View Full Version : January 31st 2011 pre-release (Updated Feb 03, 2011)

January 30th, 2011, 01:41 PM
This pre-release is beta software. We've tested it in controlled environments, however there may still be some minor issues. You should only update/use this pre-release in environments where failure can be tolerated and/or recovered using other processes.

The V7.5 software is available here:

The V8 software is available here:

IMPORTANT: The new firmware is V2.07.05 which means you cannot go back to V2.07.04 once you have updated your firmware.

The firmware update also requires that you update all script files (*.obj files) that exist on your FlashScan (or your customers' AutoCal) devices. Failure to update the script files will result in error $050B Script file not supported by current firmware version.

The easiest way to update the script files on your devices is to:

1. Connect your FlashScan or AutoCal device to the PC.
2. Run the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software.
3. Select the F5: BBX option.
4. Click on the [Read] button to read the current setup of the attached device.
5. Click on the [Program] button which will cause all outdated files to be updated.

It is not necessary to save the BBX Options file after performing the above procedure.

This update contains fixes for most of the problems that have been reported in the previous pre-release software and firmware detailed here: http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15395-January-24th-2011-pre-release

If you have reported a problem and discover that it has not been fixed in this pre-release, please create a support ticket explaining the problem in detail here: http://support.efilive.com/

Updates available in this pre-release:

In EFILive_ScanAndTune V8 -> F3: Tune -> F4: Properties -> Calibration Information:

The "Author:" field can only be modified if its value is ".", once its value has been set to something other than "." it cannot be changed again.
A new field "ModifiedBy:" can be changed at any time to indicate who has made additional changes to the file.
The two date fields "Created:" and "Modified:" are now display-only. They cannot be updated manually by the user. The software sets the Created date when the file is first saved and updates the modified date each time the file is re-saved.

To help make switching between V7 and V8 easier, there is now a right-click menu option on the FlashScan System Tray icon to allow the user to disconnect the V8 software from FlashScan/AutoCal to allow the V7 software access to the USB device(s).

The V7 software now correctly identifies the device's authorization level and shows the calibration tables that are normally restricted when a device is not connected.

Calculated PIDs were not being evaluated in the correct order. That caused calculated PIDs that depended on the value of other calculated PIDs to lag by one or more frames. Calculated PIDs are now evaluated in PRN order, the lowest PRN is evaluated first.

Updated Cummins read/flash routines to clear diagnostic trouble codes when completed.

In EFILive_ScanAndTune V8 -> F3: Tune -> F4: Properties:
Changed the way Content Management and Device Management options are presented to the user. Hopefully the new presentation makes it easier to understand.

If the user attempts to "Save" a file (i.e. overwriting the original) that has content or device management options activated for the first time, a warning is displayed explaining that it would be better to use "Save as..." to create a new version of the file. That way the original file will still exist without any content/device management options active.

Fixed problem when attempting to BBF an E60 (LLY Duramax) and if the controller was already licensed in pass-thru mode, then FlashScan did not recognize the controller as licensed.

Controller codes that have recently changed are now automatically updated in configuration files (i.e. Option.txt). Those controller name changes are:

LB7 -> E54
LLY -> E60
LBZ -> E35A
LMM -> E35B
LML -> E86

Known issues for this pre-release (these will be addressed in a future update):

LS1A is not auto-identified, you must right click and select it prior to V8 pass-thru reading.

DMA PID's for the E39/E78 cannot be logged from V7 Scan direct, BBL is the only way to capture DMA PID's.

AutoCal auto-locking is only available for the E38 controller, other controllers will have AutoCal auto-locking implemented soon.

January 31st, 2011, 02:11 PM
As of Feb 01, 2011, the download files have been updated from

Changes in these two updates:


Added E37 VATs patch.
Fixed V1 Personal, Commercial and Workshop cables from being mis-identified as Scan Only, Workshop and Unknown respectively.
Fixed problem with loading *.ctd files created with V8.1.2.140


Internal component updates.


January 31st, 2011, 07:49 PM
Thanks again Paul

February 1st, 2011, 01:25 AM
No Firmware update (Feb 01) correct ?

Funny how the V8 build number is catching up to the V7 build number.

February 1st, 2011, 06:39 AM
No Firmware update (Feb 01) correct ?


Funny how the V8 build number is catching up to the V7 build number.

I was just thinking the same thing. A lot more work is going into V8 at the moment.


February 1st, 2011, 12:12 PM
I did the updates and its telling me my Roadrunner is not licensed or something like that when I'm trying to flash the RR pcm...............Paul

February 1st, 2011, 12:22 PM
I did the updates and its telling me my Roadrunner is not licensed or something like that when I'm trying to flash the RR pcm...............Paul
Other customers have also reported this problem. It is being worked on now as a top priority.
A patch should be available in about an hour.


February 1st, 2011, 05:34 PM
Other customers have also reported this problem. It is being worked on now as a top priority.
A patch should be available in about an hour.

Due to a PC failure here, the RR license patch will not be available until tomorrow.
Sorry, but I've been recovering/reinstalling software for the past 4 hours.


February 2nd, 2011, 01:19 AM
Not a problem.We have alot of snow here and its snowing again,So its not like I'm going any where with it :grin:....................Paul

February 2nd, 2011, 10:10 AM
As of Feb 03, 2011, the download files have been updated to:


Changes in these two updates:


Fixed Tune Tool software not recognizing valid RR licenses.


Changed EFILive_ScanAndTune V8 -> F3: Tune -> F4: Properties
so that only one panel may be expanded at a time.
Updated Cummins read/reflash options to clear DTCs.


February 2nd, 2011, 12:44 PM

February 3rd, 2011, 09:45 AM
Everything is working!:good:

February 3rd, 2011, 10:29 AM
:good::good::good::good::good:...........sorry I couldn't resist.

February 3rd, 2011, 11:18 PM
Is LS1B full flashing very far away in the development plan, i was surprised to see E38 FF before the LS1B??

February 4th, 2011, 11:56 AM
i was surprised to see E38 FF before the LS1B??
Really? LS1 PCM exchanges are easy if the choice comes down to an ECM swap, not so easy with the E38 so therefore it seemed like a logical choice to get it working for the later CAN ECM's first.

February 4th, 2011, 03:03 PM
Yes in that regard you are right for sure. I just meant i though LS1s would be easier - but thats likely to be wrong.

February 4th, 2011, 04:22 PM
Actually there is something about the LS1's and LB7 Duramax computer full flash that is pretty tricky to handle, especially on the Duramax ECM. It all comes down to when you flash different model year OS's in, eg, for us here in Australia with the LS1 PCM, going from VT to a VX+ OS's requires a little bit of tricky data handling in some area's of the PCM's memory. Easier to do with PC side software, not so with standalone scripts.

February 4th, 2011, 04:28 PM
Just good if we can use autocals via the laptop even to be able to full flash OSs for LS1s so we can change to COS. either way via software or standalone

February 5th, 2011, 06:50 AM
Actually there is something about the LS1's and LB7 Duramax computer full flash that is pretty tricky to handle, especially on the Duramax ECM. It all comes down to when you flash different model year OS's in, eg, for us here in Australia with the LS1 PCM, going from VT to a VX+ OS's requires a little bit of tricky data handling in some area's of the PCM's memory. Easier to do with PC side software, not so with standalone scripts.

Is the LB7 full flashing a recent issue with the new software, or something that has always been there? I have changed OS's a few times now in mine without any hiccups, but I know over at DP somebody is having trouble with an OS change right now on an 01 to 02.

February 5th, 2011, 01:34 PM
LB7 OS changes on 2001's has always been a problem for every programmer out there. I was pretty sure EFILive always handled them ok, TechII will lock the ECM up.

February 24th, 2011, 04:54 PM
I updated my v7 and v8 and updated my firmware and bootblock. When I go to update my scripts like the post says it give me a 0194 write error when I hit program. Did I do something wrong?

February 24th, 2011, 05:14 PM
I got it, just formatted the config files.