View Full Version : Where do I find injector data?

April 3rd, 2011, 03:06 AM
After watching "Calibrated Success" i'm sure I don't have correct injector data. I've been searching the internet for some information on my injectors. I've checked links posted on here and can't seem to find them. I have Siemens Deka injectors and the p/n printed on them is 8145B13575. They are supposed to be 60lb injectors and that is all I really know. Does anyone know anything about these injectors?

April 6th, 2011, 08:00 PM
This is the big trick mate - seems that nobody wants to post a detailed IFR for certain injectors, however, there are a couple of tables floating about that can be used to calculate the IFR.

I'm using FAST 36lbers in my LS1 and used the values extrapolated from one of the tables, but was then told they are incorrect, so I'm still on the lookout!

cheers and good luck..

April 7th, 2011, 02:27 PM
I'm using FAST 36lbers in my LS1 and used the values extrapolated from one of the tables, but was then told they are incorrect, so I'm still on the lookout!

cheers and good luck..

Interesting. How can someone tell you that your data is incorrect if they don't have the correct data? If your data works; use it. FWIW - I've tuned a few cars with those injectors and they are easy to tune using the correct IFR and stock min pw values.

April 7th, 2011, 03:15 PM
This is the big trick mate - seems that nobody wants to post a detailed IFR for certain injectors, however, there are a couple of tables floating about that can be used to calculate the IFR.

I'm using FAST 36lbers in my LS1 and used the values extrapolated from one of the tables, but was then told they are incorrect, so I'm still on the lookout!

cheers and good luck..

I have a script file on another computer for the 36lb white bosch injectors, which I believe are the same as the FAST ones. The data for this was taken from a GM file so should be accurate. PM me your email addy & I will send it through in an hour or so to compare with what you have.
O.P. I dont have anything on those injectors. However if you have the calibrated success DVD it would show you how to turn the Ford data into GM units if you can find that.

April 8th, 2011, 02:42 AM
There is data on the cd for some ford injectors. I was wondering if there was some way to use it to get the data I need. I'll have to take a harder look.

April 11th, 2011, 03:34 PM
Hi guys,

Sorry this may be little off topic, but it is on the general subject of LS1 IFR tables, just for stock injectors.

I'm in the process of playing with my mostly stock VYII SS (Intake pipe and MAF huosing is only real major difference) and while going through a lot of the factory LS1 tunes I have noticed that the IFR table seem to vary quite a bit amongst different cars.

My question is, did all/most LS1s as in those 5.7l engines that went in Camaros, Corvettes, Commodores, HSVs, etc, run the same engine parts, specifically in this case did the stock injectors actually change at all, or did the factory tuners just have different "guesses" at what the IFR should have been.

The thing that concerns me is that some of the tables are nice linear looking flow rates, kind of like I would have expected, the one out of my SS has a bit of a knee curve to it, and the HSV ones have been modified from that with higher rates at one end. Then I think it's the last model Monaros went back to a straight linear flow rate! WTF?

What about minimum injector pulse widths, I noticed that HSV made this a little smaller than Holden did. Do they use the same injectors?

Just want to make sure I have the most representative calibration of the IFR table, especially if in hindsight, holden got it wrong at the time!

Sorry for the offtopic post, but I thought while you guys who know something about injectors are commenting, I would ask for your input.

Many thanks,