View Full Version : Corvette VS. Trans Am stock tune

February 26th, 2011, 09:26 AM
I was comparing a stock 2001 Trans Am tune to a 2001 Corvette. It pretty much looked like the general spark tables were the only thing different. Has anybody tried a vette tune on an f-body? If so did it make any difference? Were there any tuning issues or problems?

March 1st, 2011, 04:07 PM
Hi diesel,

If you are talking about the '01 ZO6 tune. I have used this spark table in a 1650kg 4-door sedan (Commodore SS) and it was fine. In fact very fine!
It gave me no KR issues and still use it as the yardstick for all LS1-powered cars. The only change usually made to it are to raise the HOT timing from 22 to 24 or 25* from 5600 up, starting from the 0.64gpc column.

March 2nd, 2011, 01:59 PM
The tune is a stock 2001 vette automatic I got off of Holden crazy. I tried it and everything worked fine. The car ran great! The next day the car ran really rough when in gear sitting still. Almost like when an EGR valve sticks open. It was giving a P0200 and P0300 code. Thought that I may have left something out so I changed it back to the stock tune with adjustments to the abuse and torque management. Now the car will throw the same codes at about every third start up but the misfire goes away as soon as the car comes up to a normal idle after start up. Guess my question now is what adjustments do I make for torque management and what do I leave alone???? This is my first time doing something to an F-body so I am unfamiliar with it.

March 2nd, 2011, 06:58 PM
Sounds like,

you need someone to run through the differences between the two stock files to see if that is trippng the DTC's you mention. If you can get that sorted you should be okay.
Then suggest reading the A4 (4L60/65) trans tuning thread: http://forum.efilive.com/forumdisplay.php?60-4speed-RWD-FWD-Transmission-Tuning-(incl-T42)

p.s. once you have your issue sorted and the txmsn adjusted to your liking, try the '01 ZO6 HOT & LOT, with a scanner hooked up to check everything's fine (KR etc).

March 3rd, 2011, 03:23 PM
O.K. thanks I will check it out.

March 3rd, 2011, 06:50 PM
Quite a few,

of the "stock" tune files on holdencrazy aren't 100% stock; if you downloaded your Vette tune file from there, it may be one of them.
Some are even modified to a state where they will throw codes or won't even run when flashed into a vehicle. So beware!

As a suggestion, try the 2004 Vette (Middle East) LS1-A4 tune file** on holdencrazy. This I know for certain, doesn't have any bugs or issues and is 100% stock. You just need to zero the ETC tables.

(You might need a commercial cable to re-flash with a different OS).


March 4th, 2011, 03:43 PM
So zero out every table that has to do with the ETC or is there one certain one i am looking for. Sorry this may be a dumb question but I find myself over thinking this stuff sometimes.

March 4th, 2011, 06:45 PM

just download a 2004 Pontiac GTO-A4 file and cross-check with that, as the GTO used a cable TB; and also cross-check the GTO's Engine Processing and DTC MIL enablers with your car's stock file.

You could even try flashing the GTO file into your car and give it a try; it's another option as the GTO has a nice HOT and the txmsn calibration is very good for a stock file.

March 5th, 2011, 02:34 AM
O.K. thanks.