View Full Version : LS2 and V4?

March 1st, 2011, 05:03 PM
I was told that the v4 will communicate and work properly with my 2005 gto ls2? It has an OBDII port but from what i can tell this is not the case, figure this is the best place to find this out for sure. Also if it can be used how come under select vehicle there is no option for the GTO or any other ls2 for that matter, do i have to update download more "select vehicle" list or what, thank you for the help. PS I have the full pro version license

March 1st, 2011, 05:15 PM
No it will not... V4 only supports scanning/logging on OBD-I vehicles.

You want the V7 scan/tune software which runs on the V2 interface (2005 GTO uses CAN and so requires V2).

March 1st, 2011, 05:17 PM
No it wil not... V4 only supports scanning/logging on OBD-I vehicles.

You want the V7 scan/tune software which runs on the V2 interface (2005 GTO uses CAN and so requires V2).

Ok thank you

March 1st, 2011, 05:21 PM
Another quick question, once i get the software for v7 and license, whats the v2 interface consist of? can i just use an obd2 cable to a converter from moates then cable to the pc? or how does all this work? Thanks

March 1st, 2011, 06:12 PM
No, you must purchase the EFILive FlashScan V2 Scan and Tune package for $799 in order to tune your GTO. Scanning can be done with just the FlashScan V2 Scan Only but you cannot make changes to your ECM/TCM. The V7/V8 software is free, you can download both and check them out in the Software Updates and Installation Help subforum. You are buying the proprietary hardware in order to communicate between the software and your vehicle.

March 1st, 2011, 10:40 PM
V2 converts from CAN/OBD-II to USB... and provides other functions, like black box mode where laptop is not required in vehicle (logging, scanning, reading, flashing).

March 2nd, 2011, 08:29 AM
what if i want to use the laptop to log and tune rather then the v2? there must be a way to use the software with out v1/v2, with just a converter from obd2 to the usb

March 2nd, 2011, 09:09 AM
The V2 is the convertor …

When you use a Notebook / Netbook computer to tune and / or log - the V2 is connected in series. The V2 is the interface between the vehicle and any computer (Desktop / Notebook / Netbook), and also the repository of any / all tuning licences you have - both used and available for use.

The BBx functions serve to eliminate or minimize the need to have a dedicated (i.e. on board the vehicle) Notebook / Netbook computer for tuning or logging. For those that prefer a Desktop style computer, the BBx functionality negates the necessity of purchasing another computer (Notebook / Netbook) for the sole purpose of tuning / logging.


March 2nd, 2011, 10:08 AM
There are other solutions that let you use generic OBDII <-> USB/serial cables but EFILive is a tuning package, ie both the hardware and software are proprietary and cannot be used with anything else. AutoTap cables are the exception, V7 lets you scan using them and a laptop (but they are only VPW and very limited compared to a V1, a V2 is literally years better).