View Full Version : Too Obvious to be Right

June 17th, 2011, 09:38 AM
Couldn't I put .97 to .93 in table B3647 in the 1600 2000 rpm range for ,30 through .35.
Wouldn't this be LeanCruise????

June 17th, 2011, 04:57 PM

Mr. P.
June 18th, 2011, 02:15 AM
Your assumption is correct; and when you put 1.00 in those cells, the custom OS will go into closed-loop.

Mr. P.

June 18th, 2011, 09:54 AM
Yes you can, if you're running in OL mode.

June 18th, 2011, 09:55 AM
In OL mode, a 1.00 in those cells will use STFT's to trim in in semi open/closed loop (SOL) mode.

June 18th, 2011, 09:56 AM
Joecar?I was out last night, my Mrs took me to the U2 concert at Angel Stadium. :)

June 19th, 2011, 12:26 AM
Congrats was it good?

June 19th, 2011, 12:33 AM
Your assumption is correct; and when you put 1.00 in those cells, the custom OS will go into closed-loop.

Mr. P.

So if I make say Stioch 15.7 then I put 1.0 in 1600-2000 .30-.35, Then I put 1.07 in all the cells that use to have a 1.0 then 1.21 in the power cells (12.91) etc etc. Then in open loop would make the short term fuel trims help keep the AFR at 15.7 when it need most needed at the lean cruise point where its most critical. Then it would use table data in traditional open loop speed density.

this is really a mental exercise to see if my grasp of the material is correct.

June 19th, 2011, 01:08 AM
So if I make say Stioch 15.7 then I put 1.0 in 1600-2000 .30-.35,
this is really a mental exercise to see if my grasp of the material is correct.

I am just curious how you would make stoich 15.7:confused:..

I see some issues with doing 'Lean Cruise' in the manner you're describing. You may hit some of those Rpms/MAPS in deceleration which you can manage a lot better with DFCO. That might really give you some erratic fueling.

Ed, good questions..but if you are doing it just for the mental exercise, why not just try a few logs like that and see for yourself?..:).

June 19th, 2011, 03:17 AM
Yeah your on the right track .
If you log you will see that at cruise there is fewer cells than you think utilized .
B3467 is a great addition and I used it for just the same purpose as you are (lean cruise) , before the .cax files were released .
I use 1.04 in the regular cells , it is 14.12 or .13 and is a good happy medium for the E-fuels (E10) , because we know that not all E-fuels are what they say they are .
Never had any problems on decel with the tables , FYI .
Ran for over 3 years , no problems , loved the way it ran , COS3 is a awesome OS .

June 19th, 2011, 09:07 AM
I am just curious how you would make stoich 15.7..
I was thinking B3601.

I've just disassembled my T-56. Wow, for a transmission that had no noticable problems but had 146,000 miles and was a little notchy, It sure had a lot of parts that need replacing. Mainshaft, 5-6 cluster, 2nd gear, 5th gear never mind I already bought $900.00 worth of bearings, synchros, sliders, hubs, steel 3-4 shifter fork, billet keys etc etc.
So why mention it here? It will be a little while before tuning is anything but a mental exercise.

June 19th, 2011, 09:12 AM
No, I understand Ed.

COS have always been a challenge to those of us running 'Regular OS's'. I suppose if that portion is Open-Loop, running leaner is an option.

Its always intriguing how you can optimize Closed-Loop and Open-Loop easily in a COS.

I would likewise be curious to see actual Logs accomplishing exactly what you are describing..not just hearsay..:grin:.

June 19th, 2011, 04:58 PM

I've just disassembled my T-56. Wow, for a transmission that had no noticable problems but had 146,000 miles and was a little notchy, It sure had a lot of parts that need replacing. Mainshaft, 5-6 cluster, 2nd gear, 5th gear never mind I already bought $900.00 worth of bearings, synchros, sliders, hubs, steel 3-4 shifter fork, billet keys etc etc.
So why mention it here? It will be a little while before tuning is anything but a mental exercise.
EdThat's ok, mention it here, I like it... post pics if you took any. :cheers:

June 19th, 2011, 05:01 PM
Ed, if you're running COS3 (which is based on 12212156), then you might give the lean cruise cax file a try (rename 12212156.cax to 02020003.cax)...

this will be mentally easier than faking up the stoich AFR and the NBO2 switchpoints.

June 20th, 2011, 01:00 AM
I have COS5 OS 02020005

June 20th, 2011, 02:06 AM
COS5 is also based on 12212156. Rename 12212156.cax to 02020005.cax.