View Full Version : Installation on Windows 7 Starter or Home?

Wasted Income
November 22nd, 2010, 12:39 PM
Hey guys... I am looking to buy a netbook for tuning and it seems that the majority of them, including the one I want, run Windows 7 Starter edition. I know from posts here that EFI Live works on Windows 7 Ultimate (which can run Windows XP apps) but not sure about the" cheaper" versions of windows 7 like Starter and Home? Any help is appreciated.


November 22nd, 2010, 01:22 PM
I use EFILive on:

desktop computer running Windows XP
desktop computer running Windows 7 Premium
notebook computer running Windows Vista
notebook computer running Windows 7 Home

No problems with any of the platforms - just the usual software update growing pains. I’ve never tried it on a netbook - perhaps my next purchase.


Big Mike
November 22nd, 2010, 03:01 PM
Never had a problem with it on W7 Home either. Just have to be certain you're doing any installs and changes as an administrator.

November 22nd, 2010, 03:57 PM
W7 Starter when it comes to app compatibility is identical to all other W7 editions. I dont believe you can use compatibility mode on .exe files (sometimes helpful for legacy apps), but other than that its the same. And EFILive runs natively under all W7 editions so its irrelevant.

Ive used EFILive on XP Home, XP Pro, Vista Home Prem x64, Vista Ultimate x64, W7 Home Prem x64, and W7 Ultimate x64. Never had an issue with anything.

BTW, if you can get W7 Home Premium do it over Starter, W7 Starter is a joke of an OS. Microsoft only released it so netbooks wouldnt only run Linux. You cant even change the background unless you use a 3rd party app and the Aero interface (pretty transparant with the window previews) is deactivated (and I spent 3hrs trying to force/hack it to work).

Wasted Income
November 23rd, 2010, 08:19 AM
Excellent info guys!! Heading down to to pick up that netbook + W7Home after work. I couldn't get a straight answer from the Best Buy kid (shocking, I know) about the return policy if it didn't work the the ONLY software I plan to run on this machine....so I thought i'd check first :)

November 23rd, 2010, 08:54 AM

Which netbook is it...? Let us know how it goes...?

Wasted Income
November 23rd, 2010, 10:14 AM
I am currently running efi live on an Asus EeePC with windows XP and its the hot ticket for tuning IMO. I dropped it and broke it so gotta get a new one. Im looking at the $ 300 HP unit that best buy has.

November 23rd, 2010, 07:01 PM
Get another eeePC or buy one online, Ive heard a lot of people arent fans of the HP unit. I have a few friends with different eeePCs, Asus knows how to build 'em.

Wasted Income
November 23rd, 2010, 07:15 PM
Tooooooooooo late, haha.

November 23rd, 2010, 07:29 PM
Ha ok, good luck with it then! Does it have starter or home premium?