View Full Version : New to the auto cal need some info

March 15th, 2011, 10:49 AM
i recently bought a autocal but i dont know much about it i aready a have a v2 which i do my own tuning with but how do u remotely retrieve tune tune via email what i really would like is if someone would have some tech documents on the autocal that could be emailed to me thanks

March 15th, 2011, 11:45 AM
Derek, I have sent you all of the information already that exists for AutoCal. If you look at the Customer Quick Start User Guide I emailed you last week (and also available on our website documentation page) that has all the information necessary to read a controller and to retrieve the file from the AutoCal device (which the customer would then email you).

I think the best thing for you to do is work through the whole process end-to-end so that you understand all of the steps involved. Here is a quick summary of steps that I'd see occurring:
1. Configure AutoCal for controllers needed for customer (i.e. configure the device so that t has the script, bootloaders etc. that are need to read/flash the necessary controllers).
2. Ship AutoCal to Customer.
3. Customer reads out stock/current calibration.
4. Customer emails Tuner read calibration.
5. Tuner makes modifications to customer calibration and saves a copy.
6. Tuner "saves for remote flashing" a copy of the calibration from step 5.
7. Tuner emails file created for "remote flashing" to Customer.
8. Customer copies/moves the file created for "remote flashing" to the AutoCal device using EFILive Explorer.
9. Customer flashes calibration vehicle using AutoCal at the vehicle.

In the case that you are including a modified calibration on the device then obviously the steps and roles are altered slightly.


March 16th, 2011, 02:15 AM
Thanks for the info that pretty well answer my question!