View Full Version : How effective is b0104?

January 22nd, 2011, 01:04 PM
It appears that hsv/holden/gm set this to 0.75litre for both the 6.0 and 6.2 litre cars rather than 0.77 for the 6.2

Is this for any reason or is this an ineffective setting? I've noticed a lot of comment about this when using the calc pid so does it take an active effect on fueling and if so why were the 6.2 cars shipped with it set the same as the 6.0 cars?

January 23rd, 2011, 12:57 AM
It appears that hsv/holden/gm set this to 0.75litre for both the 6.0 and 6.2 litre cars rather than 0.77 for the 6.2

Is this for any reason or is this an ineffective setting? I've noticed a lot of comment about this when using the calc pid so does it take an active effect on fueling and if so why were the 6.2 cars shipped with it set the same as the 6.0 cars?

It is said that it has no effect on tuning. LS2 E40's have it at 5.7/8 IIRC. If you search far and wide you might find a post on here where GMPX mentions that it has no effect. So probably in that case just an benign identifier. :)

January 23rd, 2011, 10:54 AM
Cheers, think I stumbled over GMPX or possibly blacky saying it was referenced in the calc pids but didn't really pay much attention as it was too late in the night for engaging brain! I've set it as should be and plan to log before/after settings once I get the lc-1 back in but sounds as though its one of those features put in there just in case.

If only we could enable lean cruise!

January 23rd, 2011, 03:48 PM
Do you mean lean cruise in CL? Lean cruise in OL is possible already

RE: B0104, has any one tried setting up an SD tune and then altering this parameter to see if it changes the perceived VE?


January 23rd, 2011, 04:14 PM
Do you mean lean cruise in CL? Lean cruise in OL is possible already

RE: B0104, has any one tried setting up an SD tune and then altering this parameter to see if it changes the perceived VE?


Yes have looked at it to see if it affects VE etc. At least on the tune I look at, there was no effect. That said we always align the capacity in B0104 to the engine size. :)

Cheers, think I stumbled over GMPX or possibly blacky saying it was referenced in the calc pids but didn't really pay much attention as it was too late in the night for engaging brain! I've set it as should be and plan to log before/after settings once I get the lc-1 back in but sounds as though its one of those features put in there just in case.

If only we could enable lean cruise!

It may be fixed now, but for Calc Pids the engine size parameter in B0104 didnt work. Had a to edit the PID file to make this work.

January 23rd, 2011, 04:50 PM
Yes have looked at it to see if it affects VE etc. At least on the tune I look at, there was no effect. That said we always align the capacity in B0104 to the engine size. :)

It may be fixed now, but for Calc Pids the engine size parameter in B0104 didnt work. Had a to edit the PID file to make this work.

I believe it is only for the VE percentage in the tune tool, Calc pids reference the displacement in the log file information.

January 23rd, 2011, 10:10 PM
I believe it is only for the VE percentage in the tune tool, Calc pids reference the displacement in the log file information.

Correct, but the displacement number needs to be edited into the sae_generic.txt

% 0.0 100.0 .2 "{SAE.MAF.gps}*({SAE.IAT.C}+273.15)/((displacement()*61.024)*{SAE.RPM}*{SAE.MAP.kPa})* 212544"

the displacement() function returns nothing, so it needs to be replaced by either 7.0 or 7000 for an LS7 for example. I cant recall which, and my original file which had been edited has been zotted by an upgrade. :)