View Full Version : Making progress on learning EFI...questions on LBZ torque tables

March 4th, 2011, 05:03 PM
So I was able to read off my stock factory tune tonight using BBx. That felt good to make some progress. I must say, the documentation with the instructions, while helpful enough to succeed, has a lot of errors that really through me for a loop. Some of the V8 screen shots do not match the version I have (updated last night). Anyway, got through it with much trial and error.

I have a few questions, and hope it's okay to bundle them here. I continue to get the message error $0185 when I plug in the USB or OBDII cable (each individually). Not sure what file or folder I'm missing. Using explorer it looks like lots of stuff is in there, including *.pmm files for my ECM and TCM type. I did format the config files, SD card, etc before starting (followed the directions). Any ideas how to fix that?

On to LBZ tuning...
EGR: I set it to disable, and turned off ALL EGR DTC's (anything with EGR in the description). Should I also set the flow tables to all zeros? What would temperatures be set to, if I should also change those? I assume I'd make the Minimum Temp 220 and Maximum Temp 200, or something like that.

Torque: How is if measured? Is it calculated from MAF and fueling? I have a Dmax Van. I see 4 Max torque tables. What is Max torque 1 vs. RPM? And Max Torque 2 vs. RPM? I'm not sure what 1 and 2 are. 1 has very high torque limits. 2 drops max torque to 460 or below after 1200 RPM. Seems like that should be changed if I'm adding a little power (approx 40 HP range). Any harm in bumping that up to match Torque 1 table? Funky GM table values...

I really don't understand the relationship between the Baro Pressure Torque limit table and the maximum Torque vs RPM. Baro seems to have some pretty low torque values in it as well. I assume it ALSO needs to be bumped up. Are all these tables used?

This one has me more stumped. Why would GM limit Max torque with DTC on? Emissions? I understand the LIMP mode limit table, but simple because of a DTC? Any harm in making that also match Torque 1 table? I'd hate to be on the road when a silly DTC pops up and loose the power. I assume ANY DTC will trigger this condition...

This is all in prep for tuning timing and fuel. I'd like to take it one step at a time and get more familiar with EFI. Speaking of...gotta go read up on Logging with BBx.

Thanks for any and all help!

March 10th, 2011, 07:08 AM
With EGR,, you can set the temp parameters to ranges it could never achieve to activate the system.....plus you can zero out all the 3D tables just in case, lol
Setting up like that will leave the system "Active" but essentially would never come on. (Off road use only of course)

I'm new to this stuff too and the learning curve is quite steep....anyway, I changed my max value from like 600 to 800 instead, as I noticed if the system was in off mode it allowed like 1200 or 1300....
I also changed my Limp fueling to allow a small amount of fuel in the 2K rpm range, just in case....I could still putt putt down the highway to get in a safe spot to stop if needed.