted into has a BCM (Body Control Module) - these two modules need to “communicate” for the VTD / VATS (anti-theft) system to function.

You can use the software to establish the link, or use the ignition key on / off sequence method.

Not sure if your 1998 Silverado BCM uses Class-2 or PWM communication protocol.

In the PCM tune you can set G1201 to Class-2, PWM, or none.


November 16th, 2010, 02:19 PM
The Vats is disabled I do know that. Other then that you are way over my head at this point in time :bang:. I noticed last night that something was making noises and the recric button indicator light was switching between on and off.

Another thought with this cam and roller rockers it is pretty noisy, do you think it is setting off my knock sensor? The reason I ask is I keep getting a miss fire code IIRC P0300.

November 16th, 2010, 02:24 PM
02 xpress van with some mods. Im working on a bug that is not letting me log my truck.:shock:

November 16th, 2010, 03:40 PM
OK…Manuals and Tutorials were probably downloaded to C:\Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\Doc\ - there should be about a dozen *.pdf files. Instructions for Crank Position Sensor Relearn (sometimes referred to as CASE) is in the Scan Tool user manual - pages 152 & 153.

The misfire DTC may because the crank relearn has not been completed. Give the link below a read …


Hold off on any knock sensor adjustments until you get the crank learn completed.

Also, not sure what MAF sensor you’re using – assuming the stock 1998 Silverado. The values are different between MAFs on a 1998 Silverado and a 2002 Express.

Copy the MAF values from your original Vortec PCM tune (B6345) to the new 0411 PCM tune (B5001) – should help out a little with your current fueling issues.


November 16th, 2010, 04:02 PM
OK…Manuals and Tutorials were probably downloaded to C:\Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\Doc\ - there should be about a dozen *.pdf files. Instructions for Crank Position Sensor Relearn (sometimes referred to as CASE) is in the Scan Tool user manual - pages 152 & 153.

The misfire DTC may because the crank relearn has not been completed. Give the link below a read …


Hold off on any knock sensor adjustments until you get the crank learn completed.

Also, not sure what MAF sensor you’re using – assuming the stock 1998 Silverado. The values are different between MAFs on a 1998 Silverado and a 2002 Express.

Copy the MAF values from your original Vortec PCM tune (B6345) to the new 0411 PCM tune (B5001) – should help out a little with your current fueling issues.


Thank you sir, I found the ckp procedure. I will have to change the maf settings thanks.

November 17th, 2010, 12:27 PM
This is a log after I did the CASE relearn. I'm still getting a miss fire P0300 code on code start up. I also noticed that im getting some KR at 100% TPS. I have not had chance to get the MAF tables but I have a buddy that I might be able to get it from his ECM.

November 17th, 2010, 12:40 PM
Attached a 1998 Sierra tune as a reference for you ...


November 17th, 2010, 01:18 PM
PCM predominantly uses the MAF input to calculate air mass above 4000 RPMs. If your current KR is mainly at WOT, it may be due to a lean AFR caused by incorrect MAF values.

Copy over the 1998 Sierra MAF values and see if that helps.

Regarding the misfire DTC during a cold start – you will definitely need to due some tuning for your particular engine component combination once you have completed the initial shakedown of things.

There is an excellent idle tuning thread by WeathermanShawn. Also have a look at the AutoVe tutorial that would have downloaded with the software.


November 17th, 2010, 01:50 PM
Thanks Mr. Taz you are a life saver! I'm very new to tuning. Don't I need a WBo2 for the auoVE to work properly? I plan to get one, when the budget permits. I really appreciate all your help!

November 17th, 2010, 02:06 PM
A WBO is a necessary and invaluable piece of equipment if you intend on tuning the truck yourself, and tuning it well. In the interim, you can check for rich / lean condition the way a lot of us did for decades – pull the spark plugs and have a look !


November 17th, 2010, 03:49 PM
AH the lost art of reading a spark plug. Good thing I'm a two stroke guy. I changed the MAF settings, the truck did a cold start a lot better now. The l31 tune doesn't have the HZ range that the x van tune does so I smoothed the chart out. I must say that my dads d max is a little easier to tune then a gasser IMO! Like I said thanks for all your help!