View Full Version : unknown timing getting added at WOT

January 28th, 2011, 03:48 AM
I haven't a clue where its coming from. It ramps in and add about 10 degrees.
Its an 06 1500 truck 5.3 turbo on 8 PSI threw the MAFF Its runs hard! But i don't like 20 21 degrees at WOT! lol

Don't have a current log forgot to save it. Will get one tonight.

Current tune is attached, I can't find anything i may have for got about. Maybe another set of eyes would help.

Thanks Brad

January 28th, 2011, 05:01 AM

Not as familiar with your OS, but if your fueling is following the Commanded EQ in B3618, then most likely it is being added in B5908. You have up to 10 degrees of Spark being added there.

Of course a log and with all theSpark Pids selected would confirm it.

January 28th, 2011, 06:46 AM
Wow, can't believe i over looked that table. It was a late night last night. My eye weren't working very well.

Thanks Shawn! I'll try it tonight.
