View Full Version : Clearing trouble code on auto cal

February 13th, 2011, 10:23 AM
Received an auto cal yesterday and got code 0208. I had a wrong file on the auto cal. I recalibrated and did a data log just fine. Not sure how to clear the 0208 code out of the auto cal though. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.

February 13th, 2011, 03:11 PM

February 13th, 2011, 03:12 PM
For AutoCal support please contact your tuner (person who supplied you with the device). The $0208 error is "interesting" though, are you sure it wasn't a $0280? A $0280 means "Unsupported protocol (i.e. no vehicle detected)". The recommend actions are:
- Check all cables and connections.
- Make sure ignition is turned on to the run position.
- Make sure the vehicle is supported by EFILive.

February 13th, 2011, 03:25 PM
Sorry, yes. 0280. Everything works fine now. Just have the code still and wanted to clear it from the box and can't figure out how.

February 13th, 2011, 03:32 PM
The $0280 just means it isn't finding the car. Is the ignition in the car on, or at the accessory position if attempting to read/flash?

The error is not permanent it should go away by simply pressing the Prev button on the keypad (I'd expect).

February 13th, 2011, 04:11 PM
The $0280 just means it isn't finding the car. Is the ignition in the car on, or at the accessory position if attempting to read/flash?

The error is not permanent it should go away by simply pressing the Prev button on the keypad (I'd expect).

I had originally downloaded the wrong calibration to the handheld and it had issues reading my data log. I recalibrated to the correct options for my truck and sent my data log to black bear. Just waiting for their email asking wha I want to do. The 0280 is still in the auto cal though and I can't figure out how to clear it out. I have hit previous, next, ok on the code and no way to clear it. I though maybe it was done in the efi explored or something......hence my post here.

February 13th, 2011, 05:30 PM
Reboot it. ( unplug it from the USB and OBDII cables )

February 14th, 2011, 03:18 AM
It has been unplugged for the last day and a half and code is still in the box. Nobody knows how to clear it?

February 14th, 2011, 03:43 AM
Are you talking about error code $0208 on your AutoCal, or DTC P0208 on your ECM...?

Can you take a pic of where you're seeing this error and post it here.

February 14th, 2011, 04:00 AM
Are you talking about error code $0208 on your AutoCal, or DTC P0208 on your ECM...?

Can you take a pic of where you're seeing this error and post it here.

It's the $ error code in the auto cal. It came up when I did my first data log. I found that I had the wrong file loaded for my 6 speed tranny. I was sent the new file and recalibrated it into the auto cal. Auto cal still had the code (not cleared). Went and did my new data log and everything went fine and uploaded the file and sent it to be looked at. I cleared the data logs off the handheld to save space since they are saved in my tuning file on my computer. Error code is still on auto cal though and I can't clear it. Make sense?

February 14th, 2011, 05:55 AM
If you're able to post a short video of the device from power on to error that might help. I'm really struggling with what you are trying to convey. The $0280 error occurs when a vehicle connection is attempted and there is no vehicle found by the device. A vehicle connection is generally not made by simply connecting the device, unless the tuner has done something like that in it's config (I'm not even immediately sure how).

As I mentioned in the first post though for AutoCal support you should be contacting your tuner or supplier of the AutoCal device for their direction and guidance.

February 14th, 2011, 06:10 AM
Forget it! It's like talking to a wall. I thought I was pretty clear. If I push display dtc's on the box. It says $0280. I know why it says it as already explained and the issue was fixed. I just want to know to clear it off the box!

February 14th, 2011, 07:07 AM
Ok, the mention of attempting to read DTC codes (the first time you've brought this up) is the first useful thing we've gotten here. But, you still need to contact the tuner that supplied the AutoCal device as there is obviously something not right. Be it a cable fault (have you been able to read/flash/log at all?), the device isn't configured for your vehicle or your vehicle is unsupported.

February 14th, 2011, 08:08 AM
Ok, the mention of attempting to read DTC codes (the first time you've brought this up) is the first useful thing we've gotten here. But, you still need to contact the tuner that supplied the AutoCal device as there is obviously something not right. Be it a cable fault (have you been able to read/flash/log at all?), the device isn't configured for your vehicle or your vehicle is unsupported.

Like I said before: I received the auto cal and downloaded the wrong files for my vehicle somehow. It was set up for e38 and e67. Not sure how that happened. I went to data log and was finished when I saw $0280 on the auto cal. That's when I noticed it was set wrong. I downloaded the correct files (e38 and t46) on the auto cal on the computer. I decided to check the dtc's while still hooked to my home computer and wondered " how do I clear this"? I went to the truck and re ran the data log with the correct files, downloaded them into efi explorer, moved them to my tuning file, emailed them to black bear and deleted the data logs from the auto cal. I clicked the dtc button and saw that $0280 was still in the auto cal. I just want to know how to clear it out.

February 14th, 2011, 08:21 AM
The configuration of the device is basically defined by two files (Settings.dat and Options.txt). I think what you're probably best to do is get copies of these files from the Black Bear Performance which match what the device configuration should be. Then you can basically format the Config and Data filesystems (make sure you also have the stock and modified calibration files before doing this) on the AutoCal device and reapply a "clean" configuration.

One thing you could check if you like (I've never actually tied this) is with EFILive Explorer look at the config filesystem for files named b.dtc ,c.dtc, p.dtc and u.dtc. I wonder if they haven't been copied across if that might cause the error when you attempt to read DTC codes (I sort of done expect so because the $0280 is pretty early in the process).

Also, when trying to read DTCs make sure the vehicle is on before connecting AutoCal.

Out of interest what firmware is your AutoCal running? You should get to that data by just pressing Next a few times on the AutoCal keypad.

February 14th, 2011, 08:31 AM
To clear DTC P0208 from your ECM:

On the AutoCal keypad/LCD go: Scan Tool -> Diagnostics -> Clear DTCs.

If after that, the same DTC comes back then there is a problem to be addressed with the tune and/or engine.

February 14th, 2011, 08:36 AM
Joe, my understanding (and perhaps that's the issue) is that he is actually getting the $0280 error on the AutoCal device (indicating a communications issue with a vehicle) and not a $0208 DTC code.

February 14th, 2011, 08:38 AM
Yeah, I'm confused... :doh2:

February 14th, 2011, 08:44 AM
Andrew, Joe this guy is hitting the 'check DTC' button while only connected to the PC !!!!!

Like I said before: I received the auto cal and downloaded the wrong files for my vehicle somehow. It was set up for e38 and e67. Not sure how that happened. I went to data log and was finished when I saw $0280 on the auto cal. That's when I noticed it was set wrong. I downloaded the correct files (e38 and t46) on the auto cal on the computer. I decided to check the dtc's while still hooked to my home computer and wondered " how do I clear this"? I went to the truck and re ran the data log with the correct files, downloaded them into efi explorer, moved them to my tuning file, emailed them to black bear and deleted the data logs from the auto cal. I clicked the dtc button and saw that $0280 was still in the auto cal. I just want to know how to clear it out.