View Full Version : EFILive as a simple scan tool ???

alan drake
April 16th, 2011, 04:40 AM
Asked before I purchased however don't think I understood the answer correctly, that is
can the V2 just be connected to the vehicle to read the codes and reset them like an ordinary scanner can??? Or must one have the computer connected and all running??

Sorry for asking such a basic question, but my searches have NOT brought up anything
on the subject.

April 16th, 2011, 05:27 AM
Your V2 can do a lot of things by itself without a laptop including reading and clearing DTC codes. You can also use it standalone to read, flash, and scan your vehicle.

alan drake
April 16th, 2011, 07:00 AM
Thank you for that! Now is there a post on that so I can try it out? It just may be called something I did not search for.
My biggest problem using the V2 is going to be vocabulary

April 16th, 2011, 07:38 AM
No problem, standalone functions are called cumulatively called BBX for Black Box Reading (BBR)/Flashing (BBF)/Logging (BBL).

alan drake
April 16th, 2011, 07:45 AM
Assume there must be a post on what the keys do and how one walks through the functions in stand alone mode.

April 16th, 2011, 09:48 AM

That is correct, you do not need a laptop in vehicle...

On the V2 LCD, navigate Diagnostics -> Trouble Codes;
from this screen you can then select Current DTCs or Clear DTCs;
you can also go under Test Reults to view results for System Readiness tests and Mode $6 tests.

In order to have the DTCs display in English, you have to first configure V2 as follows:
install the latest V7 and V8 software from here (http://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=124);
then use V8 EFILive Exporer to flash firmware 2.07.09 to V2;
then use V8 Scan&Tune to download the *.dtc file to V2.

More info:

showthread.php?14351-BBL-PIDs-V2 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14351-BBL-PIDs-V2&p=128785#post128785)
showthread.php?13841-What-is-BBL (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?13841-What-is-BBL)
showthread.php?13836-New-V2-help-find-exlporer (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?13836-New-V2-help-find-exlporer&p=123595&viewfull=1#post123595)
showthread.php?15492-V2-BBL-saving-log-data (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15492-V2-BBL-saving-log-data&p=136965#post136965)

alan drake
April 16th, 2011, 10:02 AM
I'd like to thank everyone for their help however its still beyond me. All the posts and info found on various sites and here assume one knows what a scan tool already does.
Was able to navigate a little however once a selection is made you can not pop back up a level (so unplug and back to top).
Think that sentence gives you the hint I'm really lost.

April 16th, 2011, 10:14 AM
Press the cancel button (has a curved arrow) to go back.

alan drake
April 18th, 2011, 10:54 AM
Well joecar that's not what the documentation states. It says F2>F2>F2>F2 which should get one to a screen,
Current DTCs options However never get past the second F2 since I get an error code of $0185 Have been told that
will require the V2 to be set up as a BBX however so far no luck making that work either.

April 18th, 2011, 01:16 PM
Well joecar that's not what the documentation states. It says F2>F2>F2>F2 which should get one to a screen,
Current DTCs options However never get past the second F2 since I get an error code of $0185 Have been told that
will require the V2 to be set up as a BBX however so far no luck making that work either.

The doc may have not yet caught up with the firmware.

If you follow the links in post #6 above, you can set up your V2 for BBX and avoid error $0185...

you will first need to update to latest V7/V8 software (V8 includes V2 firmware) from here: downloads (http://www.efilive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=124)

alan drake
April 19th, 2011, 04:36 AM
Can not believe EFI is such a Mickey Mouse company! The basics of selling a product includes clear simple installation instruction none of which appear available. Now you say I need to go purchase a SD chip. Quit sure once V2 is running these novice questions will be done if I'm not done first. So how what!!

April 19th, 2011, 08:33 AM
No you do not need to purchase an SD card, the V2 has a few MB of internal memory for logging or holding tunes. I would suggest one however, less than 2GB seems to work best. I have a 128MB card from an old camera that I use.

Unfortunately V2 is still in constant development, the menu structure has changed at least 3 or 4 times I can remember in the past few years when different features have been added such as BBL, BBF, and BBR.

First go to the main EFILive.com downloads section and download BOTH V7.5 and V8. Install them both, default settings are fine. Open V7.5 Tune tool and click Help->Register EFILive. Enter the license information off your blue card included with the V2.

You need to use EFILive V8 Scan & Tune to update the bootblock and firmware first to the latest 2.07.09 fw and 2.07.01 bb. Just open V8 S&T and watch for the little V2 icon to appear near the clock in the windows taskbar, click it and then click the firmware tab. It will tell you what needs to be updated, just make sure to do the bootblock first if you need to upgrade it.

Now back in the main V8 S&T window, click F5: BBX. This is where you select what controllers and PIDs you wish to log/read/flash with your V2. Make your selection, if you wish to read/flash make sure on the left you click F3: Tune and select the controllers you want to read/flash. Then click Program at the bottom, make sure your selections do not exceed the allocated space (watch the bar fill up when you make selections).

April 19th, 2011, 12:43 PM
Can not believe EFI is such a Mickey Mouse company! The basics of selling a product includes clear simple installation instruction none of which appear available. Now you say I need to go purchase a SD chip. Quit sure once V2 is running these novice questions will be done if I'm not done first. So how what!!Hi Alan,

I'm sorry you're not having a good time with this...

EFILive (not EFI) has been responding to what the customer wants... this is why the product evolves (new features, new vehicles) which has resulted in leaving the instructions, which I agree is not a good situation.

The links I posted above contain material showing how to configure your V2 for BBX (BBR, BBR, BBF).

Amazon has SanDisk 2GB SD cards for under $5.

You will also need a wideband Lambda sensor, these start at $200.

You will also need a decent understanding of what makes an ICE run safely.

You will also need to correct any mechanical problems before tuning.

Ask all the questions you like, I'll find answers for you.

I'm not the owner, I'm just the forum moderator.

alan drake
April 22nd, 2011, 10:02 AM
In response to post #12 which in part says;
"First go to the main EFILive.com downloads section and download BOTH V7.5 and V8. Install them both, default settings are fine. Open V7.5 Tune tool and click Help->Register EFILive. Enter the license information off your blue card included with the V2."

Got as far as Register screen however certain questions I do not have an answer for (could guess, but not aware of consequences)
found serial #, do I have and what is Road Runner? does one level blank?
Type: again what do I have? its a V2
Do find the Issue date & Key so these can be entered once I know the other stuff.

April 22nd, 2011, 11:07 AM
No, a RoadRunner is a real-time tuning PCM/ECM for LS1/LB7 engines. In the drop down select Commercial Scan & Tune, then enter the info on your blue card (not your name, if its there). Leave the RoadRunner serial area blank.

April 22nd, 2011, 11:32 AM
What does your blue card say...?

alan drake
April 23rd, 2011, 01:01 AM
Ref post #12:

Able to input Blue Card (License Reg Card) info now, comment the date is a real paint to input. One needs to start from year 2000 and then watch as numbers slowly proceed to the Issue Date on Blue Card. As for the Blue Card (License Reg Card) it has on it the FlashScan Interface, Serial Number, License Type, Issue Date, & Reg Key.

Next Step:
"You need to use EFILive V8 Scan & Tune to update the bootblock and firmware first to the latest 2.07.09 fw and 2.07.01 bb. Just open V8 S&T and watch for the little V2 icon to appear near the clock in the windows taskbar, click it and then click the F6 firmware tab. on left side Connect the Flash Scan V2 or/and the AutoCal V2 if you have either It will tell you what needs to be updated, just make sure to do the bootblock first if you need to upgrade it."

What is AutoCal V2, just assumed the software does not need if one does not have one! Don't think I have one of these!

At this point the FlashScan V2 has the latest stuff. Now on to the next paragraph

When one selects F5:BBX then one needs to next select F3:Tune on next screen
Allocated Space is -31% since everything is selected. First try is to de-select the box checks, however that does nothing for the Space its still -13%

Problem here is just what are these items??? Assume some are transmissions which I can guess at, some are engines, but not sure what others are. Some how that needs to be explained. Now besides that a de-select does nothing to get space down to or below the -13%

Question - if one has a SD card in the FlashScan V2 would that open up the usable space?

April 23rd, 2011, 09:43 AM
1. What firmware and bootblock versions does your V2 now have (use the Firmware tab in the V8 EFILive Explorer software).

2. The V8 Scan&Tune software (F5:BBX -> F2:Scan, F3:Tune, F5:DTCs): these configure the PCM you log/scan from, and the PCM you read/flash; follow the pictorials in these links:

showthread.php?14351-BBL-PIDs-V2 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14351-BBL-PIDs-V2&p=128785#post128785)
showthread.php?13841-What-is-BBL (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?13841-What-is-BBL)
showthread.php?13836-New-V2-help-find-exlporer (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?13836-New-V2-help-find-exlporer&p=123595&viewfull=1#post123595)
showthread.php?15492-V2-BBL-saving-log-data (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15492-V2-BBL-saving-log-data&p=136965#post136965)

April 23rd, 2011, 09:51 AM
Dont worry about AutoCal V2, it is a device similar to a FlashScan but for remote tuning customers. I didnt know if you had one or not so I added that into my original post.

In the F2: Scan window you need to deselect the controllers you dont want too. The F3 Tune is for read/flashing of those controllers, F2 Scan is for the ability to log the controllers you put in there. For example, I have the Cummins and E38 ECMs in my F3 Tune window in case I find one when Im out and about to read. But it doesnt make sense for me to have a set of PIDs from the F2 Scan window as I wont scan them, it is a waste of space.

alan drake
April 23rd, 2011, 10:18 AM
From ScarabEpie22 -
"You need to use EFILive V8 Scan & Tune to update the bootblock and firmware first to the latest 2.07.09 fw and 2.07.01 bb. Just open V8 S&T and watch for the little V2 icon to appear near the clock in the windows taskbar, click it and then click the firmware tab. It will tell you what needs to be updated, just make sure to do the bootblock first if you need to upgrade it."

These were already set to the above numbers. Please do not let me go off in yet another direction, ie EFILive Explorer. I need these baby steps first.

Will go over the new posts and see how it goes.

April 23rd, 2011, 11:25 AM
Can I use the V2 to scan codes for the cummins yet? I'm sorry for such a remedial question, I just don't see the cummins section here.
I've been using the efilive for my duramax stuff, and didn't know if it was cross compatible yet...?

alan drake
April 24th, 2011, 05:27 AM
As mentioned; Using the main software V8 > Scan & Tune program I select F5:BBX and the screen shows - List, Select, Available PID's
I have the idea that at this point the user (me) needs to de-select some of these since when I advanced the last time, ie
F2:Scan the memory usage was too high and could not lower it via de-selecting boxes, at -13%

If that is so then just what do I need? Oh what is a PID? Assume its something relative to engines and transmission and anything else?? Where can one find what they are? Or better still I have an 04 Durmax what do I need.

The references to "follow the pictorials in these links" from Joecar seem to be addressing some of my same questions however they are back to another software package, EFILive Explorer. Is it possible to get scanner going without using yet another software package??? If so lets stay where we are, inside V8 Scan & Tune.

SOooo lets just stay on the F2:scan path for now! It appears that's where I'm stuck.

alan drake
April 24th, 2011, 06:03 AM
Well played with the main software V8 > Scan & Tune program I select F5:BBX and the screen shows - List, Select, Available PID's so I de-selected all items that did not look like a drumax, that got the memory usage down to 99%
Next selected F3:Tune, memory usage still at 99% on that screen, selected Program, took a while, and then CLOSE.

So I'm ready to check the scanner out however didn't I need to select F2:Scan to set the scanner up?

April 24th, 2011, 02:25 PM
Oh what is a PID?

why do you need the use of a scantool (let alone a tunetool)...?

post #1 indicates that you want to reset DTC's... what are you going to do when they come back...?

April 24th, 2011, 02:26 PM
Well played with the main software V8 > Scan & Tune program I select F5:BBX and the screen shows - List, Select, Available PID's so I de-selected all items that did not look like a drumax, that got the memory usage down to 99%
Next selected F3:Tune, memory usage still at 99% on that screen, selected Program, took a while, and then CLOSE.

So I'm ready to check the scanner out however didn't I need to select F2:Scan to set the scanner up?Yes, you need to setup the scanner, eliminate pidlists that are not for your PCM.

alan drake
April 24th, 2011, 11:55 PM
My effort to understand the entire usage of the V8 is being broken down into small steps, the first step is to get the Scan Function up and running. Once I know how that works I will move onto reading the vehicles computer memory & then . . .

OK, so it seems that the scanner has not been set up yet, YES? So my next move would be to go back to V8 > Scan & Tune > F5:BBX, de-select all the stuff not needed to get memory usage below 100% then select F2:Scan ??

Assume that loads software into the scan tool then Save it????

Aside from that -
Isn't the OBDII a standard which most vehicles use? So why does one have to select software special to a vehicle? Is it something to do with memory since the codes actually are different for each vehicle?

April 25th, 2011, 02:10 AM

OK, so it seems that the scanner has not been set up yet, YES? So my next move would be to go back to V8 > Scan & Tune > F5:BBX, de-select all the stuff not needed to get memory usage below 100% then select F2:Scan ??
Yes, correct.

Assume that loads software into the scan tool then Save it????Save saves to file, Program saves to V2.

Aside from that -
Isn't the OBDII a standard which most vehicles use? So why does one have to select software special to a vehicle? Is it something to do with memory since the codes actually are different for each vehicle?Yes and no.

OBD-II defines what CARB requires in checking that cars in California comply with their smog laws.

The underlying hardware protocol used by GM from 1996-2005 is J1850 VPW which is different than what is used by other car makers.

The software protocol is OBD-II.

OBD-II defines various modes which are used vehicle smog testing and fault diagnosis/repair (e.g. modes $2, $3, $5, $6, $8).

OBD-II defines a set of Generic DTC codes which are the same across various vehicle makes/brands.

OBD-II also defines Generic pids (pids are powertrain parameters that can be logged), such as RPM, VSS, MAP, MAF, ECT, IAT, LTFT, STFT.

GM also adds GM Enhanced pids (which are different than other car makers), such as KR, DYNAIR, DYNCYLAIR, HO2Sxx, IBPWx, GEAR, TCCMODE.

GM Enhanced also includes Enhanced DTC codes.

GM Enhanced also includes bidirectional control of powertrain (e.g. scantool can command solenoids), the EFILive scantool provides an interface for this, most scantools under $500 do not (EFILive is a scantool/tunetool combination, unless you bought the Scan Only version).

The EFILive FlashScan hardware (inline with the cable) translates from VPW to USB, and also performs other functions (like standalone logging).

The EFILive software provides a means to access OBD-II, and also provides a means to log, chart, edit, flash, compare calibrations, swap calibration segments... etc.

April 25th, 2011, 02:19 AM
Google OBD-II and OBD2, there are some very informative sites.

alan drake
April 25th, 2011, 06:48 AM
Try to program scanner, EFILive V2, Plug in V2, main software V8 > Scan & Tune program > select F5:BBX and the screen shows - List, Select, Available PID's so I de-selected all items that did not look like a duramax, that got the memory usage down to 99% (Selected E 54,60,35A,35B,86)
Program is already in the F2:Scan screen by default.
So select Program, it downloads files, then Close
Assume I now have a scan tool which will read codes from 04 GMC Duramax LB7 -

So connect V2 to truck port, turn key ON yellow LED (4th from rt is flashing)
>F1 Scan >F1 Selcet PID F1> List , scroll to E54 - LB7 Next instruction is missing here so I just hit> OK

Now I'm stuck again, I just want to read what codes are causing the "check engine light", know its associated with the EGR.