View Full Version : Error $0502 Script file not found

March 6th, 2011, 02:45 PM
I am trying to flash a 2007 TCM (A40) with my V2 flashscan. I can flash the ECM without any issue, but when I try to flash the TCM I keep getting error $0502 script file not found. I have the latest version of V7.5 and V8. Anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong?

March 6th, 2011, 04:54 PM
You need to go into the BBX configuration (in the V8 Scan and Tune application) and ensure that the A40 transmission controller is defined and selected (as your ECM controller will be already). Then once that is done click the Program button and that will copy down the necessary scripts for the A40 controller to your FlashScan V2.

March 7th, 2011, 02:28 AM
I replied on DP also.

March 7th, 2011, 08:54 AM
If you have done the above and still have problems, read from post #60 here....


the assumed summary is...

At some time in the past, the pass through reading of tune files did not populate the OS "magic number" in the tune file.
The pass through flashing does not need the magic number, as you choose the target controller at flash time.
The BBF process requires the magic number as it uses that to select the target controller and therfore the required script files.
If the magic number is not set ( is all zero's ) then the V2 can't find the matching script file and issues this error.

The work around for this is...

Flash the new tune in to the controller using pass through flashing.
Read the tune back out using BBR.
Continue using the newly read tune instead of the older one.


April 13th, 2011, 11:15 PM
I tried the above and it still didn't work. I can read the tunes with BBR but every time I try to flash one back (even the one I've just pulled out) I get the 0502 Error (Script file not found)

April 14th, 2011, 12:53 AM
I tried the above and it still didn't work. I can read the tunes with BBR but every time I try to flash one back (even the one I've just pulled out) I get the 0502 Error (Script file not found)In S&T go into the BBX configuration, goto the F3:Tune tab, and under BBR/BBF Enabled Controllers setup a row for your ECM/TCM.

What controllers do you have...?

Post your Options.txt file.