View Full Version : Segment copy problem

March 22nd, 2011, 03:48 PM
Howdy folks. I just did the upgrade to V7.5 on my V2, and now I can't swap segments. I'm also having a problem setting up the scanner, there are only three PIDS being pulled up. I made the upgrade because V7.4 was no longer recognizing the V2 unit. Aside from the segment swap problem, and the scanner issue, the program's working rock solid.

So. Where am I going wrong with the segment swap thing? I've done it before, multiple times, just a month or two ago when I swapped in the new trans segment and it worked perfectly then. Thanks in advance guys, none of the stuff I've done with the truck would have been possible without EFI Live.

March 22nd, 2011, 03:53 PM
Hello Telco,

Now that you have updated to V 7.5, it requires V8 to work in consort with the V2. V8 is used to program the Bootblock & Firmware in the V2.

So if I understood your question correctly, the answer is to download V8 and update your V2.


March 22nd, 2011, 04:06 PM
You also probably need to drag your laptop back to your ride and validate the PIDs (Info -> Validate PIDs). They should come back up, if not then make sure your vehicle information is properly entered (File -> Enter VIN).

You need both V7.5 and V8, V8 handles all the FS V2 updating. Plus you're probably missing a bunch of stuff (bug fixes, maybe some params) coming from V7.4, geez I think the last release of that way more than 2 years ago, if not 3!

V8 does reading/flashing and V2 updating/BBx functions currently, still need to use V7.5 for the scan tool and to edit the calibration.

Have the files for the seg swap?

March 23rd, 2011, 11:11 AM
Cool. I'll see how it goes and report back.

April 12th, 2011, 02:05 PM
OK, I've had time to mess with it. Everything is updated. I still can't do a segment copy here. When I try it the old way I see the Copy Entire Segment but it is greyed out. I also don't see how to do this in under the V8 programs, nor do I see any instructions anywhere. I tried searching the Knowledge Base as well, turned up nothing. Can someone point me in the right direction here? Oh, and when I try the Scan And Tune to open a file, it looks for .ctd files. Everything I have is a .tun file. What's the deal here? Do I need to rename my files to .ctd, or is there some sort of conversion needed?

Gotta say, I liked it a lot better before the update, because what was simple is now overly complicated.

Anyway, thanks for any help.

April 12th, 2011, 03:41 PM
You have to use V7.5 for editing, I dont know about any restrictions .ctd files have compared to .tun unless you lock them when saving. V8 S&T is only for reading and writing .ctd files right now, editing and scanning are in the works. To use V8 to flash, use V7 and save as a *.ctd file.

The only way you can copy a segment is if you have the alternate file loaded, I thought you already did a seg swap on an earlier file?

April 17th, 2011, 05:46 AM
Hi Scarab... yes, I copied the trans segment into my program, worked flawlessly, but using the exact same procedure (got a lot of practice on that, copying different 4L80E programs in trying to find one that would work in the truck) does not work because the option is greyed out. Don't know what the deal is.

April 17th, 2011, 06:17 AM
Can you post the two files here...

April 17th, 2011, 06:19 AM

Sounds like you have things setup correctly … not sure what is causing the segment copy problem. Post the tune you are working with, along with the “donor” tune you are trying to copy the transmission segment from.

More eyes may find the problem ….


April 18th, 2011, 12:57 PM
Here they are. If the operating system number is the problem then I'm not sure how to handle this, as there are no 4.8s on the site with this operating system. I have operating system 09381344.

I also wouldn't mind getting a Holden 4.8L program so as to be able to set up a lean run mode either.


April 18th, 2011, 02:59 PM
You can only swap segments between tune files with the same OS. If you are running OS 09381344 (2000 model year truck OS), and you want to swap in a 4L80 transmission segment, the 4L80 "donor" tune must also use OS 09381344.

Also, your current OS (09381344) is a 512Kb DBC compatible tune. The above posted 2003 OS (12579405) is a 1Mb DBW compatible tune. The two tunes are not mutually compatible.

To enable Lean Cruise (LC) you will require a *.cax file for your particular OS. To enable LC, apply the *.cax file to your tune, setup the LC parameters based on those from a Holden tune with OEM equipped LC. Then follow up the with a full flash (OS & Cal) of your PCM. Take a look at the CAX File section of this Forum for more information.

LC cannot be enabled on pre 2001 OS.


April 20th, 2011, 01:00 PM
Thanks Taz, but this puts me in a bit of a bind. The old engine is ready to come out now, just have to disconnect the trans and air conditioner, then unbolt the engine mounts and pull.

Does it involve anything other than unplugging the old computer and plugging in a new computer to go from a 2000 OS to a, say, 2003 OS? Or could I just load a 2003 OS into my existing computer? If it's more than plug and play I can't do it right now, but might make it a later project for that LC capability.

Or, what's the bare minimum I'd need to change in my existing program to be able to run the 4.8L without messing it up if I have to resort to modifying the current table? I'd need to be able to run it about 500 miles with the program to break the engine in, then I'd be doing the proper tune procedures. I'm thinking that if I just changed the engine size to 4.8L that the computer should be able to adjust itself. Unfortunately, I'm strictly user class when it comes to computer programming so I don't know.

Is there anyone out there that has a 4.8L with a 09381344 OS? It would be a huge help if I could get a copy.

April 20th, 2011, 03:14 PM
To use the 1MB PCM in a 512kb PCMs place will take wiring adjustments, Id just reflash the existing PCM with an 02 OS with the proper engine size and tune it from there. Also, LC is available on 01/02 PCMs, just download the .cax file and enable it.

You really want an 02 file, check this one out from HoldenCrazy (or now TuneFileDepot???): 2002 Silverado 4.8L OS 12212156 (http://www.tunefiledepot.com/EFILive/TuneFileRepository/Stock/Chevrolet/2002%20Chevrolet%20Silverado%20Truck%20Automatic%2 0LR4%204.8%20Litre%20(12212156).tun)

And then we can do a seg swap on it to get a 4L80E trans segment.

April 20th, 2011, 09:30 PM
The ’99-’02 PCMs share common connector configuration (blue / red) and general wiring consistency (pinouts). These have 512 Kb memory capacity and will support DBC and DBW applications.

The ’03-’07 PCMs share common connector configuration (blue / green) and general wiring consistency (pinouts). These have 1 Mb memory capacity and will support DBW applications. Some will also support DBC, but not all.

The short answer is - you can’t just install a 1Mb PCM in place of a 512 Kb PCM - the connectors and pinouts are different.

Are you looking for a 2000 truck OS (09381344) with a 4.8 L (LR4) and 4L80 transmission ?


April 21st, 2011, 10:22 AM
Thanks Scarab, I'll see if I can make that one work. EDIT - Nope, still don't have the ability to copy segments.

Taz, the main thing is to get a working 4.8L/4L80E going. The question about going with a 2003 computer was mainly for the lean cruise thing, but if I can get lean cruise on a 2002 tune, and use my existing computer, so much the better.

Here's a pic of my screen showing what I'm trying to do with the segment copy. As you can see, the Copy Entire Segment is greyed out.


April 21st, 2011, 11:21 AM

It looks like you only have the calibration file... you also need to have the alternate calibration file.

April 21st, 2011, 12:09 PM
Yep load the alternate tune with the 4L80E trans segment using File->Load Alternate calibration for comparison. Then click Edit->Copy Entire Segment, do both the Transmission and Transmission Diagnostics segments. Save the file and there you go. It works, just did this one a minute or 2 ago.

It is the same file I posted a link to earlier, except it has the 4L80E trans and trans diagnostics segments from an 02 Express Van loaded. Should be able to flash it and go, use the LC .cax to enable Lean Cruise then adjust it using the LC tables available.

April 21st, 2011, 01:25 PM
Excellent thanks. I also got it to work now myself. Thanks for the help folks. Once I get the engine in and get it tuned with a wideband, and get everything running smoothly, I'll start working on the lean cruise part.

June 28th, 2011, 11:59 PM
Update - My new engine is in and ready to go. Unfortunately I got hit with a virus which I thought I'd wiped out, but it took 90 precent of my saved files with it when it went. Bastards! I had everything backed up so far as general EFI Live files go, but I hadn't backed up since I began working on the 4.8/4L80E reprogram so all that work is gone. Right now my truck is buttoned up and ready to go, except for the program. Talk about a letdown! Luckily I can still remember how this was done so I should be able to get it going this evening.