View Full Version : Unwillingly forced to join the DYI tuning world...could use help

April 18th, 2011, 05:43 AM
I didn't put up much of a fight though.

I used to use HPT to tune my 01 v6 fbody and it was okay for what it was but now i have bigger and better things.

I put a ls1 in a 94 trans am...i am using a 99 motor, 01 heads, 98 pcm and harness. I accidentely put in the wrong converter. so now it has a 3600 converter in it. I didn't tune it the first time, friend of a friend did and it has issues locking up as well as surging at idle when hot.

I believe the surging problem is due to the idle speed being too low for the converter (3600) and gear (2.73) combination so i went in and upped the desired idle by 100rpm to match the P/N ac on/off tables (surging does not occur in those gears). I will see over the week if that 'cured' the symptom.

The bigger problem is the TCC lock-up. I am at wits end as to what affects what. I know the previous tuner (via hpt) turned off the MISFIRE detections (converter would come unlocked on bumps) as i believe i have a gremlin inside 1 of the ignition connectors. the problem seems to be slightly less annoying.
I was searching around on the forums and saw someone mentioning PWM deactivation as well as something about maxing out a feature that normally is based upon percentage to on/off. I also read somewhere about the smaller size of the converter leading to less application percentage (60% on a stock verter, 40% on a 9.5" converter for arguments sake).

I apologize if i made this thread in haste...the search function DID yield me some excellent information but i am not quite sure as to the utilization of that information via EFIlive...

Once again, if this was covered in a tutorial or something, I am sorry as I did not see it...but i would appreciate any and all help.

ps: attached my current .tun file. The tach signal might look goofy but it is because i am using a lt1 cluster and had to tweak that in order for the cluster to work!

PPS: Cliffs notes:
3600 converter
2.73 gears
1) has issues staying locked up/unlocked while cruising (hunts)
2) has intermittent issue with surge control while engine hot in D/R.

Thanks in advance...


April 18th, 2011, 09:03 AM
Hi Crunk,

Welcome to the forum :cheers:

This may help:

Idle Tuning
showthread.php?4661-Idle-Tuning-Helpful-Info-Inside (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?4661-Idle-Tuning-Helpful-Info-Inside)
showthread.php?14439-Idle-Tips-amp-Tricks (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14439-Idle-Tips-amp-Tricks)
showthread.php?14153-scan-tool-wont-log-rafig-or-rafpn (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14153-scan-tool-wont-log-rafig-or-rafpn)
showthread.php?14435-Need-help-Can-Start-Car-but-dies-when-I-give-it-any-throttle-before-going-to-CL (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14435-Need-help-Can-Start-Car-but-dies-when-I-give-it-any-throttle-before-going-to-CL&p=129519&viewfull=1#post129519)
showthread.php?7011-ETC-cars-and-IAC-parameters (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?7011-ETC-cars-and-IAC-parameters&p=61455&viewfull=1#post61455)
showthread.php?14544-Working-on-my-idle-tune (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14544-Working-on-my-idle-tune)
showthread.php?14794-Help-with-open-loop-%28cold-start%29-tuning (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14794-Help-with-open-loop-%28cold-start%29-tuning&p=133446#post133446)
showthread.php?149-Idle-%28Transition%29-Tuning (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?149-Idle-%28Transition%29-Tuning)

More Idle Tuning
showthread.php?t=149 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=149)
showthread.php?t=5866 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=5866&highlight=RAFIG)
showthread.php?p=86553 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?p=86553) post #17
showthread.php?t=2630 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=2630)
showthread.php?t=473 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=473)

Throttle Cracker/Follower
showthread.php?t=3568 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=3568)
showthread.php?t=4081 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=4081)
showthread.php?t=5406 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=5406)
showthread.php?t=5940 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=5940)

April 18th, 2011, 02:48 PM
WOW okay i feel bad...i didn't mean for you to post up all that stuff!
the motor is pretty much stock minus headers. should i still assume that my idle tables are so out of whack that the car will randomly surge unless i put in P/N?

April 18th, 2011, 02:55 PM
It's ok, I have the links handy at my fingertips...

Is your tune stock...?

[ the V7 tunetool has a compare/differences feature ]

If your tune is not stock, then some tables have incorrect/inappropriate values.

Otherwise, if motor is stock, and if tune is stock, then there's some other problem (airleak, bad NBO2, bad MAF, bad IAT, clogged catalytic).

April 18th, 2011, 03:34 PM
Tune is stock Except for
tach signal adjustment for LS1 harness to work with lt1 tachometer...
trans adjustments for the 3600 converter. i keep leaning towards the converter being the culprit to my woes...i was reading that a higher stall converter with low gears (i have 2.73s) require special tweaks in the tune.

April 19th, 2011, 02:13 AM
So from what i know, GM has a 'gradual apply' TCC system where there is a percentage of apply force versus a straight on/off when it comes to apply the TCC (via pwm?) i was reading a couple threads over on ls1tech and one of the recommended suggestions to assist with my lock-up issue (hunting...lock/unlock) is to adjust the PWM duty cycles to a min of 97 and a max of 98...
so that would be tables d2903 and d2904. Is this advisable? right now my d2903 is 10 across the board and d2904 is 96 across the board

April 19th, 2011, 05:47 AM
Yes, those are the tables, set PWM min to 97, PWM max to 98.

April 19th, 2011, 07:16 AM
sounds good i'll give it a shot. had the scan going on my way home from the gym today and the TCC never applied...always said "off." i manually turned it on and it worked perfectly, no shudder no slippage (eh...max slippage while locked was 2rpm) no issues.
i hope that means theres a tuning gremlin somewhere...

April 19th, 2011, 11:41 AM
Changed around tables d2903 and d2904.
no change.
TCC still never applied. at all.
Once again, i manually turned it on via DVT and it worked perfectly, no slipping no locking/unlocking.


April 19th, 2011, 01:02 PM
Are you getting any misfires...? Misfires will inhibit TCC from being applied.

Also, on the PIDs tab, look at the TSTATExx pids, one of these shows reasons why TCC is not applied (to find which pid, on each pid do rightclick->More Info and look at the descriptions... you want the pid that contains various "TCC off due to xxxxxxx".)

Can you post your log file(s).

April 19th, 2011, 08:08 PM
i have all the misfire codes set to max. I do have an issue with my driver side coil pack connector, i THINK theres a loose pin in there somewhere. Will the TCC remain off even if i have all the misfire tables maxed out?
I'll go do a log right now using those pids.

April 19th, 2011, 10:58 PM
Thanks to Joecar, i finally know what the trans state PIDS are for...and utilizing those PIDS i discovered that my issue with TCC lockup is due to my brake switch stating that its "depressed".
In other words, the PCM thinks the brake pedal is depressed hence why the converter doesn't lock up.
The original issue of it 'hunting' was due to the brake switch stating that its on/off intermittently dependent on road conditions.

If i raise the brake pedal up with my foot underneath to the top of its travel then the converter locks up without issues and is nice and smooth.

I selected all trans pids and did a scan along with VSS and attached the two logs i did today...

Thanks again EFILive and Joecar. Now on to ACTUAL tuning. Ugh.

April 20th, 2011, 01:46 AM
Crunk, good job on the diagnosis :cheers:

April 20th, 2011, 02:34 AM
Crunk, good job on the diagnosis :cheers:

Thank you sir! couldn't have done it without you!
Now i move onto getting my shift points and lockup speeds ideal.
I WILL reach 30mpg on this setup!

I hope that if anyone comes across this thread on searching that it provides a pretty good synopsis on what you can try and modify!