View Full Version : cannot read or scan ECM after BBF flash

March 26th, 2011, 05:07 PM
Tonight I went to the track to try and run the BURB on the dyno and so I loaded in a dyno tune into my V2 and BBF flashed it in. The first time I went to flash it it wouldn't go through(Idon't rmember the error code, but I believe it was no response from ECM). I turned the key off and waited 30 seconds and retryed. This time it went through but took a long time during the initializing step before it finally began the flash. Once it finally began the flash everything seemed fine and went normal and started up afterwards. Afterwards I went to flash in my regular tune and it won't go through, says it is unable to unlock the ECM and gave me an error code($0614 I believe). Also I can no longer see any data when I go under the data logging and display data option for the ECM. The TCM reads just fine, but nothing from the ECM. I can read the VIN and CVN from the ECM, but nothing else. It still runs and drives, but I don't think my dyno flash went in correctly, and now it's all locked up. I'm running the latest public release and have made no changes to the software since my last flashes. And it won't read from the laptop either. Please help.

March 26th, 2011, 05:47 PM
When you say you are running the latest updates please confirm that this means you have updated V7, V8 software and the FlashScan V2 firmware. The software and firmware have a codependency so it is critical that all components get updated routinely.

Here are a couple of knowledgebase articles relating to software and firmware updates:
- Software
(http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=5404-IJZV-0820)- Firmware (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7243-SFGL-2949)

If you continue to have issues please see this knowledgebase article (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=8254-QOGC-9586) and send just the one latest file.


March 27th, 2011, 03:18 AM
Where do I send the file to as the uploader tells me that the blx file is not supported for upload to a thread here.

March 27th, 2011, 04:27 AM
I completely uninstalled V7 and V8 and installed the ones from the download page, then I updated the firmware, reconfigured the config files, and used the BBX to reupload the files into the V2 after reconfiguring it. It went right through and read the tune no problem and flashed in my old tune just fine this time without any errors. Only thing was after I did the cal flash with V7 tuning tool and hit close to close the flash window, it closed the whole V7 program. It makes no sense how all I had done was load in a new tune into my V2 and flashed it in how it wouldn't flash in anymore tunes via the V2 with no other chnages being made to any software or tunes. I'm glad it ended up being a software issue though. Sure beats buying a new ECM.

March 27th, 2011, 02:21 PM
When I went through and checked what version was onm y desktop, I found it was on build 133(same as the laptop was). This was after I had selected the check for latest updates in the menu option. The version I downloaded I see is build 156. It was just odd that nothing in my software had changed from my last tune and the dyno tune, yet it flashed in with the V2 then wouldn't flash another tune in and kept giving me error messages about not being unable to unlock teh ECM.

March 27th, 2011, 02:36 PM
I don't know what to tell you :/ At least it's all working as expected now...