View Full Version : How to switch from 4l60e to a manual TH400 - 2003 corvette

April 20th, 2011, 01:42 AM
Computer illiterate but i'm slowly learning. I must have 15 hours in the tutorials and i'm just not getting it (I'm not stupid but i sure feel stupid right now)!! Could someone please help me change the transmission in my tune. I'm assuming i need to change my transmission to a manual setup to turn off the transmission part of my tune. ie: Auto trans (4l60e) to TH400 (not electronic) trans. A step by step to get me to the right part of the tune would be most helpful. The more elementary the steps the better. My tuner lives in another town which is the reason i bought efilive. Thanks so much!

April 22nd, 2011, 11:57 AM
Hello guys, is this not doable or is this so basic i should already know this..... well, i will continue searching to find an answer....any help would be much appreciated. thanks

April 22nd, 2011, 12:18 PM

Initially posting detailed information will often help illicit support from Forum members.

I’m guessing your 2003 Corvette is using OS 12221588 or OS 12593358. You will need to swap in the Transmission Calibration and Transmission Diagnostics segments from a manual transmission equipped Corvette - using the same OS as your Corvette.

You will also need to configure some type of useable VSS signal to the PCM.


April 22nd, 2011, 12:37 PM
The easiest way I have found is just to full flash it with a6 speed calibration with the same OS, I dont even bother doing the segment swap. You can use the ABS sensor for a VSS signal or when I get TH400's built I get them setup with a electric speed sensor.

April 22nd, 2011, 01:21 PM
Hey Tracy, I understand your frustration We have all been there.

Go here


Find your OS
study both tunes Copy the files you need to your tune
I hope that helps
Best of Luck

April 25th, 2011, 03:16 AM

I’m guessing your 2003 Corvette is using OS 12221588 or OS 12593358. You will need to swap in the Transmission Calibration and Transmission Diagnostics segments from a manual transmission equipped Corvette - using the same OS as your Corvette.

You will also need to configure some type of useable VSS signal to the PCM.


The easiest way I have found is just to full flash it with a6 speed calibration with the same OS, I dont even bother doing the segment swap. You can use the ABS sensor for a VSS signal or when I get TH400's built I get them setup with a electric speed sensor.

Hey Tracy, I understand your frustration We have all been there.

Go here


Find your OS
study both tunes Copy the files you need to your tune
I hope that helps
Best of Luck

Thanks for the help guys! I will have to chew on the info you provided to figure it out.... I will definately keep my day job! Thanks again, tracy

August 17th, 2011, 06:35 AM

hello taz, i'm slightly more familiar with efilive than i was a few months ago..... That being said, i would like to try a segment swap that you spoke of. My OS is 02030003 V3 according to my Calibration. I found a tune with the correct OS for the swap..... Can you walk me through or point me in the right direction? Any help would be much appreciated. My tune is attached. Thanks tracy
p.s...twin turbo 2003 corvette


Initially posting detailed information will often help illicit support from Forum members.

I’m guessing your 2003 Corvette is using OS 12221588 or OS 12593358. You will need to swap in the Transmission Calibration and Transmission Diagnostics segments from a manual transmission equipped Corvette - using the same OS as your Corvette.

You will also need to configure some type of useable VSS signal to the PCM.


August 17th, 2011, 08:23 AM
Hi Tracy,

Taz is saying to do this: find a manual transmission file for the same OS id and year as your car...

i.e. find a 2003 Corvette Manual Transmission file that has the same OS id...

and then perform the segment swap/copy

[ open target file as calibration, open donor file as alternate, go Edit->Copy Entire Segment and choose the segment;

this segment gets copied from alternate (donor) file to calibration (target) file;

then save the calibration (target) file with a new name (use the _nnnn incrementing filename feature) ]

So the trick is finding the same year file with the same OS id...

if you can't find one, then you have to copy all of your tables to a 12212156 file of the same year/throttle/transmission and proceed from there.

I'll let Taz add his comments/corrections to what I said.



Initially posting detailed information will often help illicit support from Forum members.

I’m guessing your 2003 Corvette is using OS 12221588 or OS 12593358. You will need to swap in the Transmission Calibration and Transmission Diagnostics segments from a manual transmission equipped Corvette - using the same OS as your Corvette.

You will also need to configure some type of useable VSS signal to the PCM.


August 17th, 2011, 08:25 AM
When you do find a Corvette file with the same OS id, post the target and donor files here (if that's ok with you) so we can make sure they are compatible.

August 17th, 2011, 08:37 AM


Great info joe! That really doesn't sound too bad from my noob perspective. I listed both tunes, mine (listed as geoff tuner)and the donor. Thanks

August 17th, 2011, 12:09 PM
Well, ready or not.... i did the swap. The good news is that is started...lol! I'm sure i will have to adjust things but it went really quick.

edit: it ran fine this morning and NO check engine light!! I just have to figure out why my cruise no longer works... thanks joe!

August 18th, 2011, 05:22 AM
do you have a VSS installed?

August 18th, 2011, 06:59 AM
My speedo is working. I'm assuming the computer uses the wheel sensor as the speed sensor. Just a guess.