View Full Version : Autocal Data Logging

January 24th, 2011, 06:57 AM
Hello, I just completed my data logging, but when I cranked up the efi live software, I learned that my data log was not there. Where did I go wrong? I would plug in the autocal unit to the trucks port, pressed (record data), and at red lights or other areas I would click the "ok" button to pause and resume where I felt it was neccessary due to red lights, etc. Then I saved trace after the 30 minute drive and unplugged from port. Plugged into desktop software and the read was empty. Thanks

January 24th, 2011, 08:38 AM
If you don't exit the log, by using the Prev button to scroll all the way to the top of the menu and choosing the Exit option the log will not be closed off properly. The filesize will be 2Kb and will just contain the PIDs that were selected for logging.

Please not that support for AutoCal is provided by your tuner and not directly from EFILive. The simple reason is that they have configured the device specifically for you as part of a paid service and advise given here may change the configuration, resulting in support difficulties with your tuner.

March 2nd, 2011, 09:17 AM

Kindly direct me (the tuner) to the UM that describes this and other operating instructions. I am not able to locate it.

If you don't exit the log, by using the Prev button to scroll all the way to the top of the menu and choosing the Exit option the log will not be closed off properly. The filesize will be 2Kb and will just contain the PIDs that were selected for logging.

Please not that support for AutoCal is provided by your tuner and not directly from EFILive. The simple reason is that they have configured the device specifically for you as part of a paid service and advise given here may change the configuration, resulting in support difficulties with your tuner.

March 2nd, 2011, 09:41 AM
It's the same requirement as with FlashScan V2 BBL. If you remove power from V2 while logging the exact same thing will occur. I wrote a quick start guide for AutoCal (http://download.efilive.com/Documentation/EFILive%20AutoCal%20Customer%20Quick%20Start%20Gui de.pdf) that covers a lot of the basic operations of the device. You are of course welcome to produce any additional materials that you require to support your tuning business using AutoCal as a delivery method.

March 2nd, 2011, 10:08 AM
Andrew, with respect

YOU need to provide a document that gives US a clear understanding of how this thing works. What you are saying instead is, that to be proficient with an Autocal, first go get proficient in BBL. Correct?

As it is, there is a crew of us (stream owners) that are just angry to the core that we have to buy (more) licensing to use this as a transport. Please don't dismis a legitimate complaint. I am trying my best here, and somebody needed to say it.

ok, maybe that wasn't full of respect, so more to the thread original content: as a tuner, if you want us to use this to communicate with an end user, it needs to be "dummy proof" which it has the appearance of. KISS. But, if a customer pulls the plug (and they are going to, regardless of what we ask for) then the device needs to interpret that, and auto-designate the log file in some way. To me, this is common sense ergonomics. Doesn't this sound like a smart idea? I don't pretend to know if this is impractical from your design end, and I know the power is lost when unplugged. Is the memory volatile? Are these kinds of improvements to the ergonomic aspects possible going forward?

March 2nd, 2011, 10:40 AM
YOU need to provide a document that gives US a clear understanding of how this thing works. What you are saying instead is, that to be proficient with an Autocal, first go get proficient in BBL. Correct?

There is absolutely an expectation that anyone that is going to use an AutoCal to provide a tuning service is intimately familiar with the BBL functionality. It is essential, and fortunately is common between the FlashScan v2 and AutoCal device (shared firmware basically).

Being very honest here, this kind of deflection drives people like myself (idiots) crazy. It is not acceptable, to have to guess how to use something that was marketed for us. And it certainly is not reflecting well to launch it with any mysteries. As it is, there is a crew of us (stream owners) that are just angry to the core that we have to buy (more) licensing to use this as a transport. Please don't get me going, by dismissing a legitimate complaint. I am trying my best here, and somebody needed to say it.

As a reseller I would not have expected you to classify yourself as an "idiot". Quite the reverse, I would have assumed that you would have been totally proficient with the EFILive product and it's operation.

As I sent in an email directly to you in August of last year quoted below:
"The AutoCal device is really intended to be sold to your customer and remain their property. This way the device can be used by the customer whenever they like to flash in the tunes you have provided, or return to stock. We are aware that some tuners/workshops intend to use the device to send to multiple customers which is why we increased the VIN limit to 8 (it was originally going to be 2-3 to cater for a single customers potential vehicles)."

So you chose the product knowing it's intention and the licensing constraints.

ok, maybe that wasn't full of respect, so more to the thread original content: as a tuner, if you want us to use this to communicate with an end user, it needs to be "dummy proof" which it has the appearance of. KISS. But, if a customer pulls the plug (and they are going to, regardless of what we ask for) then the device needs to interpret that, and auto-designate the log file in some way. To me, this is common sense ergonomics. Doesn't this sound like a smart idea? I don't pretend to know if this is impractical from your design end. Are these kinds of improvements to the ergonomic aspects possible going forward?

I'm a big boy, I can take it.

It is not possible to implement in the current FlashScan V2 and AutoCal devices the ability to gracefully close a log on removal of power. I have spoken with Paul about it previously and there is just no way to implement it with the available resources on those devices.

Knowing the limitation it is definitely something we will be addressing for sure as part of the next version product design. Something along the lines of a power loss detection invokes a file buffer close and flush event.


March 2nd, 2011, 10:47 AM
Thanks for letting me rant, and handling it, as usual, with grace. The lack of grace, is where I am an idiot. I have faith in myself in other areas.

Yes, I knew what I was buying. And I am still miffed about it. That's not going to change. If that is worth something, great. If not, oh well, I tried again.

March 2nd, 2011, 11:28 AM
Forgive me at this point.

I don't see the BBx tutorials or UM. Can you direct me to that? I looked in the help section of the software, the support section of this site...

March 6th, 2011, 04:50 AM
Can I assume from the silence, there is no tuturial or even help files for black box functions?

March 6th, 2011, 05:49 AM
There is no officially produced documentation for BBX or V8 right now. V8 is in constant and heavy development so it is subject to too much change really. There are quite a few posts on here, specifically by Joecar I think that are pretty good. Also, I think if you just put aside a few minutes to "play" with it you'll see it is pretty simple really. It's all managed through the EFILive Scan and Tune application and is drag and drop for the PID selections etc.

I might see if I can get an application which can do interactive tutorials and put some together...

BTW: You could also have assumed it was the weekend down here (is just gone 06:45 here on Monday now) ;)

March 7th, 2011, 02:06 PM

Is the what you're looking for:

showthread.php?14351-BBL-PIDs-V2 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14351-BBL-PIDs-V2&p=128785#post128785)
showthread.php?13841-What-is-BBL (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?13841-What-is-BBL)
showthread.php?13836-New-V2-help-find-exlporer (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?13836-New-V2-help-find-exlporer&p=123595&viewfull=1#post123595)
showthread.php?15492-V2-BBL-saving-log-data (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15492-V2-BBL-saving-log-data&p=136965#post136965)

March 7th, 2011, 03:55 PM
Thanks. I have been gleaning from your effort.
