View Full Version : Windows OS requirements?

January 11th, 2011, 06:18 PM
I looked over both the EFI Live site and scanned the forum, so I'm sure I just missed it. My question is: What Windows version is required to run EFI Live 7 and 8?

Currently I am running Windows 2000 is a VirtualBox VM (Host OS is Linux). I use Win2k because it runs the one Windows app I use without being a memory hog. Anyway, Ver. 7 tune tool runs fine, but V8 blows chunks, complaining about missing DLL's.

Will I need to run a newer version of Windows? I have a seat of Windows Vista and Windows 7, so I could make a new VM to run them. I just don't like the extra bloat :throw:

January 11th, 2011, 08:42 PM
I believe V8 was designed for W7+, but in my use has worked ok on Vista too. Setup a W7 VM, if you disable the visual effects to make it run the legacy taskbar/start menu it is very snappy. I havent used Win 2k in years, but it is a little lighter on the ram usage. W7 runs just fine with 1gb, 2+ is better but if all you're going to run is your existing program and EFILive I wouldnt worry about it.

Try W7 in a VM out, just dont put in a product key when you install it and test it for 30 days. Heck, you can extend the 30 day trial to 120/180 if you're crafty!

January 11th, 2011, 09:31 PM
Well, turns out I cant find my Windows 7 disk :( I will load up a Vista VM and see how it goes.


January 12th, 2011, 07:39 AM
Download it from a torrent site, Ive had to do that with Vista SP2 disks because I was rebuilding my roommates' laptop and I didnt have a copy of Vista Home Premium. Just make sure the checksums match up from Microsoft's website and you're good to go.