View Full Version : 07 L98 E38 fan problems?

January 17th, 2011, 11:48 AM
I am playing with an 07 escalade e38 conversion os 12614088 cal 12614085 in a 69 blazer. I have the system up and running, did the vats mod, the engine fires right up runs and works well except the cooling fans, they run all the time. I can command them off with bi directional controls, they stay off untill I exit out of the controls, the pcm is commading the fans on high. I have this wired factor with the series parralell fan wiring. When the engine first starts the fans are off, about one second later the fans go on low, one second later the fans go high and never shut of until the engine is shut off. I have tried tried doing a full reflash again, I have tried changing he coolant fan settings, I have tried applying the cooling fan patch, changing the 192 deg setting (g0901)to 0 nothing seems to correct the problem. I did notice one other odd thing, when I am in the scanner mode and start the engine, the scanner looses comunication unless there is a 120 ohm terminating resistor in line. My snap on scanner works fine either way. There is no codes. 9700 Anyone have any ideas?

January 17th, 2011, 11:12 PM
turn off codes 532 and 533... they are failing cause of AC missing more than likely and so ECU turns Fans on high to stop overheating

make X - not reported

January 18th, 2011, 05:53 AM
Thanks!! The system still has the ac pressure sensor, the ac system is charged, who would have thought that with everything there, just missing the ac control panel would send the fans into fail and command them on!

January 18th, 2011, 11:41 AM
Good to know...:D
532 533 set to "not reported"