View Full Version : Why Can't I get my DSP 5 to work properly

May 3rd, 2011, 03:31 PM
I have tried using my stock tune for the base and adding others either with trippen's scripts or manually copying tables.
Base tune always works no matter which tune I use for the base but none of the others work they way they are supposed to unless they are the base tune.
What trick am I missing while adding them?

May 3rd, 2011, 05:12 PM
How are the other tunes supposed to work though? +100HP? +20HP?
There is also the issue of the switch not wired up correctly or not set correctly in the tune. If you can set the scantool up to log the DSP switch voltage and Tune selection this will show you right away if the ECM is even seeing the DSP5 switch.


May 3rd, 2011, 11:32 PM
I am using Edge insight to switch tunes.
I can hear and feel the difference when the tune switches because they all react different they just don't act like they are supposed to like when I install them as single tunes only.

May 4th, 2011, 11:33 AM
Generally speaking some common mistakes are made when upgrading an OS to DSP and then scripting.

If you use this method you will rule out a few problems:

1) Open tune file and click in the upper menu "EDIT" then in the drop down "CONFIGURE DISPLAY UNITS" then click "ALL" select "IMPERIAL" and re-save the tune file as whatever you want to name it.

2) Close tune file and reopen tune file, perform DSP5 upgrade, save the file with new name tagging it DSP5 upgrade.

3) Close tune file and reopen tune file, repeat the first step and re-save the file with the same name, replacing the file.

4) Close tune file and reopen tune file and then run the correct DSP5 upgrade script in "IMPERIAL" units, re-save the file.

5) Now run your DSP5 Script from Trippin and then re-save the file with a new name.

6) Verify your speedometer changes, verify your other changes not done by the script and re-save one last time.

7) FULL FLASH the file and then after the countdown is done "READ" the flashed file out and compare the two

Hope this helps.

May 4th, 2011, 04:10 PM
Thank You I will try that