View Full Version : need help!!!!

December 28th, 2010, 12:00 PM
Hey guys i need some help. I just got done putting a new cam in my 8.1L its a comp cams xr270H and i need some help to tune it i was wondering what i need to do if you can help me i can email you my log data from tonight if you would be willing to shoot me an email at 6.5ldiesel@live.com please any help is appreciated and thank you in advance.

December 28th, 2010, 12:13 PM
Hello Smokin6.5l,

Do you have a wideband O2 you can use for tuning ? If so, have a look at the AutoVe Tutorial - it should help you dial in your “new” VE and MAF values. The cam upgrade will probably reduce VE at lower RPMs and increased VE at higher RPMs.

If you don’t have a wideband O2, then take a look at the CalcVE tutorial. There are many threads on the Forum that discuss how to use each of these techniques.


December 28th, 2010, 04:29 PM
i am attaching a tune file and data log for the truck. If someone could take a look at them for me and help me with tuning this thing it would be greatly appreciated. Oh ya taz i do not have a wideband o2 sensor.