View Full Version : Auto Cal LLY Full Flash

March 14th, 2011, 03:24 AM
Is it possible to full flash a LLY DSP5 tune into a truck using the Auto Cal as a stand alone? Is pass through full flashing enabled with v7.5 or V8? I've updated my software in V8 and V7.5 to the second release from March 5 2011. I can't get it to work at this point and I'm running out of ideas! Any help is appreciated.

March 14th, 2011, 06:04 AM
AutoCal pass-thru mode is disabled i the V7.5 software. Right at the moment the only way to flash in a DSP operating system is by using your FlashScan V2. Once that is done the AutoCal device can be used to perform the ongoing cal-flash operations. So, it's nothign you are doing wrong.

March 14th, 2011, 06:39 AM
Well that's not good. That will burn a vin unlock on my v2 and one on the Auto Cal. That's Alot of $$ to burn just to flash one controller. Guess I'll just use the auto cal to switch tunes on this truck.

March 15th, 2011, 06:33 AM
Could not get it to do serial DSP tune switching. I assume that's not available yet?

March 15th, 2011, 07:11 AM
What ECM? LBZ/LMMs dont and will not ever have that functionality, LB7/LLYs can do it with a V2 (and I assumed AutoCals).

March 16th, 2011, 11:06 AM
04 LLY- Autocal would not do it.

March 16th, 2011, 12:55 PM
Hmmm, I cant test it as I dont personally have a Duramax but I thought that was included in AC functionality. Did you set it up in V8 S&T -> BBX -> F4: Switch? Im shooting in the dark here, no idea if the AC can do it (be nice though).

March 16th, 2011, 03:04 PM
Yep. I named the tunes. V2 works and auto cal don't.

March 21st, 2011, 05:42 AM
I guess I will ask. Will the AC have the capability to do a full flash in the future?

March 22nd, 2011, 08:58 AM
I guess I will ask. Will the AC have the capability to do a full flash in the future?

If not, my paper weight collection will be getting an expensive addition. :)

March 22nd, 2011, 12:33 PM
Im pretty sure it will be, heck even the LS1 PCMs dont have BBFF yet!

March 24th, 2011, 04:43 AM
So at this point, the only way to get a Full Flash is to use the 7.5 Software with a Flash Scan in order to put in a DSP5 tune? And that will take a license just like the AutoCal takes a license?....

I am hoping there is some way around this for my customer... luckily this customer is local, but any out of towners would be a problem....

Thanks for any info that Andrew or the EFILive crew can provide on this...


March 24th, 2011, 06:57 AM
Right now a DSP and many other operations that require a full-flash can only be performed by using a FlashScan V2 interface in pass-thru mode with the V7.5 software.

The following are the current reasons/limitations:

1) The AutoCal device cannot be used with the V7.5 software in pass-thru mode, so full-flashing capability for AutoCal right now is not available. I don’t have a time frame for full flash support with AutoCal, or FlashScan V2 standalone for that matter.

2) For some of the controllers (LB7, LLY, LS1 etc.) is it quite a complex operation to coordinate a full-flash routine. The script complexity at the moment is limited by the resource on the AutoCal/V2 hardware. I'm not sure if you're aware but the V8 software and the AutoCal/FlashScan devices execute the exact same scripts.

We will have to provide full-flash capability, but it may be something that has to be done using the V8 software (AutoCal/V2 in pass-thru mode) and a script superset that only V8 can handle.

This will be on the high-priority development list, but will not be looked at until the Cummins release is out.


March 24th, 2011, 07:56 AM

Let me ask what is probably a stupid question at this point. Is there any way to use the V2 to provide the full flash WITH the Autocal license? So we don't have to consume 2 VIN licenses on one truck? This is a bit of an issue that I need to learn, and if that is the case I need to avoid selling the AutoCal as i'll be chewing up any money i make from tuning on the licenses.

I realize that a user can switch tunes by flashing in one of 5 seperate tunes inteh AutoCal - but i've sold the switch and everything so need to make it right for this guy. I'm just wanting to understand properly so i can approach anyone else wanting this in the right manner. Obviously if i dont have physical access to the truck all bets are off on the AutoCal... but aside from that, need to charge for the license...

Thanks for the info.


March 24th, 2011, 08:04 AM
There is no way to move/copy licenses from one device to another. So it is not possible to transfer/use the AutoCal VIN license on your V2 and then move the used license to the AutoCal. The solution really is for us to implement the full-flashing capability into the script engine for these controllers.

March 24th, 2011, 08:08 AM
Thank you for the info Andrew. I didn't understand this part before I sold this one, but i'll be in good shape to not make the mistake again :-) For now i have to get the truck tuned as i promised. At least it'll be nice to know that i can keep sending him DSP5 tunes after I convert his ECM OS with my V2. Live and learn! (for the time being lol)

November 11th, 2011, 09:16 AM

Just a suggestion, but it would be helpful to provide a table much like the one you have for the V1 and V2 programmers to know what ECMs it can and cannot full flash. Also since this thread is a little old is there an ETA on full flashing the LLY's?

November 15th, 2011, 04:46 PM

Just a suggestion, but it would be helpful to provide a table much like the one you have for the V1 and V2 programmers to know what ECMs it can and cannot full flash. Also since this thread is a little old is there an ETA on full flashing the LLY's?

Great idea!

November 15th, 2011, 04:48 PM
I second (or third) that!!!

Probably on the radar somewhere..... just saying :-)

March 20th, 2012, 10:48 PM

Just a suggestion, but it would be helpful to provide a table much like the one you have for the V1 and V2 programmers to know what ECMs it can and cannot full flash. Also since this thread is a little old is there an ETA on full flashing the LLY's?

You shouldn't be releasing products out until they work the right way, when will the autocal full flash the lly.

March 20th, 2012, 10:54 PM
You shouldn't be releasing products out until they work the right way, when will the autocal full flash the lly.

Just posted it tonight, here:

I had not seen the request for a matrix of which controllers are supported by which software etc.
I will make one...


March 20th, 2012, 11:04 PM
Just posted it tonight, here:

I had not seen the request for a matrix of which controllers are supported by which software etc.
I will make one...


I'm sorry, that is Greek to me. All i want to know is will the autocal finally full flash my 2005 gmc lly?

March 20th, 2012, 11:05 PM
I'm sorry, that is Greek to me. All i want to know is will the autocal finally full flash my 2005 gmc lly?

Yes, the software released today supports full-flashing LLY controllers (and LB7 and LS1) via AutoCal.


March 20th, 2012, 11:15 PM
My tunes are coming from bobo, from what they told me yesterday, whatever fix you guys have didn't work. They won't send me my tunes until its ready, is there anything you can send me confirming this fix will definatey work?

March 20th, 2012, 11:38 PM
My tunes are coming from bobo, from what they told me yesterday, whatever fix you guys have didn't work. They won't send me my tunes until its ready, is there anything you can send me confirming this fix will definatey work?

You should really be getting this info from your tuner. I did tell Bob this afternoon that the RC10 release should not be used for LLY full-flashing.
However, since then (i.e. tonight) I have released an update that fixes the problem with the LLY full-flashing.

Your tuner will most likely see the update tomorrow.
Then he will let you know what you need to do to get your AutoCal ready (if you have an AutoCal already). If he still has the AutoCal that you will be using, he will be able to configure it with the updated software before shipping it to you.



This RC10 version does not work for full-flashing LLYs:

This updated RC10 version does:

These RC1 thru RC10 releases have all been "Release Candidates". I.e. they are not our official publicly released software. Once they have proven stable in the field, then we will make them the full public release.
If you do not want to take any risks and you want to wait for a 100% rock solid guarantee that the software works, then you should wait until we release it publicly on our web site, here:

These RC versions are a courtesy to our tuners and their customers who can't or don't want to wait until it the software is proven stable and are prepared to take a small risk that the RC software will perform adequately for their needs.


March 20th, 2012, 11:47 PM
You should really be getting this info from your tuner. I did tell Bob this afternoon that the RC10 release should not be used for LLY full-flashing.
However, since then (i.e. tonight) I have released an update that fixes the problem with the LLY full-flashing.

Your tuner will most likely see the update tomorrow.
Then he will let you know what you need to do to get your AutoCal ready (if you have an AutoCal already). If he still has the AutoCal that you will be using, he will be able to configure it with the updated software before shipping it to you.



This RC10 version does not work for full-flashing LLYs:

This updated RC10 version does:

These RC1 thru RC10 releases have all been "Release Candidates". I.e. they are not our official publicly released software. Once they have proven stable in the field, then we will make them the full public release.
If you do not want to take any risks and you want to wait for a 100% rock solid guarantee that the software works, then you should wait until we release it publicly on our web site, here:

These RC versions are a courtesy to our tuners and their customers who can't or don't want to wait until it the software is proven stable and are prepared to take a small risk that the RC software will perform adequately for their needs.


Thank-you!, yes , I already have the autocal. For about a week now, not able to use. Getting in touch with my tuner, is impossible!, seems the help I'm getting from you has been far greater than what I have so far, what do I need to do, to get this autocal ready?step by step for dummys.

March 21st, 2012, 12:16 AM
Just talked to the middle man, and he's still telling me to wait. Any more info and testing to determine if it is working properly.

March 21st, 2012, 02:43 AM
The LLY autocal will hold single tunes for use until this DSP 5 is confirmed and publically released.

March 21st, 2012, 07:14 AM
If you have your autocal already you should be able to use it for single tune tuning in the mean time. I to am waiting for this release for my LB7. I got mine from Rob ^^ above and he helped me get mine goin. For now I hook it up and go to PROGRAM 1-5 whichever tune I want and it flashes it. You just won't be able to use your switch but you can still use the tunes just one at a time. Once the stable release is out I'll be updating mine (with robs help) and installing my DSP switch. If bob doesn't want you to install the release candidate then I'd wait man, don't want to take a chance and end up with a locked ECM or something. Its coming, they been working on this toooooo long to give up.

March 21st, 2012, 07:42 PM
Just my .02.. you should send Bob a thank you note for waiting until he is 100% confident in the release and not sending you bogus stuff...some guys will screen the bang for the Buck, I congradulate Bob on being smart about it. He could use the option, however, of loading a single tune in it as Rob is...that works fine. Another thing...I'd recommend staying closely in touch with them VS posting up on the issue...seems your getting accurate answers from them..:thumbup:

March 22nd, 2012, 04:46 AM
Just my .02.. you should send Bob a thank you note for waiting until he is 100% confident in the release and not sending you bogus stuff...some guys will screen the bang for the Buck, I congradulate Bob on being smart about it. He could use the option, however, of loading a single tune in it as Rob is...that works fine. Another thing...I'd recommend staying closely in touch with them VS posting up on the issue...seems your getting accurate answers from them..:thumbup:

Well said. Thank you. Sometimes when your bent over backwards helping a customer, you don't even notice the square kick in the sack they are about to deliver until your curled up on the floor hoping a shot to the head can take the pain away.

Someone please shoot me!

March 22nd, 2012, 03:18 PM
Well said. Thank you. Sometimes when your bent over backwards helping a customer, you don't even notice the square kick in the sack they are about to deliver until your curled up on the floor hoping a shot to the head can take the pain away.

Someone please shoot me!

Ha ha, man at least you got a sense of humor. You have defiantly been a great help, and greatly appreciated! Hopefully we can get this figured out, though I'm about to buy a diff efi live tool, just to get it done. A lot of people recommend you, and that's why I went with you. I was also serious about the prime rib.! Thanks again, I will try again sometime tomorrow.