View Full Version : Howto Roadrunner connection with Blue Tooth under Windows 7 ???

May 11th, 2011, 07:11 PM

does anybody got it work and how it was done?
I personally can establish a virtual com port connection to roadrunner (Blueradios adaptor) under Win7 (default as pw for linking the BT adaptor) but EFIlive Roadrunner panel wont connect.

Under my XP laptop it works as follows:
I have to establish a BT Com connection (with Blueradios) first
then open the RR panel and connect
then timeout window from RR (RR disconnects the com port for unknown reason)
without closeing that window reconnect the com port in background manually
then coseing the timeout window
and voila RR works...

I´m not able to repeat these XP steps under Win7.

Any ideas?

Kind regards


May 11th, 2011, 10:10 PM
The BT stack you use will determine how reliable the connection is.
Not all are equal.

I have 2 laptops with BT both are xp, one has HP & the other has Toshiba.
The Toshiba BT stack never drops and never fails to connect.
The HP has a difficult time connecting at first but after a few tries will hold.

BlueTooth on Moates.Net products (http://www.moates.net/roadrunner/bluetooth.htm)

May 18th, 2011, 10:09 PM

that was the right recommendation,
first i used the old winxp toshiba stack with some issues but then
I tried the updated Toshiba stack for win7, 32bit - and it works perfect!
Filename: v80002T_20101213_x32.exe date:17.12.2010
Thanks again


May 19th, 2011, 02:00 AM
I used to use BT with my RR but finally gave up and just use the usb cable. It works every time and always connects where I would have problems sometimes with BT.