View Full Version : Autocal novice

December 9th, 2010, 09:04 PM
I've just received my autocal and followed instructions on software and downloads. I'm able to record data onto autocal and was also able to read tune from engine and transmission.
Now I would like to know how to copy the files or tunes to my laptop for emailing purposes.
I've downloaded efi explorer and can see the reads from pcm and trans controller as long as the autocal device is connected. Can I off load the info from the autocal to efi explorer?
Also is there a format for emailing tunes to tuner or is it a simple copy and paste? If there are instructions for the info Im asking; where can I find it?.

December 10th, 2010, 04:12 AM
Hi RULEMKR welcome to the forum :cheers:

With AutoCal connected to vehicle, go down into the Tuning menu and read the ECM and TCM, wait for the progress bar to finish.

[ what vehicle...? ]

Connect AutoCal to your PC, start EE (EFILive Explorer), in the lower pane goto the Data Files tab...
on the left side of the lower pane you should see folders named Scan and Tune;

click the Home button, this positions the upper pane (your PC's folder tree) to an appropriate place;

in the lower pane goto the Tune folder and goto the Read subfolder, you will see your read tune files...
drag those files from the lower pane to the upper pane, a copy progress bar appears, wait for it to finish.

You then just email the .ctd files, maybe zip them up first (i.e. using Windows compressed folder or WinZip or WinRAR).

December 10th, 2010, 05:49 AM
Thanks joecar, that did it. Also the vehicle is an 06/A6 vette. I will try and send files using windows compressed folder.

Chuck CoW
December 10th, 2010, 01:17 PM
Did you buy your autocal from your tuner?

Chuck CoW

December 11th, 2010, 05:50 AM
Of course Chuck. I purchased my unit from you and am preparing for some A6 upgrades to my current tune. How's Orlando?

Chuck CoW
December 13th, 2010, 07:26 AM
All Jet Blue flights were canceled, but It's monday now and I'm home... Give me a call and we'll get it done....

Chuck CoW

December 26th, 2010, 04:03 PM
This thread says to connect the AutoCal to a computer to allow saving/transferring the read cals through EFI Live Explorer. Is it not possible for the cal to be stored in the AutoCal so that the AutoCal may be sent to the tuner or the file(s) copied onto a desktop rather than having a computer in the car.

December 26th, 2010, 07:48 PM
You could hassle sending the physical AC unit back to your tuner, but with email why bother? Email's essentially free, shipping a box even flat rate is $8 each way. Not sure what you mean in the last part of the last sentence, you can copy the *.ctd files from the AC to/from your PC however often you want and store them wherever on your PC you want. You have to use EFILive Explorer to copy the files to/from the AC though. I imagine most tuners put a tune or two onto an AC unit before shipping them, then for updates emailing is the easiest way.

December 27th, 2010, 05:41 AM
Basically I am looking to be able to read a Cal from a car (without a computer in the car), take the AutoCal out of the car and transfer the Cal on the bench.
I tune for a shop that doesn't have laptop in the shop only the counter computer in the showroom so there is no way to connect the AutoCal to a computer while in the car. As well I have others in remote areas or the owner of the vehicle just isn't computer savy so would like to be able to ship the AutoCal with the read Cal.

Chuck CoW
December 27th, 2010, 07:45 AM
You're the tuner? Yes, you can do what you're asking about, but seems like a lot of work...

Chuck CoW

December 27th, 2010, 10:28 AM
Umm, you can already do all that with a V2, which you HAVE to have to use any AutoCal device...Why bother using an AC unit when you can do it all with your V2 (except maybe flash if you want the AC (not your V2) linked to that PCM/ECM/TCM serial number). So you want to use an AC to bench read controllers, just like normal V2 BBR? The only reason would be to have the cal reside on the AC, but its easy enough to transfer cals from your PC that were read with a V2.

As for the remote part, thats the entire reason ACs were developed.

December 27th, 2010, 11:27 AM
I appreciate all the comments especially as my questions are likely pretty elementary to an experienced tuner. I just received my first batch of AC's so was reading up on the forum when I came across this thread. From the comments I got the impression that you must have a computer in the car and transfer the read data with EFI Explorer to the laptop while the AC is still connected to the car. If you read with the AC and disconnect from the car it does not hold the data. This didn't make any sense as what I thought the whole reasoning for the AC is remote tuning. So you should be able to read data from a car and have it be retained in the AC for later use whatever that may be. If this isn't the case then yes may as well just use the V2.

December 28th, 2010, 06:31 AM
No, ACs have 6MB (I think, or is it 6MB cal space + 2MB config?) of internal memory to store cals.

ACs are designed to go ahead and have the remote customer read out the stock tune and store it on the AC, then flash the new tune in. That way they can switch it in the field, just like we can with V2s.

Ah, I see what you're saying now. You thought you could only do pass-thru stuff in the field. Actually, you cant do ANY pass-thru stuff with an AC unit! Its all BBX stuff!

For a tuner, its waaay easier to just use your V2. Then copy the files to an AC unit and send it out.

Chuck CoW
December 28th, 2010, 06:35 AM
Actually, you can use autocal as a pass thru device. Last night I helped a customer to use the new V8 interface to pass thru an E38 and T43 for both reading and writing.

You can also pass thru with the V7.5 scan tool and I imagine the V8 when it's ready (and boy does V8 SCAN look nice!!!).

Chuck CoW

December 28th, 2010, 11:17 AM
Brain fart, Im recalling Ross/Paul removing pass-thru reading/flashing with an AC in V7.5, I didnt realize you can use the V7.5 scan tool to pass-thru. V8 makes sense, AC + V8 are supposed to work hand in hand together.

December 28th, 2010, 01:01 PM
I am strating to get a handle on the AC. I spent a bunch of time with it on the dyne today.

Reading the PCM cal works real nice with the AC standalone (ie. No laptop in the vehicle).

I am having difficulty getting the pids I select to log. I am dragging and dropping in EFI Explorer but they do not show up in the scan.

December 28th, 2010, 04:24 PM
Use EFILive V8 Scan and Tune and open up BBX settings, need to setup the PIDs list there and then program the AC unit with those PIDs in V8 S&T.

December 28th, 2010, 04:49 PM
Woops, serves me for not having the progs open while posting.

Was doing it in Scan & Tune not EFI E. In F5:BBX I select LMM Auto in PID Menu Items then drag and drop the PIDs from Available PIDs to Selected PIDs. I Program with "Program ALL required data."

I have tried different ways including deleting all the log files on the AC first as well as Format CONFIG file system.

As well on the F3:Tune tab I have entered an item with LMM Duramax ECM.

I have been Programming on both scan and tune, is this necessary.

Thanks a bunch,