View Full Version : scarry pop up message, what gives

June 4th, 2011, 09:20 AM
Hi , i have a quick question here before i use up my new licence , working on my friends 98 ta and when i load his original tune that was in the car or the modified one i worked on i get this scarry pop up message saying warning the curently loaded calibaration contains one or more incorect ETC tables , do not flash this calibration into a pcm that is to be used for ETC or your pcm may be rendered permenently inoporable , i did not fiddle with the ETC table at all and what i really dont understand is it is warning me about a calibration that was already working fine in the car anyways , the calibration may not have been completly stock when my friend bought the ta but he has been driving it for 4 months and it is fine , so what gives thank you Eric

June 4th, 2011, 09:33 AM
Oh this may be useful , here is the file i read from his car 1104211041when he bought it 4 months ago and the one i worked on , if i load any one i get the same message, thank you , Eric

June 4th, 2011, 09:36 AM
Sorry the first one at 470.7kb is the one i worked on and the other at 469.8kb is the one i read from his car, thank you Eric

June 4th, 2011, 09:55 AM
here is his tune that i read originally, thanks , sorry about all the mixup , learning as i go11045

June 4th, 2011, 10:39 AM
It's nothing to worry about if you are using a cable throttle. Essentially what happened was GM never bothered configuring the electronic throttle tables in the F-body cals, EFILive detects there is a problem with those tables and throws up the warning. If you got that on a Corvette you would be in trouble, but for a TransAm, no problem.

June 4th, 2011, 09:40 PM
Thank you GMPX, glad to here that because i was not sure how to handle that and really didnt want his car stuck in my driveway , being cable throttle i did not understand but now i do , phisically the other day when i read the tune i saw that the trottle cable actually wraps around an electric motor under the hood and then the cable goes to the TB, i guess this motor is used for traction controle but didnt notice if it also controled cruise controle , so really this warning pop up would only be specific to a drive by wire TB , truely apreciated , Eric