View Full Version : lost license

February 11th, 2011, 08:28 AM
I just attempted to cal flash my 07 HHR to turn traction control back on only to discover that it (V2) wants to use another license. I read through the forums here and followed what others have said about unhooking the v2 and starting over, checking firmware what not only to find that I am up to date with everything. The car hasn't been to the dealer for any repairs, any thoughts??? I don't really want to buy another license for the same car/controller.

February 11th, 2011, 09:26 AM
Can you email me (support@efilive.com) a couple of files/screenshots?

- Connect FlashScan V2 to your PC
- Open the Tune Tool
- Go to the 'Help->FlashScan V2 / AutoCal V2 VIN Licensing' menu option
- Click the 'Backup' button
- Email me the created 'C:\Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\<serialnumber>/lbu' file

- Connect to the vehicle
- Open the Tune Tool if it isn;t already
- Go to the 'Flash->Show PCM Info' menu option
- Select the correct controller type
- Click the 'Get Info' button
- Email me a screenshot of that screen with the details populated


February 13th, 2011, 06:28 AM
After I posted this, I tried saving the file for remote flash, which worked. Now when I use pass through flash it works again. I loaded bend-tech software on this computer a couple days ago and ended up with tech support to replace a missing file to get their software to work. I must have some other crap going on too.