View Full Version : CALC VET Summary Notes

May 5th, 2011, 08:10 PM
In-Memory-of-Shawn-Sankey (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?16849-In-Memory-of-Shawn-Sankey)

Tuners Checklist: Mechanical-Issues-that-prevent-Good-Tuning (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?16139-Mechanical-Issues-that-prevent-Good-Tuning)

I. Validate Pids:

1. Connect Scan Tool to your Vehicle (Select Controller)
2. Turn Ignition Key to 'On'
3. Scan Tool>>Info>>Validate Pids

II. Scan Tool Set-Up

1. Creating Pids
http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/Interactive/How to Create a PID List.htm (http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/Interactive/How%20to%20Create%20a%20PID%20List.htm)

2. Creating Maps
http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/Interactive/How to Create a Map.htm (http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/Interactive/How%20to%20Create%20a%20Map.htm)
Please also do this: on each of the Data, Row, Col tabs checkmark Show Units.

3. How to copy and paste.
http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/Interactive/How to Copy and Paste with AutoVE.htm (http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/Interactive/How%20to%20Copy%20and%20Paste%20with%20AutoVE.htm)

4. Map Filters
http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/Interactive/How to create a filter.htm (http://download.efilive.com/Tutorials/Interactive/How%20to%20create%20a%20filter.htm)

Note: when copying a map from the scantool, always use copy-with-labels, and then in the tunetool use paste-with-labels or paste-multiply-with labels (whichever is appropriate) to modify the target table.

III. CALC.VET Tuning Tips

1. B0701: Disable Catalytic Converter Protection
Insures accurate stoich and PE mode/WOT Fueling

2. B0120: Change RPM Threshold for Airflow Calculation from 4000 to 400
Eliminates any Airflow Correction/Contribution from the VE Table
(if your transient filter is sufficiently wide, it will filter out VE contribution)

3. B3308: Disable DFCO: Change B3308 (M6) to 140C Change B3313 to 140C
Accurate fueling computations

4. B4105: O2 Switch-points to 450 Millivolts
Smoother MAF & VE Table

5. B3618: PE Modifier Based on Rpm: EQR 1.16
Safe adequate Fueling regardless of Fuel Type

6. B3616: PE Enable: make sure PE enables as load becomes significant
(e.g. below 60% TP below 3200 rpm, 35% TP above 3200 rpm).

7. B3608 and B3609: PE Delay: set these to zeros.

IV. Logging Techniques:

45-60 minute log is best. Allow Engine to warm to normal operating temperatures before logging. Include Idle, cruise, acceleration, deceleration, and WOT. Apply as much steady throttle as possible. Avoid 'jackrabbit' starts and rapid braking. Use lower gears to hit higher Rpms and lower Maps if desired.

PE Mode/WOT:

PE Mode is best performed utilizing 100% TPS (WOT). This is because a number of Fuel Dynamic Parameters are kept steady and constant (evaporation, cylinder wall-wetting, etc). Also, a steady 100% TPS insures accurate computation of the MAF Airflow. Avoid part-throttle PE Mode Tuning.

V. Blend MAF and VE Tables

The first time you are Tuning via CALC.VET you will be pasting your new Values into B0101. You must 'blend' those values into your existing VE Table. Manual smoothing is superior to 'computer' smoothing. However, the first few logs it may be appropriate to utilize the EFILive 'Smoothing' Tool. You may also smooth using the 'Smooth cells without decreasing the min/max range' Smoothing Tool alone or in combination with the above Smoothing Tool.

Tips for VE Table Smoothing:

1. Adequate Cell Count (45-60 minute log).
2. Proper Data Filters
3. Steady State Throttle
4. Driving techniques.
5. VE Table Values generally rise as Rpms, MAPS increase. The peak VE Values will mimic your Torque curve. For a LS1 highest VE Values are generally found at 4800-5200 Rpms.
6. Eliminate Spikes.
7. Manually interpolate for areas you can not hit. This is essentially important for RPMs' below Idle (400) and above 6400 Rpms..

Blended VE Table B0101:
Normalized to 100%.
Note: General VE Table Smoothing Rule: VE Values almost always increase with RPM/MAP

MAF Table Smoothing:

Normally the MAF Curve will slope exponentially from 1500-12,000 Hz in a smooth fashion. You can view this on the Two-Dimensional chart found on Table B5001. Occasionally when logging SELBENS the MAF Curve can become a little jagged. You might want to manually 'smooth' those cells using the two-dimensional graph. You want to eliminate spikes and keep the curved function relatively smooth.

The second technique is average your existing SELBENS over the entire curve. This insures a natural slope and will produce better results.

Blended MAF Table B5001


Note: Keep this MAF Curve as smooth as possible. No jagged points or spikes.
You must extend the MAF Curve to 12,000 Hz for accuracy.

Closed-Loop MAF Tuning/Blending (No Wideband):

When performing a Closed-Loop MAF Calibration, normally only those MAF frequencies below 7000-8000 Hertz are adjusted. This leaves the MAF Frequencies above 7000-8000 Hertz totally 'uncalibrated'. A technique to estimate the upper portion of the MAF Curve is to add the Average of the LTFT1 and LTFT2 Banks (LTFTAVR), and apply that percentage to the upper portion of the MAF Curve. If done correctly the entire MAF Curve will have the same slope from 1500-12,000 Hz.

Table B5001 Example


Note: Keep this MAF Curve as smooth as possible. No jagged points or spikes.
You must extend the MAF Curve to 12,000 Hz for accuracy.

VI. Refining your CALC.VET Tune

1. Reset LTFT Trims:Connect Scan Tool to Vehicle >>Ignition Key On>>Calibration>>Long Term Fuel Trim Cells>>Reset

2. Eliminate Positive Trims:
The PCM will add Fuel to PE Mode/WOT if LTFT's are positive. You can eliminate them by adding +1 to +2.5% to All Values in the MAF Curve. Then Tune PE Mode/WOT using SELBENS.

3. Eliminate Knock Retard:
Best to use Dyno to find optimum spark and eliminate KR. For street, eliminate KR by reducing Spark to a value -2 below KR threshold.
Example LS1 Spark Table: Idle-Tips-amp-Tricks (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14439-Idle-Tips-amp-Tricks)

4. Idle:
See LS1 Idle Tips & Tricks: Idle-Tips-amp-Tricks (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14439-Idle-Tips-amp-Tricks)

VII. Additional Notes

Calc.VET vs Calc.MAFT (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14188-Summary-Notes&p=148674&viewfull=1#post148674)
Mode Relationships (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14188-Summary-Notes&p=127353&viewfull=1#post127353)
Semi-Open Loop Mode (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14188-Summary-Notes&p=195020&viewfull=1#post195020)
IFR Calculations (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14188-Summary-Notes&p=199734&viewfull=1#post199734)

( those are contained in this thread: Summary-Notes (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14188-Summary-Notes) )

May 17th, 2011, 12:47 AM
The following is from post #29 of Summary-Notes (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14188-Summary-Notes)

Serial wideband:
anywhere that a BEN is required, use this as the new BEN: WO2BEN = {GM.EQIVRATIO}*{EXT.WO2LAM1}
(i.e. change any BEN maps to use this and save with new filename).

Analog wideband:
you have to modify the WO2BEN pid to use the analog wideband lambda, e.g. WO2BEN = {GM.EQIVRATIO}*{CALC.AFR_LC11}/14.7
(i.e. change any BEN maps to use this and save with new filename).

Shawn's Calc.VET Tutorial and Calc.MAFT Tutorial contain calc_pids.txt files that define WO2BEN for serial wideband
(and they also show how to define WO2BEN if you're using analog wideband).

Explanation/comparison of various tuning procedures:

- disable CL/LTFT,
- disable MAF (make sure MAF DTC is present),
- set PE safely rich to protect motor,
- capture log,
- create a WO2BEN map that matches B0101 (hint: copy the VE table, then in the map row/col properties click Paste Label),
- apply transient filter to map,
- paste-multiply map to B0101.

- disable CL/LTFT,
- enable MAF (make sure DTC goes away),
- set B0120 to zero to disable VE,
- set PE safely rich to protect motor,
- capture log,
- create a WO2BEN map that matches B5001 (hint: copy the MAF table, then in the map row/col properties click Paste Label),
- apply transient filter to map,
- paste-multiply map to B5001.

- same as AutoVE (corrects VE) but also simultaneously calculates MAF (from corrected VE),
- can be done with or without CL/LTFT,
- create a map for CALC.MAFT and paste this into B5001.

- same as AutoMAF (corrects MAF) but also simultaneously calculates VE (from corrected MAF),
- can be done with or without CL/LTFT,
- create a map for CALC.VET and paste this into B0101.

when you do Calc.VET or Calc.MAFT be aware that positive trims are added during PE,
this has the effect of making the wideband correction ineffective,
so you may want to add the trims to the table that is being corrected (only for PE)
--> I'm going to make a calc pid which will add positive trims if I can figure out how to detect PE in the log.

Shortcut: while doing AutoVE, log GM.DYNAIR, and make a B5001-like map of GM.DYNAIR, multiply it by WO2BEN, apply the transient filter, paste into B5001 as an initial MAF estimate (but note that Calc.MAFT and Calc.VET will do a better job).

- AutoMAF is a special case of Calc.VET.
- AutoVE is a special case of Calc.MAFT.

Note: Calc.VET and Calc.MAFT can be done with CL/LTFT disabled (in which case you use strictly WO2BEN).

SELBEN is a combination of LTFT and WO2BEN, but you can restrict it to only WO2BEN as long as you disable CL/LTFT.

WO2BEN is the wideband BEN, you use this with disabled CL/LTFT.

Concept/Intent (what they do):
- Calc.VET corrects MAF and calculates VE from corrected MAF (with VE disabled).
- Calc.MAFT corrects VE and calculates MAF from corrected VE (with MAF disabled).

- the thing being calculated has to be disabled,
- the thing being corrected has to be enabled.

The word "corrects" indicates "corrected by multiplying by BEN factor".
The word "calculates" indicates "calculated using the physics equations".

Calc.MAFT is aka Reverse Calc.VET (you can see this when you compare the pids CALC.VEN and CALC.MAFN).

Pay careful attention to:
- is PE safely rich to protect motor,
- is PE enabled correctly to activate at significant load,
- is CL/LTFT enabled/disabled,
- is MAF enabled/disabled,
- is VE enabled/disabled,
- what pid is being used for BEN,
- do units match between scantool and tunetool,
- was the transient filter applied,
- avoid using GM.AFR for anything other than display,
- keep pid channel count at 24 or less (to maintain fastest frame sampling rate).

Check that post for any updates.

May 17th, 2011, 02:02 AM
Everyone/Anyone: please take the time to read the Summary Notes... they will save you from getting into a hole.

May 17th, 2011, 02:07 AM
Just copied post #1 in it's entirety into a Word document ... into the tuning binder it goes ...

Thanks to WeathermanShawn and Joecar for conceptualizing / developing / implementing this tuning method.


May 17th, 2011, 02:51 AM
Thanks to Weatherman for thinking it up, putting it down in writing, and refining the written materials :cheers:

June 23rd, 2011, 12:06 PM
The relationship between Calc.VET, Calc.MAFT, AutoVE, AutoMAF is in this thread: AutoVE-questions (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?16474-AutoVE-questions)

June 24th, 2011, 02:53 AM
Joecar, I liked your Summary so much, I put it post 2 of the CALC.VET Summary Notes: http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?16280-CALC-VET-Summary-Notes&p=145259&viewfull=1#post145259

Perhaps the next project would be a Thread/Summary: Which Tuning Method do I use..AUTOVE, AUTOMAF or CALC.VET..it could have a description of each Tuning method..advantages, disadvantages, etc..Then an user could have more information to help decide.

June 24th, 2011, 03:44 AM
Shawn, thanks :) I knew you would like it :cheers:

I saw people asking what is the difference between all the tutorials so I needed a summary to explain everything
[ notice I applied what we learnt about PE :) ]

I edited post #2 to correct some typos :doh2:

August 11th, 2011, 01:20 AM
I. Validate Pids:

1. Connect Scan Tool to your Vehicle (Select Controller)
2. Turn Ignition Key to 'On'
3. Scan Tool>>Info>>Validate Pids[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=black]

Help please for a newbie from the UK... I get as far as 3. but my flashscan V2 has no >> info

my options are

F1 Select Pids
F2 Data Logging
F3 Scan Options

May 1st, 2012, 09:29 PM
Could any body tell me why to
avoid using GM.AFR for anything other than display ?

May 1st, 2012, 10:52 PM
Could any body tell me why to ?

AFR is fuel type dependent (can vary) - while EQ and Lambda are not (consistent regardless of of fuel type used).


May 2nd, 2012, 07:43 AM
+1 what Taz said.

Also, I've seen GM.AFR stay constant while GM.EQIVRATIO tracked small changes in B3605/B3618.

July 20th, 2012, 01:46 PM
Help please for a newbie from the UK... I get as far as 3. but my flashscan V2 has no >> info

my options are

F1 Select Pids
F2 Data Logging
F3 Scan OptionsThat is from the V7 scantool software.

[ sorry, I didn't see your post for 1 year, I don't know what happened ]

July 28th, 2012, 08:35 AM

I have a question about the CALC.VET tuning tips. Do I change this values before logging and tuning and when I'm done change the values back?
Some of these values where already chenged in my tune but for example number 2:

2. B0120: Change RPM Threshold for Airflow Calculation from 4000 to 400
Eliminates any Airflow Correction from the VE Table

I have changed this to 400 now but should I change it back to 4000 when I'm done with the tune?


III. CALC.VET Tuning Tips

1. B0701: Disable Catalytic Converter Protection
Insures accurate stoich and PE mode/WOT Fueling

2. B0120: Change RPM Threshold for Airflow Calculation from 4000 to 400
Eliminates any Airflow Correction from the VE Table

3. B3308: Disable DFCO: Change B3308 (M6) to 140C Change B3313 to 140C
Accurate fueling computations

4. B4105: O2 Switch-points to 450 Millivolts
Smoother MAF & VE Table

5. B3618: PE Modifier Based on Rpm (EQ): 1.16
Safe adequate Fueling regardless of Fuel Type

6. B3616: PE Enable: make sure PE enables as load becomes significant
(e.g. below 60% TP below 3200 rpm, 35% TP above 3200 rpm).

7. B3608 and B3609: PE Delay: set these to zeros.

July 29th, 2012, 03:15 PM

I have a question about the CALC.VET tuning tips. Do I change this values before logging and tuning and when I'm done change the values back?
Some of these values where already chenged in my tune but for example number 2:

2. B0120: Change RPM Threshold for Airflow Calculation from 4000 to 400
Eliminates any Airflow Correction from the VE Table

I have changed this to 400 now but should I change it back to 4000 when I'm done with the tune?

Yes, correct, when you're done tuning you change it back to 4000 to re-enable the VE table.

III. CALC.VET Tuning Tips

1. B0701: Disable Catalytic Converter Protection
Insures accurate stoich and PE mode/WOT Fueling
During tuning only

2. B0120: Change RPM Threshold for Airflow Calculation from 4000 to 400
Eliminates any Airflow Correction from the VE Table
During tuning only

3. B3308: Disable DFCO: Change B3308 (M6) to 140C Change B3313 to 140C
Accurate fueling computations
During tuning only

4. B4105: O2 Switch-points to 450 Millivolts
Smoother MAF & VE Table

5. B3618: PE Modifier Based on Rpm (EQ): 1.16
Safe adequate Fueling regardless of Fuel Type

6. B3616: PE Enable: make sure PE enables as load becomes significant
(e.g. below 60% TP below 3200 rpm, 35% TP above 3200 rpm).

7. B3608 and B3609: PE Delay: set these to zeros.

July 30th, 2012, 10:02 AM
Thanks for this great answer, I'll save this for the future.

I didnt pass inspection this year(car is going rich),

1. B0701: Disable Catalytic Converter Protection
Insures accurate stoich and PE mode/WOT Fueling

This B0701 was disabled from my mailorder tune when I was at the inspection, but i guess this has nothing to do with it. I will enable it when I'm done with the tune.
I have started a new thread about my problems and trying to learn Calc Vet and hope that it can solve this.
Thanks again for a great answer!

July 30th, 2012, 11:46 AM
To pass the emissions tailpipe sniffer, it helps to run in closed loop.

July 31st, 2012, 12:16 AM

Ok, I see. So even with a standard(Orginal) tune and B0701 disabled as only modification to the tune, the car runs in open loop?

That was good info and hopefully it helps me pass the sniffer running in closed loop next time =)
I will try to tune the car with CALC.VET anyway as soon as I have time and get the wideband working.
Thanks for your help!

July 31st, 2012, 04:56 AM
You would have to look at a log to see if it is entering Closed Loop.

July 31st, 2012, 04:57 AM
Where are you located...?

July 31st, 2012, 08:17 AM
You would have to look at a log to see if it is entering Closed Loop.

Yes, Ok I will keep an eye on it when the tune is done. I probably cant start work on the car until next week, I will post a new log then that I want you to look at. I'm from Sweden =)

August 20th, 2014, 12:15 PM
I'm trying to do the
Calc.VET: correcting MAF and calculating VE (in single log)
but am having problems understanding a few things. I've done the AutoVe several times in the past and been running Speed Density for the last 7 years but I swapped the cam again and thought about trying the maf again.

5. B3618: PE Modifier Based on Rpm (EQ): 1.16
Safe adequate Fueling regardless of Fuel Type

This is confusing me and I'm sure i'm over thinking it. Lamba 1.16? Isn't that 17 AFR? If correct why set that lean? when I changed

6. B3616: PE Enable: make sure PE enables as load becomes significant
(e.g. below 60% TP below 3200 rpm, 35% TP above 3200 rpm).

Also setting up the MAP's . I've found a few other post asking how they should be set up but the answer usually refers to this thread but to me it's not clear or I'm again over thinking
For example is the Data Tab: Calculated VE, BEN corrected (g*K/kPa)
or External Wideband Lamba?

Are we still using hide cells of 50 or less?

I'm sure I will have more questions
Car runs pretty good now except for some idle & start up hiccups I have never been able to fix since the last cam, but still better then I have scene come out of the surrounding dyno shops.

By the way it's a 98 C5 Auto, 3600stall, heads, 231/239 617/623 114 cam


August 20th, 2014, 04:03 PM
EQ 1.16 not Lambda.

August 21st, 2014, 07:59 AM
I just think it would help if just a few things of verbiage were added to help people that are learning and new to tuning.
But then again maybe I'm the only one that had difficulty


5. B3618: PE Modifier Based on Rpm set to (EQ: 1.16), (Lambda .86), (AFR 12.61)
Safe adequate Fueling regardless of Fuel Type

I'm still lost on the maps

August 21st, 2014, 12:15 PM
EQR = 1/Lambda

I can add "(EQR 1.16)(Lambda 0.86)"... (altho you should be becoming very aware of EQR vs Lambda and how they relate to each other)

but I want to avoid AFR completely (what fuel are you running...?)

August 21st, 2014, 12:50 PM
EQR = 1/Lambda

I can add "(EQR 1.16)(Lambda 0.86)"... (altho you should be becoming very aware of EQR vs Lambda and how they relate to each other)

but I want to avoid AFR completely (what fuel are you running...?)

I am not aware, looks like I will have to do some research on the subject now. Until now I haven't ran across the term that I've noticed. I don't remember it in the AutoVe tutorial originally used.
Which brings me to another set of questions,
If were working off EQ now should I not be setting my maps up using Lambda anymore?

by the way
Just plain oh low octane 91 gasoline here in Kansas

maybe it's time to just give up and trailer it to Texas,

August 22nd, 2014, 07:05 AM
Set the tunetool fueling units to EQR (this makes sure your fueling tables are correct regardless of fuel used).

For tuning, the correction factor is: commanded EQR * wideband lambda.

August 22nd, 2014, 11:58 AM
Many professional tuners (across all vehicle brands) use lambda (see books/videos by Greg Banish).

August 22nd, 2014, 11:58 AM
Use the calc_pids.txt file from the Calc.VET thread, you can use this to set up your maps for AutoVE, AutoMAF, Calc.MAFT, Calc.VET (or any other tuning).

August 28th, 2014, 08:36 AM
Hello all,

I'm having my first crack at tuning using CALC_VET. I've got everything set up per the tutorial and have logged a test run, but I'm confused about this statement from Joecar's summary notes: Calc.VET corrects MAF and calculates VE from corrected MAF (with VE disabled).
Nowhere in the tutorial can I find any mention of disabling (or how to) VE. I understand for CALC_MAFT that the MAF must be disabled, various sources
show how to do that no problem.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?


August 28th, 2014, 08:51 AM
B0120. See post 1 of this thread.

August 28th, 2014, 08:56 AM
Thanks Darcy. I did change B0120 from 4000 to 400 per the tutorial, I just wasn't sure what it did. So as far as that part, I'm OK.

Thanks again!

August 28th, 2014, 06:49 PM
Also keep in mind during Calc.VET that the transient filter, if setup wide enough, will filter out VE contribution (which comes in during throttle transients)...

but it is safer to willfully disable the VE via B0120.