View Full Version : Unable to get real-time data…

March 8th, 2011, 04:10 PM
I recently purchased EFI Live (version 7.5.6 139) for my ZR1 and although I have tuned with LS1 Edit, DSM link, and Pro Logic this software gives me a headache; not user friendly to a new user. Reading through the tutorials and the pdf’s I can navigate a little and see some of the normal basics taking place.

The current issue I’m stuck on is getting any real-time information to display. Using the EFILive V7.5 Scan Tool with the V2 between it and the ECM I have connected to the E67 ECM, compiled a list of PIDs, and confirmed the support of the selections. However, using cntrl+m (or the yellow “monitor” button”) automatically makes the application go to “pause” rather than start the real-time display through the gauges or data (F9) list. According to the EFL Live documentations I should see the gauges moving at this point and be able to log, unfortunately its not working. Any help would be appreciated.

March 8th, 2011, 04:20 PM
Click the red button next to the yellow or "F3". That will start recording and you can view gauges or the line graphs.

March 8th, 2011, 05:40 PM
Click the red button next to the yellow or "F3". That will start recording and you can view gauges or the line graphs.

Thanks for the reply ChipsByAl. I clicked the Red button and although it acts like it’s recording, the gauges do not move and no updates show up in the Data tab. When I clicked “stop” and it asked to save the file, I saved it and even after replaying nothing shows up. It is frustrating for $800 :/

March 8th, 2011, 05:45 PM
You've made two post, both negative, do you want to 'learn' or just criticise something many others have no trouble using?

March 8th, 2011, 06:30 PM
You've made two post, both negative, do you want to 'learn' or just criticise something many others have no trouble using?

I saw the email notification from a reply and grabbed the laptop and walked out the door with anticipation of success, only to get in the car and read your helpful “reply”. So to address your post, my answer is to Learn, with the forgiveness of being frustrated after 8hrs of no solution. I followed the advice and reported the results, I am wishful in thinking the issue is small. Expressing my feelings during this issue may be taken as negative, I give you that. However, your post is neither helpful nor insightful and is condescending at best. Neither my opinion nor yours changes the fact that to this point the experience has not been positive; a few pdf files of things going right is not enough for those new to the SW. Looking through the links I see quite a few people needing help with “simple” issues even after reading every document provide and spending many…many hours searching these threads. I am hoping one of them has experienced this.

If you know a link or a case where this issue is covered I would really like to get that info from you. If you have some solutions to the problem that I have explained, I would really appreciate your experience. At this point I have used the documentation to the best of my ability and I am just stating the results hoping someone else experienced it. I assure you GMPX, when I get this all covered I WILL make a step by step for the next guy to avoid the frustration and I will not judge their initial reactions. With the knowledge you have, I am surprised you haven’t made one already or a Youtube showing the basics and possible problems experienced.

March 8th, 2011, 07:29 PM
The software has a learning curve no doubt, but hundreds (if not
Thousands) of us have gotten though that curve. The way most of us learned is by using the searchbar on this forum. I'm sorry you are having
Problems getting started, again.. Try using the searchbar on this forum, there are many tutorials written. I also think duramaxtuner.com has some
Flash tutorials on getting started, but I'm not sure.

Hope this helps

March 8th, 2011, 07:45 PM
There is a scan tool tutorial under the help menu of the scan tool. Help->Tutorials->Scan Tool Tutorial. I wrote it a long time ago and have no idea if it will help, but it's worth a try. If it doesn't help, a private email to me will likely convince me to re-visit it and see if it can be improved.


March 9th, 2011, 12:12 AM
Thanks for the replies guys. After trying every document and tutorial over and over, these are the steps I am following. See if these seem correct.

1) Brought up EFILive V7.5 Scan Tool
2) Connected the FlashScan to the OBDII and the laptop
3) Turned the car on without starting the engine
4) Clicked “Connect”, EFI Live did connect per the color/words at the bottom and in the Console
5) Selected the PID file to open (with 24 supported PIDs in it)
6) Started the car
7) Clicked “Monitor” (or cntrl+m)
a. Here is where the gauges should be moving and the Data list stats should show changes such as TPS% etc. Instead, the moment I click monitor the Data list changes 1x and now shows -40 F engine coolant, Timing -64 degrees, Engine flow 6000 Grams, etc. You get the idea. The readings do not move from there.

b. After several reboots and FlashScan power offs and repeating steps 1-7 there was a brief moment where the tables started to change. The only correct stat was the Engine Coolant Temp which showed 172 F, but the throttle shows 87% at idle and Engine speed of 10000 rpm, and other really off stats (all at idle). I was able to log it for the few seconds it was happening, and then it went back to situation “a” above. Out of about 20-30 attempts it only happened the one time.
I would be more than happy sending the log file to see if it works for you or shows up all crazy on the read outs. There is something wrong and it’s not that I didn’t read the documents, tutorials, tuning forums, or search for this situation in the archives.

March 9th, 2011, 04:10 AM
Do this:
- File->Enter VIN and enter your VIN;
- File->Select Controller and select your controller (is it an E38 or an E67);
- press the green connect button;
- Info->Validate PIDs;
- goto PIDs tab, select pids (and save selection to file);
- goto Dash tab, select/edit gauge/charts to show pids you selected;
- click red record button;

March 9th, 2011, 04:15 AM
You're logging the wrong pids.

Also, update your V7/V8 software and V2 firmware from here:
showthread.php?15845-March-05-2011-release-candidate-2 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15845-March-05-2011-release-candidate-2)
For updating V2 firmware you will need info from these threads:

showthread.php?14351-BBL-PIDs-V2 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14351-BBL-PIDs-V2&p=128785#post128785)
showthread.php?13841-What-is-BBL (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?13841-What-is-BBL)
showthread.php?13836-New-V2-help-find-exlporer (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?13836-New-V2-help-find-exlporer&p=123595&viewfull=1#post123595)
showthread.php?15492-V2-BBL-saving-log-data (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15492-V2-BBL-saving-log-data&p=136965#post136965)
This is throwing you in the deep end :hihi: but I am confident you'll swim.

March 9th, 2011, 09:34 AM
The most critical thing to do is validate the PIDs and enter your VIN into the Scan tool. Once the PIDs are logged, they wont have the red x through them on the left hand side of the PID selection window.

Using the latest software and firmware helps out a bunch, little bug fixes and new features are always being implemented. The upside to this is there is ongoing development continuously and improvements, downside is the tutorials can become outdated within a shorter time period.

I wish the software would automatically retrieve the VIN from the controller when the logging commenced, that would be nice when going between different cars (I just copy/paste from the tune tool now).

March 9th, 2011, 12:20 PM
You're logging the wrong pids.

Also, update your V7/V8 software and V2 firmware from here:
showthread.php?15845-March-05-2011-release-candidate-2 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15845-March-05-2011-release-candidate-2)
For updating V2 firmware you will need info from these threads:

This is throwing you in the deep end :hihi: but I am confident you'll swim.

Thanks for the reply joecar. I went back out to the car and started over using the steps you provided. Here is what I did:

- File >selected Enter Vin (my VIN was still listed, I erased what was there and retyped it)
- File > Select Controller (E67 was still showing current)
- Clicked connect (with the ignition on and car off)
- Info > Validate PIDs (the open circled list refreshed, the check box for “supported” is still checked)
- Selected 10 PIDs and save them to a file I named Basic PIDs
- Updated the gauge display to reflect the PIDs and F rather than C for temps
- With the car still off I clicked record to see what the stats indicated. TPS% showed 87%, ECT showed -40, ect.
- I stopped the recording, saved the file, and then started the car to try again. Other than the Fuel trims going from 0 to -100 everything was the same.

I went back and performed the steps over again and noticed something this time. When I validated the PIDs again I noticed the list refresh, but with some extra selectable fields. When I validated the list again the list returned with those fields missing. When I did it for a 3rd time the list was the way it originally was. On the 3rd list I selected a few PIDs and saved them to file, then clicked record. This time the O2 sensors were actually working and changing, then fields were doing the -40 F things again. So I think you are correct about the PIDs being wrong or in some way not truly supported although they are there and selectable with the green checkmark. Any ideas what may cause the 3 different lists?

Meanwhile I am following your links to update the FlashScan to allow the BBLogging. It sure would be much easier using the V2 to log than cramming an 18” laptop in the car :doh:

March 9th, 2011, 12:28 PM
The most critical thing to do is validate the PIDs and enter your VIN into the Scan tool. Once the PIDs are logged, they wont have the red x through them on the left hand side of the PID selection window.

Using the latest software and firmware helps out a bunch, little bug fixes and new features are always being implemented. The upside to this is there is ongoing development continuously and improvements, downside is the tutorials can become outdated within a shorter time period.

I wish the software would automatically retrieve the VIN from the controller when the logging commenced, that would be nice when going between different cars (I just copy/paste from the tune tool now).

Working on updating everything now. I am sure the SW will eventually reach a point where it will auto-retrieve the VIN and other things; the scan & tune tool can already retrieve the controller.

March 9th, 2011, 12:44 PM
I pm'd Tech Support.

March 9th, 2011, 12:45 PM
It sure would be much easier using the V2 to log than cramming an 18” laptop in the car :doh:+1 ...laptop is way too cumbersome to operate in car.

March 9th, 2011, 01:17 PM
In the whats new posts . highlander is also having a problem. There does seem to be a problem E 67 09 zr1

March 9th, 2011, 09:43 PM
Thanks guys! I do appreciate the info and the support. The car is currently in route to have some parts installed, so it may be a few days before I can troubleshoot further.