View Full Version : LC-1 WO2AFR Serial Reading Low AFR

February 8th, 2011, 03:23 PM
I ran into a problem but I'm not exactly sure where it is. I need a bit of guidance. While testing serial logging of the LC-1 using BBX I had a AFR ratio hovering around 5% AFR (no alcohol in my tank).Right after sensor warm up free air was 20.8% in flashscan so my calibration should be good. My WO2EQ however was just below 1 around .98. I have attached my log from cold start to full warm. I still need to get my base airflow dialed in at <180*F but also check out the analog LC-1. It is correct as well. Do I have to perform a free air with the flash scan? I did free air with the led and push button.


February 8th, 2011, 11:12 PM
You don't need to free air it with the V2. :sneaky:

The analog outputs will need to be programmed properly to match the serial reading and
most likely the calc_pid will need to be tweaked to match as well.

February 9th, 2011, 04:33 AM
Attached my calc_pids.txt for reference.

Mr. Prick, my analog LC-1 AFR is showing properly in V7.5 scan. It is when I view my serial AFR on flashscan while BBL or just BB viewing the wideband on flashscan does it show 5% AFR. Do I need to have flashscan log EXT.WO2LAM1 PID for it to calculate AFR while BBL&BB viewing? I was only logging EXT.WO2AFR1 and EXT.WO2EQR1 PIDs. Thanks for the help, I'm coming up the learning curve, slowly but surely.


February 9th, 2011, 04:41 AM
Log EXT.WO2ST1 to see the status of the LC-1.

You can do free air cal using either the pushbutton or V2.

So, when cold the serial AFR is ~5 and when warm serial AFR good, but analog AFR is always good...?

Post some logs showing both serial AFR and analog AFR.

Using the S&T software, go into Device Settings and enable the serial pids (this cause all the WO2xxx pids to be logged, so you don't have to specifically mention each pid in the BBL pidlist).

Use the LM Programmer software to check what AFR your LC-1 is programmed to.

[ you forgot to attach your calc_pids.txt file ]

February 9th, 2011, 04:51 AM
So, when cold the serial AFR is ~5 and when warm serial AFR good, but analog AFR is always good...?
Before engine running and after the WO2 sensor heated up, free air was 20.8%. After start up AFR was averaging around ~5% serial AFR and correct analog AFR all the way to engine operating temp. What gets me though is that WO2EQR1 was spot on in flashscan. I think that my log above was logging both analog and serial AFR, let me know if you can't see it.

February 9th, 2011, 04:55 AM
So WO2EQR1 is correct at all times (cold, warm, hot)...?

February 9th, 2011, 05:00 AM
Ah, I see AFR_LC11 (I hadn't selected it)...

I see AFR_LC11 and WO2EQR1 behaving correctly, and I see WO2AFR1 being wrong (as you said)...

Use the LM Programmer software to check what AFR your LC-1 is programmed for (sometimes it changes).

February 9th, 2011, 06:59 AM
I will set S&T to log all serial pids:

And will also double check LM programmer for correct stoich AFR. Thanks for the help, I will run a log in a bit.

February 9th, 2011, 08:31 AM
What build and firmware are you using?

Serial AFR will be based on the fuel type that is in the LM programmer software. (like Joe said) :hihi:
The standard analog AFR PID for the LC-1 needs to be changed to match the {B3601}

February 9th, 2011, 01:33 PM
FlashScan V2 Bootblock V2.07.01 Firmware V2.07.04 EFILive V7.5.6 Build 139 V8.1.2 Build 127
I hope those are the latest

Ok I got it figured out. Somehow the LC-1 AFR was set to a custom stoich ratio and not gasoline (thanks Joecar) which is not the way I initially set it up. I am also using BEN factor = {GM.EQIVRATIO} * {EXT.WO2LAM1} based on CALC.Stoich of 14.68. So while figuring all this out I realized how important it is to utilize the units of Lambda as this is the true amount of oxygen measured directly.

I just need to get my idle perfect now.

April 9th, 2011, 02:37 PM
Apparently my LC1 issue was the same, something reprogrammed it to a custom AFR. It would read 4-5:1 via serial, I dont have any analog outputs hooked to it. EQ and Lambda were spot on all the time, I just hooked the LC1 <-> PC cable up for the very first time and did a firmware upgrade plus reset stoich to 14.7. Seems fine now.