View Full Version : how do these logs look?

December 22nd, 2010, 03:44 PM
Ok got his truck fixed and did the CalcVE tutorial, did 3 runs and 3 calibration updates, they are numbered numerically. I know they need smoothing but don't know how to do it good yet. Am I in the right direction? The last logs and tune is the number 3. I flashed 3 to his ecm but didn't log it yet, how does it look so far? Awww crap just remembered I forgot to reset the LTFT between tune flashes, argh.

December 22nd, 2010, 05:05 PM

It doesn't look like you are making any changes to the MAF Calibration Table B5001.:confused:..

Even though you are addressing the VE Table, you need to paste and multiply the logged MAF LTFTBEN (per the Tutorial). That insures that the VE Table will be accurate.

Overall you are not that far off. You probably need to add about 5% to the entire MAF curve (to insure negative LTFTBENS) by applying Table B5001 to your Tune.

Obviously you will need to get rid of some of that spikes and do some manual smoothing. A lot of times you get unreliable data when the vehicle idles if it starts to die and MAP goes up. Joecar and I have plenty of examples if you need them.

I think you are getting close. There is not a lot of 'slope' to that VE Table, but I take it this has more to do with the vehicles engine size and/or mods?

December 22nd, 2010, 11:19 PM
Idon't get the maf one I followed the calcve tutorial and all the maf shows 1.0 and 1.1 a and when I paste to table b5001 it says something like no column data or something that

December 23rd, 2010, 03:06 AM
Under the Tab 'Map properties'..under Data is a sub-tab called 'Precision'. Make that at least a '3'. Then when you collect the data you hit copy with labels. Then when you paste you must hit 'paste and multiply'.

Here is what I got on your MAF LTFTBEN Data..Isn't that what you got?

Edit: The instructions for the MAF Calibration Table is included after the filtering process. You did filter, right?

December 23rd, 2010, 04:51 AM
Yeah I did all that and it gave me the error when I tried to paste it into B5001. I didn't know about the setting the precision tab setting to 3 though, i'll try that later. And I did filter the data, I used filter to exclude below 178 coolant, TPS moves more than 5%, and PE mode. And no when I did my MAF LTFTBEN I got alot of 1.0 and a couple 1.1. Since I couldn't paste it i went to the MAF freq value that showed a 1.1 and just multiplied the value in the table by 1.1. I'm gonna have to run his new tune today and reset the LTFT cause I forgot to do that all last night.

December 23rd, 2010, 05:34 AM
Yeah I did all that and it gave me the error when I tried to paste it into B5001.

Thats paste and multiply..

Like I said, I can help out on the tuning theory and method..if it comes down to the Scan Tool or computer applications you (we) may need some help as that is not my specialty. I always just followed the examples in the Tutorials:http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/Interactive/How to Create a Map.htm (http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/Interactive/How%20to%20Create%20a%20Map.htm). I found that gave me more success than just 'winging' it.

To each his own. Your tune should be there with a few more logs..:)

December 23rd, 2010, 06:08 AM
I did the paste and multiply, i'll try it again later and see what happens.

December 23rd, 2010, 10:23 AM
Idon't get the maf one I followed the calcve tutorial and all the maf shows 1.0 and 1.1 a and when I paste to table b5001 it says something like no column data or something thatMake sure you created the map to look exactly like B5001...

Do this:
- In B5001, in upper left corner of table (the little blank box between the row and col label intersection) do rightclick->copy with labels (all cells should highlight),
- in the map, on each of the Row and Col tabs click Paste Labels,
- in the map, on the Data tab set the precision to 4,
- save the map and replot the log (star button at bottom).

December 23rd, 2010, 12:53 PM
Set precision and it works. Whatsoever the purpose and use forum changing rpm from 4000 to 400?

December 23rd, 2010, 01:05 PM
It is to insure that there is absolutely no influence from the VE Table in determining the LTFT Correction. While it has been my practical experience that Trims seem to almost always follow the MAF Airflow, it is conceivable that you may get some Trims from any airflow correction from the VE Table.

Setting the RPM threshold to 400 insures perfection. Leaving it a 4000 Rpm will still 'work', but you may need more LTFT 'rinses' to get it right.

Thats my theory. I have tried both and they work..

December 23rd, 2010, 01:09 PM
So i'd set the threshold to 400 and log and calibrate again?

December 23rd, 2010, 01:25 PM
Yes give it a shot.

You may see a few LTFT 'tweak' a little, especially in the lower RPM's.

Report back any differences..

December 24th, 2010, 06:51 AM
Well here are the graphs. I learned something new from my mistakes, maybe it will help someone else out too. I did my logging and calibrations but I forgot to reset LTFT trims between runs. And I set my logging map setting to consider 10 cells or less empty, but then I forgot to click hide empty cells, so I was basically using the 10 or less cells anyways. Which is why my graph looks very rough. Here are some pics they are the same graph just the one I hand smoothed, what do you guys think it's the first time i've tried smoothing, so hope it don't throw my calibrations off too much, i'm gonna be doing some more tuning here in a few min too.

December 24th, 2010, 07:00 AM
Concerning the VE Table & Graph:

'Hills' and 'Valleys' are O.K. as they may just demonstrate the natural harmonics of the engine. Big spikes should be eliminated..I.E. brought down to the natural slope of the surrounding cells. In almost every case, the VE Values should progressively climb as RPM's and MAPs increase. If one or two cells don't, just hand smooth.

Basically the VE Table graph should look like your dyno curve of the engine (at max MAP).

You can always post up your final Tune and Joecar or myself can demonstrate. You can also check your DYNCYLAIR.DMA and CYLAIR.DMA values in the tune. They should be very close at every RPM and MAP.

December 24th, 2010, 12:17 PM
Here are the latest log and tune. I think i'm done if you guys agree, time to move into wideband and WOT, PE tuning right?

December 24th, 2010, 02:32 PM
Yes, I think they look real good!

Your Trims are near perfect, your DYNCYLAIR and CYLAIR are very close, and your VE Table looks 'sane'.

I 'cleaned' up your VE Table a little as a test. It has very minimal hand smoothing, but that is what I would do with it if it was my vehicle.

Congrats..you did it in less than a week!

Did you find it easy to do? Does it make sense to you now?

Again, good job..

December 24th, 2010, 02:46 PM
Yeah it makes sense now, still have alot to learn though. Still a little confused why you would adjust the 4000rpm to 400. If we didn't have problems with his spark plug wires we would of gotten it done in less time. Now have to work on timing and hook up my WB to work on PE/WOT. but you guys rock, taught me alot so far. Your smoothing looks really good, you think that i safe enough to just flash or you think if I flashed it, to recheck the number with anohter log run?

December 24th, 2010, 04:05 PM
Your safe to flash..Yea, all I did was touch up your VE Table a little..so you can either cut or paste the VE Table or just use the Tune I edited.

As far as the 400 Rpm vs 4000 Rpm..in all reality it is experiences like yours that will give us the information as to whether it is really required or not. With a MAF-enabled car it may not be necessary. You should change it back to 4000 RPM though now that you are done with your Tune.

IMO, WB tuning is pretty easy depending on your set-up. I just use an AFRBEN and filter just for PE Mode. Then I apply that BEN to the corresponding MAF Frequency (just like the LTFTBEN). Like I said if you get stuck let us know. I can use your current MAF Table and WOT MAF frequency and let Excel plot out an easy curve.

I must commend you. You stuck with it and got it done. Enjoy the holidays...

December 24th, 2010, 04:32 PM
Following the tutorial made it pretty easy. I never switched the rpm's to 400, I wasn't really sure what to do after I got the logs, or really what it did. I know it will log basically a MAF log, but then didn't know where to go from there so didn't change the rpm enable point. You have a good holiday too, just gonna be pretty lazy one this year for me and wife.