View Full Version : ETC Throttle Oddity? Scan inside..

April 23rd, 2011, 04:14 AM
Here is a log of all of the throttle PIDs for my controller. Notice how accelerator position (APP) pegs 100% when my ETC pedal position (ETCPED) is only at 70 counts (shows 153 with the pedal to the floor.)

The log is with the engine off pressing the throttle down slowly all the way down, then releasing slowly. I only looked into this because its an engine swap and the throttle response doesn't feel linear driving it.

Let me know your thoughts / experiences, Thanks!

April 25th, 2011, 06:11 AM
Has anyone seen this before? Could I persuade someone to do the same test on their ETC vehicle? This scan has made me question whether or not I got the right pedal and TAC for my swap.

Also, is there a way to reprogram the TAC so I could have a full pedal worth of throttle...0% throttle = 0 ETC pedal counts, 100% throttle = 153 pedal counts?

April 28th, 2011, 01:54 AM
I cannot seem to find any concrete info. Everyone I talk to gives me a different answer or tells me to go buy everything new from the same year. I would appreciate anybody's help on this and would PayPal $ if need be.

Does the VIN from your tune represent the year and vehicle of which the tune is based off of? I have a swap vehicle so obviously my setup is not all from the same vehicle.

Any help is appreciated!